Sunday, October 9, 2011

Is this a scam? You read, you decide.

Back on Friday, July 23, 2010 2:21 PM, President and Publisher, George McCanless of The Telegraph which is owned by McClatchy Newspapers responded to an inquiry we made about the lack of coverage of Representatives Charlie Rangel (D-NY). At that time Rangel was having problems with the house ethics committee. 

In his reply, which was very condescending, he informs us that “He [Rangel] hasn't been convicted of anything---yet.  When that happens I feel sure we will provide adequate coverage of that national event. But for now, yes, I am comfortable we gave that story all the space we needed to.”

The coverage in question was 34 words including the heading devoted to the past crimes and upcoming hearing of Charlie Rangel in “The briefs” section of the paper. That can be found here.

In being fair to The Telegraph, which is more than they do with the people of middle Georgia, after other complaints about Rangel and Democratic Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) they did provide limited coverage. 

Now we find they are treating the scandals coming out of the Obama administration the same way. Anyone listening to the Executive Page Editor Charles E. Richardson may come to the conclusion that they rely on what he describes as the people’s “short memory” to slip this through. It is evident that community service is the last thing on their mind. 

It could be that they are beginning to realize they are not going to be able to get away with this and are now trying to figure out a way to minimize the damage to their Man Obama. They do not have a reputation to worry about anymore. There was an indication of this when their man Kenny Burgamy, ex-banker and someone who we sometimes refer to as their enabler, referred to the Solyndra scam as the 1st scandal of the Obama administration. 

Or it could be that they do not want to create difficulties for “historians”. Since “historians” was the first reason given for endorsing Obama. You can see their endorsement here.

There are other indications such as the Tribune Washington Bureau article by Kathleen Hennessey.  It is meant to be an aspersion on the tea partiers.  The article titled “GOP leaders trying to appease tea partiers, but it may not be working”. The article is classic opinion disguised as news. In other words a low-grade scam!

The article starts with a one-sentence paragraph, which sets forth what Hennessey wants the reader to believe. She uses things like “GOP leaders”, which indicates she may not even know who the leaders are, she didn’t name them. She then fails to provide any evidence that they are “bending over backwards”. 

In the second paragraph she alludes to “the vast majority of Americans” and “tea party activists” and tells us that “they disapprove of the way congress is doing its job” again she offers nothing to back up her contention. Therefore by definition it is opinion or scam. Your choice. 

In the third paragraph we are told “In interviews, leading activist in several states complained that Republicans were too quick to compromise….” We really do not know how to take this, can we assume she forgot to ask the leading activist for their names.  As for the states maybe she did not know which states she was in. This is a reasonable explanation for the lack of this information. 

Too confuse things further she told us in the 1st paragraph about the “bending over backwards” and now somebody, we do not know who is complaining about it. Maybe these people with no names, which are located in unknown states, are to stupid to know the GOPers are “bending over backwards to appease them. 

After quoting a so-called tea party organizer in San Diego, she did remember the name it was Dawn Wildman.

Then there is another memory failure and a lapse back in to the use of  “GOP lawmakers” and “activist”. 

But miracles never cease, Hennessey has a miraculous recovery and when she talks to another “tea party leader” she remembers both name and state. This individual was named Michael Hintze and was from Wisconsin.  But then it is possible we are wrong, perhaps this was meant to be a low-grade scam. One President and Publisher, George McCanless and his Executive Editor would print. 

You can see this handy work with the “Tea Party” and the GOP here. Then you can make up your own mind. 

Now we have to look at why we think The Telegraph is in the low-grade scam artist business.  We make this judgement based on their history. But today October 9, 2011 we have some perfect examples in print.

Not in print today but a matter of documented history is the following. Their cover up of:

  •  The lies Obama habitually tells.
  •  The scams he pulls such as: “Solyndra”, “Lightsquare” and “Fast and Furious.” 
  •  Their attempt to coverup the most serious scam, “Fast and Furious” which involved the death of two federal agents and an untold number of civilians. This occurred when Kenny Burgamy made an attempt to pass of “Fast and Furious” as something nobody was covering.
  •  He then labels “Solyndra” as the first scandal of the Obama administration.

Now we have the “Tea Party” and the “Occupy Wall Street” crowds. The Telegraph is desperately trying to link the Tea Party to the GOP. They are ignoring the “Occupy Wall Street” crowd and their connections to the Democrats and Obama.

Let’s look at the coverage provided by The Telegraph for the “Occupy Wall Street” crowd. You can see that here. You have to page down to see the heading.  Do not miss it the heading is “Wall Street protesters becoming a diverse group” 

The Telegraph has been doing this for years and years while passing it off as community service. They have now taken on new help, Visiting Member, Kenny Burgamy, ex-banker and whom we refer to as their enabler.

You can contact us in the comment section or e-mail us at 

Your contacts at The [Macon] Telegraph.

President and Publisher - George McCanless
Phone744-4290 - e-mail -
Executive Editor - Sherrie Marshall
Phone - 744-4340 - e-mail -
Editorial Page Editor - Charles E. Richardson
Phone - 744-4342 - e-mail -
Visiting Member - Kenny Burgamy (ex-banker)
e-mail -

Have a nice day.

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