Thursday, November 17, 2011

Was this letter the groundwork by The Telegraph to lay preparations for something far more nefarious?

It looks as if a letter has penetrated the defenses of The Telegraph. The lady named Faye W. Tanner of Macon, Ga., who wrote the letter, is well known. Therefore it is the structure of the letter and the fact that Richardson is suppose to be out of town that makes us think this. It is quite possible, the Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson who is out of town could be manipulating things from afar and just over looked it. 

Tanner seems to be somewhat upset about Herman Cain judging from the closing sentence in the letter. She tells us: “I know Herman Cain has a very pleasant personality; however, so does Barack Hussein Obama and look where we are. Let us begin to learn from our errors and/or mistakes.” Tanner makes a benign comparison to Obama and Cain, they both have “…a very pleasant personality….”  She relates this to the fact that “We the people do not need another person with a flawed character as the leader of our country.”

I can assure you that “a pleasant personality” has nothing “…to do with a flawed character…” as put forth. 

This is akin to the old saying that “All poodles are dogs, but not all dogs are poodles!” 

Of course she is working up to the former Arkansas governor who went on to become president. She seems to insinuate that we the people were “…closing an eye to unethical, inappropriate behavior and immoral conduct.” The fact is most people had their eyes open and it was the media who had their eyes closed and fed the people a daily diet of garbage. In middle Georgia The Macon Telegraph was the number one offender. The name has sence been changed to The Telegraph, it saves ink. 

She goes on with a fact, which was ignored by the media at the time. She tells us that “We allowed an assault on our country by ignoring all the warnings and allowed him to use the White House as a ‘house of sexual pleasure’ and also allowed him to commit perjury without punishment.”

There was punishment that for the most part The Telegraph ignored.

In our opinion, for Tanner to allow what she reads in the media to cloud her judgement of people, shows a serious flaw in her theory. 

You can see her entire letter here. 
The following is a letter we wrote to The Telegraph, we doubt it will penetrate their defense, but we tried!

It looks as if Faye W. Tanner has missed the point and failed to take note of the food chain. The food chain as it exist today is simple, it is the people, the media and the politician. Neither the media nor the politician can exist in their present form if the people do not allow it. If the people demand honesty, integrity and moral conduct, that is what they will get. Both the media and politician have to have the dollar and the support of the people to survive.

The problem is the people feed on the garbage of both and sink to their level. If we look, we see where neither the media nor the politician has any problem discarding honor, honesty, morals, ethics and integrity or perhaps – they have never had them.

For instance the Gennifer Flowers story broke on Jan. 23, 1992. The Telegraph thrashed around in a quagmire for a few days. After making up their mind along with the AP (Associated Press) they launched a full-scale assault on Gennifer Flowers and the Starr which broke the story. 

It began full scale with their editorial on Jan. 28, 1992. The title of the editorial was: “Can one sleazy story destroy Clinton Candidacy?”

They issued instructions on how things should be handled, they tell us: “Let’s be very careful and very specific in judging Gov. Bill Clinton, a leading Democratic presidential candidate in trouble with his past.”

But alas it was not his problem: “His problem stems from allegations in a sleazy supermarket tabloid that pays big money for its muck.”

The reader is told that “With Clinton, we have a man whose survival as presidential candidacy hangs on accusations via ‘checkbook’ journalism from a questionable source.” The structure of the sentence (as presidential candidacy) is original, we suppose it is because the flow of tears blocked their vision. 

By Feb. 13, 1992, in an AP article run by The Telegraph titled “Clinton letter from ’69 denounces Vietnam draft”. The Telegraph and AP had become nothing more than press agents for the Clinton presidential campaign and they carry the Clinton’s water to this day. It is worth a trip to the library to see the barrage of garbage dispensed by The Telegraph and the AP. We are talking about the time frame beginning Jan. 23, 1992 until Feb. 16, 1992. It tells us all we need to know about The Telegraph and AP’s objectivity, it does not exist! 

There was actual tangible evidence in the case of the Clintons, e.g. a real live woman with a name who came forward and was willing to release tapes, etc.  There was none in the character assassination of Herman Cain. There were no names, no facts, nothing but innuendoes and accusations until the press manufactured it, speculation, sure, but we can speculate also. 

We should remember the press is not lily white and sin free.  Did dollars change hands? We do not know. If it did the media would never admit it or report it. These people are from the Joseph Goebbels School of journalism some seventy years ago.

Have a nice day. 

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