Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Is this a “hi-tech lynching” by the media with local help?

This is excerpts and quotes from three difference sources on the latest Herman Cain accuser. The point is to demonstrate what we think is a scam by some in the press. In deed this points to another “hi-tech lynching” this time by the press instead of a congressional hearing, e.g. the Clarence Thomas hearings for appointment to the Supreme Court. Reasonable people may come to the conclusion that some members of our local media are gleeful participates. That is your decision to make, we have already formed an opinion.

We do not see how anyone can doubt that The Telegraph has an agenda. Reasonable people can draw the conclusion that their agenda comes before what they use to call “community service”. Any community service they think they provide for the people of middle Georgia is “in their mind”.

Any information you read here was available to The Telegraph. Apparently they decided the people of middle Georgia did not need it or maybe it because they think they are protecting someone? Your call!

How long has it been since they have provided any information on the following?

Attorney General Eric Holder’s lies to congressional hearings about Fast and Furious. What about the fact he is to appear again under threat of subpoena. In fact Holder is testifying to day and has refused to apologize to the family of a Federal Agent that was killed with a gun from the Federal government’s “gun walking program”. See if you see this in tomorrows Telegraph.

See “Attorney general subpoenaed in probe of botched gun operation” Available here. 

How about Solyndra, the solar power corporation that the Obama administration used to arrange the recycling of about over one half billion dollars with billions going to a Kaiser who bundled money for the Obama campaign. We find again the bankruptcy laws were ignored and the people close to Obama was placed before the taxpayer to insure they do not lose their money. See the Human Events story here. 

Did you ever see an article about how Obama care is driving up the price of health care or the health care waivers awarded by the Obama administration.

We find that the “…Government Accountability Office found that HHS (Health and Human Services) had approved over 95 percent of the 1,400 waiver applications it received…” and you can see that here.

The list is endless and this is what leaves us to believe the people of middle Georgia are not going to get the information from The Telegraph they need going into the 2012 election. In our opinion they simply can not be trusted!

Back to the “hi-tech lynching”. The Telegraph on November 8, 2011 ran an article from AP (Associated Press) titled “Fourth woman accuses Cain”. The story was 288 words long. This is a favorite tacit of The Telegraph, they take an article and mold it to fit their agenda.

Of course as we know the AP writes something for everyone. What we have found here is material that was apparently selected by The Telegraph from the AP material to give the impression they wanted the reader to have.

The closest thing we could find was an AP article in the Daily Chronicle of DeKalb, Illinois. The material was by the same writers, Beth Fouhy and Jack Gillum. The Chronicle article was titled “Accuser Implores Cain to admit to sexual misdeeds”. It consisted of 872 words! The Telegraph cut it to 288 words.

The first and second paragraphs were the same. There was a difference in the material about Cain’s statement and denial, nothing significant. It was broken into two paragraphs in the Chronicle.

The next six paragraphs were the same. The rest of the article was omitted in The Telegraph version.

It was about the “other accusers” which had not been as “graphic” but her attorney Joel Bennett informing us that the “…details were ‘similar in nature’”.

The Telegraph took the first sentence of the next paragraph and then closed out the article.

The rest of the article in the Chronicle goes on to brush over Bialek’s “financial difficulties”: points out she is a property owner: elaborates on comments by other politicians: notes that “…she met Cain at a convention, Interacting with him several times over the course of a few days.”

The article then tells us that it was her boyfriend who suggested that “Herman seems to think highly of you.” And asked, “Why don’t you contact him?”

The entire article is available at this location.

There is a lot of rhetoric in the Chronicle article, which The Telegraph chose to omitted along with the brief paragraph on Bialek’s financial problems.

You can see The Telegraphs article right here.

ABC news of WSL-TV Chicago, Ill. has a take on Bialek also. They ask: “Who is Cain accuser Sharon Bialek?”

They tell us her “…a trial of public records indicates that changing jobs has been a regular occurrence for the Chicagoan. She has worked for at least nine different employers over the past 17 years and appears to have struggled financially.”

We again hear “…she went to Washington, D.C., to meet with Cain…” she was out of work again and “…she needed a job.” No word on the trip, from where, method of travel and who laid out the expense money, etc.

We find that “In 1999, Bialek’s son Nicholas was born and a paternity lawsuit was filed by the father, a media executive.” No more details.

We are assured that “‘She’s of the same political persuasion as Herman Cain,’ Harwood said. ‘There was no money on the table to go and have an interview. This is truly about an American girl who’s got a big heart and wants to do the right thing.’”

That story is available here. 

“Mixed portrait emerges of Herman Cain accuser”
Boston Herald – Chicago Tribune article by Lisa Black, John Chase and Lolly Bowean – Tuesday November 8, 2011

Bialek “…has a history of financial and legal troubles…”

But she “…has the guts to do the right thing.”

She is a “…former employee of the National Restaurant Association Educational foundation…”

They “…fired her in July 1997…”

The article goes on to tell us that:
“Instead, Bialek said, Cain, was then head of the restaurant association, reached under her skirt while the two sere seated in a parked car and attempted to move her head to ward his crotch.”
The question is “instead” of what and how do we know Cain was not pushing her head away from his crotch?

The above is not in the article it is a question which occurred to us.
“Bialek said she shared her allegations with her then-boyfriend and another male friend shortly after her meeting with Cain.”

She told no female friends – this seems like something one female would share with another female. We do not know that is just our thought.

She did not tell “Her Fiance, Mark Harwood” until “…she was going to New York for the news conference.”

We are informed that “'It’s not an anti-political thing. It’s not a money thing,' said Harwood…”

There is no hint of who paid for the trip and expenses occurred during the trip from Mundelein, Ill. too New York. We have to assume that such things are immaterial to her motive.

The article goes on to tell us that:

“Records show she twice has filed for personal bankruptcy, first in 1991 and then again in 2001.”

In the 2001 bankruptcy – “…she claimed $5,700 in assets and more than $36.000 in liabilities."

Her dept to “…creditors seeking payment was a management firm demanding back rent of $4,500, four credit card companies and a lawyer asking for his legal fees.”

When the case was discharged in a court of law “…she accused a former boyfriend of harassing her for repayment of a loan…”

Records from the bankruptcy case tell us that – "Bialek borrowed $4,500 from William Concha…” who “…believes she had no intention of paying him back…”

We are informed that –  “…records from the Cook County recorder of deeds tells us"“The IRS filed a tax lien against Bialek in 2009 for nearly $5,200."

“In August the Illinois Department of Revenue claimed Bialek owed the State more than $4,300, including penalties and interest…”

The article also states that “Bialek’s fiance, however, denied she had any current money problems.”  He is “…a corporate executive in the medical equipment industry,,,” and is paying all the bills where “…she can stay at home with her 13-year-old son…” Nothing about whether he is footing the bill for the trip and expenses to New York.

Now we find that “After leaving the National Restaurant Foundation in 1997…” a list of other jobs she had. It might be noted that here she is “leaving” and in the second paragraph of the article she was “fired”. We find out after the National Restaurant Foundation she:

She was a “…worker for five years in WGN Radio’s marketing department…” We have to assume that the station was owned
by the “Tribune Co.” who declined comment.

Then there was “…2 ½ years at CBS as managing director for nontraditional revenue…”

She was a previous co-host for “…a cooking show on television…”

She “…worked for Revlon as an account manager…” and “…Easter Seals Society in corporate development…”

It is important to get her political affiliate on record. Gloria Allred her attorney informs us that Bialek is a “…registered Republican,” but “…she does not have an active voter card in Illinois…”

That first date with her now fiance was one for the records. We find that she communicated with him via email for “many months” and “…fell in love on their first date, which lasted 72 hours…” according to her fiance Harwood.

Apparently they have been shacking up for “four years” and "got engaged while vacationing in Venice, Italy…”

We urge you to read the entire article, which you can find here. It is an eye opener and information keeps coming out. Let’s see how much of it we see in The Macon Telegraph. If it were the last administration we would see every word of it over and over.

This is our opinion, what is yours we would like to hear 
from you. You can contact us by email at 

President and Publisher - George McCanless
Phone744-4290 - e-mail -
Executive Editor - Sherrie Marshall
Phone - 744-4340 - e-mail -
Editorial Page  Editor - Charles E. Richardson
Phone - 744-4342 - e-mail -
Visiting Member - Kenny Burgamy (ex-banker)
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Have nice day. 

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