Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It will get better or worse depending on your view, the closer to 2012 we get.

 There was another fine piece of so-called journalism in today’s (9/5/2011) Macon Telegraph.  The Title is “Tea party bulling its way into 2012 GOP race”

This jewel is by Steve Peoples and Michael R. Blood of Associated Press fame. As usual the title of the story is misleading, or dishonest. Your pick. The first and second paragraph is nothing more than their opinion. They are telling you what they want you to believe!

The third paragraph is used to divulge the fact that recently Mitt Romney shared a few of his thoughts on the Tea Party with a New Hampshire newspaper. We are told Romney defended “…the activists he’s done little to woo, until now.”

The next paragraph is used to explain that Romney “…is starting to court them more aggressively…” We are then told that the “…members general favor rivals…” That smacks of the writers opinion, period.

The fifth paragraph is used to tell us that “Romney’s shift” is “…evidence of the big imprint the tea party is leaving on the race.” This sounds like opinion they are not sure of, “…leaving on the race.” What is that supposed to mean? Were they trying to say, having on the race, maybe effecting the race, etc., etc.?

They then use the sixth paragraph to tells us that adults “surveyed” indicate a declining favorability for the Tea Party. As for the Congress and Obama they get a pass.

According to the “dailykos web site” (Mon Aug 29, 2011) we find information from AP that tell us “President Obama's approval rating had hit a new low, clocking in at 38%-55%.” As for Congress “…which according to AP's poll now stands at 12% approving and 87% disapproving.” You can see that here. 

In the seventh paragraph, Peoples and Blood, with unbridled confidence, again inject their opinion.

They tell us that “It should give president Barack Obama and his
Democrats an opening should the Republican nominee be closely aligned with the tea party.”

In the eighth paragraph we are assured by Peoples and Blood that the public is going “…sour on the movement…”. They point out that “…Romney and other GOP candidates…” do not want to upset activists.

No quotes, no evidence, no nothing but their opinion that this is true.

In the ninth paragraph, they reach out with lust, they have to include Perry “…who faced a tea party challenger in his most recent election for governor…” They then assure us that Perry has “…irked some tea partyers…” and this has caused them to “openly” – “…undercut his candidacy.”  But then Perry “…only praises the tea party.”

In the tenth paragraph these two intellectual geniuses launches into supposedly quotes from Perry’s book “Fed up!”

In the eleventh paragraph they again launch into opinion about a “reason for the coziness.” According to them it is because “Voters who will choose the GOP nominee identify closely with the movement.”

In the twelfth paragraph and this is comical. They launch in to a diatribe about some “AP-GfK poll”: “…people who identify…”“…themselves as tea party supporters.”, etc.  They continue this rant about “…Republicans who back the tea party…” etc. They then continue about “…budget deficit and taxes…” and “…issues at the center of the nomination contest.”

In the thirteenth paragraph they ramble on about how “…the tea party injected the GOP with a huge dose of enthusiasm…” and how they helped “…it reclaim the house." – how they helped “…end one-party rule in Washington.” Now they “…are firing up the campaign trail in early-voting (sic) Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina."  All of this appears to be strictly opinion, as they offer nothing to support it.

They use the fourteenth paragraph to ramble on about some “White House Aspirants”“Tea Party Express” and  “GOP debate”.

With the fifteenth paragraph they quote a Bruce Cain as saying “‘…it’s a moment of political arrival’ for the tea party…”

We do not think we missed anything, but we are going to link to the entire thing where you can check if you so desire.

We can not for the whole world find in all this one thing, not the first thing, which indicates “bulling”, much less the “Tea party bulling its way into 2010 GOP race”.

From what they have written, reasonable people may conclude, the candidates for the 2012 race are “sucking up” to the Tea Party.

It looks like the entire article is just another Low-Grade scam for so-called newspapers like The [Macon] Telegraph. They have to have something to feed their kool-aid-drinkers.

From experience we can say this is the type of Low-Grade scam President and Publisher George McCanless and his staff lust for.

Let us know what you think, you can e-mail us at wetrack@windstream.net

Have a nice day.

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