Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Telegraph appears to think this scam is OK!

Friday, June 15, 2012 was quite a day for The Telegraph. From all appearances they are still on a crusade to save Dr. Dallemand. On the front page, above the fold they run the story titled “Dallemand issue sent back to Bibb”.  The reader is told that “State ethics panel decides it’s county BOE’s job to investigate resume complaints”

The article is pretty much a rehash of the problems at the Bibb County Board of Education. We did notice in the ninth paragraph where they are quoting Board of Education member Gary Bechtel they reference “the media”. Note that "the media" is in parenthesis.  

It is our understanding that these complaints were exposed by Bill Knowles at

The paragraph tells us that: “It was the first I’ve ever heard of it,” Bechtel said, referring to the travel spending complaint. “If (the media) hadn’t covered (the latest complaint), I’m not sure we would have heard it was remanded back to the district.”

As we understand it “the media” has done their best to ignore this subject and if it had not been for Bill Knowles, Darren Latch and we are convinced we would know nothing about the problems of Dallemand and the Bibb Board of Education. The article refers to Knowles and Latch as critics. The Telegraph’s Visiting Member and ex-banker Kenny Burgamy refers to them as “community activist”.

After running the story in The Telegraph it was all most wall to wall on Channel 24 on The Telegraph’s morning program called “News Talk Central” The program attempted to portray an adversarial image. However as the program progressed it became clear that what was happening was The Telegraph’s Visiting Member and ex-banker Kenny Burgamy was laying out oblivious complaints. Then the Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson, very methodical explained away the problems. No consideration what-so-ever was given as to how creditable his explanations were.

They get away with this kind of thing because there is no one to point out what they are doing. We could very easily form the opinion that the rest of the co-called media in middle Georgia are just as prone to sweep things under the rug as The Telegraph therefor they sure as hell are not going to question anything The Telegraph puts on the Street.

The Telegraph has ties to two of the local TV stations and 940 WMAZ AM radio station. Does anyone seriously think they are going to expose what The Telegraph is doing?

If it was not so serious for the people of Bibb County it would be funny. No matter how hard The Telegraph’s Visiting Member and ex-banker Kenny Burgamy and Editorial Page Editor tried they could not scam everyone.

We have to keep in mind that The Telegraph’s Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson was dining on the taxpayer’s dime courtesy of Bibb County Board of Education Superintendent Dr. Dallemand. This was verified by none other than The Telegraph’s President and Publisher George McCanless.

There is also the report that the Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson’s wife was hired by Dr. Dallemand to the tune of “70,000reasons”. This the President and Publisher of The Telegraph has ignored. Perhaps he just hopes everyone will forget about it.

We might also note that The Telegraph’s Visiting Member and ex-banker Kenny Burgamy has helped cover this up.  This can be seen here. Burgamy read this entire article "What The Bibb BOE Isn't Telling You"  until he gets to the next to the last paragraph, the part about Richardson’s wife and you can see what he does. 

The Telegraph’s Editorial Page Editor explains The Telegraph’s position in all of this right here.

Their little charade did not fool every one. A caller named Pat proved the point. You can see the ladies phone call right here.

In case any serious Republican slips through the call screener with serious questions, The Telegraph's Visiting Member and ex-banker Kenny Burgamy has demonstrated he knows how to handle them.  

After looking at all this, we can say: I can see clearly now.

Have a nice day

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