Saturday, November 19, 2011

The [Macon] Telegraph, the AP and the power of the pen!

Surprise, surprise, surprise, The so-called Super Committee has a dead line and it is Nov. 23, 2011. This would seem to give creditability to presidential candidate Rick Perry’s plan to cut their pay, cut their hours and send then home. 

For certain it adds credence to Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich’s statement that  "This is the dumbest idea I've seen in a very long lifetime." 

It points to the fact that there are 535 very incompetent and incapable members of congress that were willing to shirk their duties. They do this by simply selecting 11 of their members plus the one member who is guilty of treason and passing off their Constitutional duties to them. 

This insures that the overwhelming majority of the country does not have any representation in this scam.

The community organizer which the media gave a pass is out of the country and ignoring the situation. He well knows the co-called mainstream media will cover for his inability to provide leadership.

The media’s expertise in this type of scam has improved considerably.   

They can always scam the Kool-Aid drinkers who are willing to purchase their product. They seem to think they are particular useful to Obama when they are assassinating the character of his opposition. At the moment they are working on Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich.

In Herman Cain’s case they have yet to provide any substantial proof of any sexual harassment. There is nothing but innuendoes, accusations and rumors where Cain is concerned. This is what the media is using to assassinate Cain’s character with.  As the questionable conduct and life style of the accusers come to light, The Telegraph and the AP simple ignore it.

As for the The Telegraph and the AP trying to denigrate Gingrich for “…two failed marriages, admissions of adultery…” etc., they are going to have to explain why it is wrong for him and right for Bill Clinton.

Just days after the Star broke the story of the “12-year affair” between Clinton and flowers. The Telegraph joined together with AP and commenced an organized attack on the messengers, both Flowers and the Star. 

If breaking the story of a 12-year affair with a presidential candidate makes the Star “…a sleazy supermarket tabloid that pays big money for its muck.” – we have to ask what does taking money from the public while they scam them, make The Telegraph and AP? 

There is no better example of this than the way they have handled the situation of the Clintons on sex and the story of Herman Cain on sexual harassment. 

Now we are witnesses as to how they intend to treat Newt Gingrich and how they gave the Clintons a pass. 

They bring up “Freddie Mac” Gingrich and “…at least $1.6 million over the past decade…” They are going to have to justify how they ignored Bill Clinton and the “Chinese money”. Then there was Barney Franks and his boy friend love affair with Fannie Mae. It seems as if The Telegraph and AP think it is O.K. if there is a (D) by the name. 

There is the evidence of how they covered the last administration and how they cover for this administration.

They have consistently covered for Obama’s lack of qualifications and his inability to provide any leadership. They have covered for the back door deals and the Health Care scam. They have covered his connections to communist and radicals.

From their actions one could assume that they could care less about the future of this Great Country. 

The power of the pen is amazing thing when it is not inhibited with honesty, integrity, morals and ethics! That makes it a formidable tool for the scam artist. 

That is our opinion. What is yours? We would like to hear from you. You can e-mail us at

Have a nice day. 

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