Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Telegraph, are they hypocrites?

It looks as if President and Publisher George McCanless and his Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall have again decided it is time to turn their back on honesty and integrity. We think reasonable people could come to the conclusion that this is their forte when their bigotry raises its ugly head.

They clearly demonstrated this with their hatchet job and high-tech lynching of Republican Presidential Candidate Herman Cain. No facts, no proof, nothing not anything to substantiate the alleged charges, accusations and slander. But they were in on the kill.

The Telegraph and the AP have demonstrated very clearly their penchant for the sophist type of journalism. The fact that they are willing to turn their back on middle Georgia, the state and the nation in order to exercise their bigotry has been made very clear in the past.  

Their disregard for integrity and morality in their high-tech lynching of the former Republican Candidate Herman Cain, we think, proves beyond a doubt their bigotry.

For those of us old enough to remember The Telegraph’s defense of Bill Clinton and his famous letter to "Dear Colonel Holmes” in order to avoid the draft. And in spite of the fact that The Telegraph defended Bill Clinton’s dishonesty and deceit pertaining to his draft dodging and other things. A look back shows us that during 1992 when word broke about the Clinton draft dodging, The Telegraph trotted out an AP article telling us that Clinton did this because he thought “the Vietnam draft” was illegitimate”. 

Then the late Ed Corson devoted a total of 18 words to the subject. Following this Nolan Walters, The Macon Telegraph’s Washington correspondent explained that it was more or less O.K. because: “…I personally remember the relief brought by a high number in that 1969 draft lottery.” The Telegraph then went on to endorse Clinton for president.

There can be no doubt about the Democratic Presidential Candidate John Kerry’s treason. Hundreds of millions of people saw it on TV when he lied under oath to Congress in 1971. His other treasonous activity has been well documented.

John Kerry’s acts of treason were of no concern to The Telegraph and the AP.  The Telegraph and the AP tried their best to cover up the treasonous activities of Kerry. The treason, according to historian Douglas Brinkley began while Kerry was on active duty and wearing the uniform of the United States Navy. He tells us that “An important turning point in Kerry’s life occurred in October 1969…” According to Kerry’s service record he was not 
discharged from the United States Navy until Feb. 16, 1978 and this was on a six year enlistment. You figure it out! The Telegraph went on to endorse him.

Then as much as they could they ignored John McCain’s family history of Military heroes as well as John McCain’s heroism.

Now Obama’s lack of military service is not important but Romney’s is. These people are not journalists. Reasonable people who know what they are doing may consider them nothing more than light weight scam artist.

They are now bearing their fangs at Republican Presidential candidate Romney. This is in spite of their history as out lined above and the fact that the morning talk show “powered by The Telegraph” – titled “News Talk Central” – aired five days a week in middle Georgia uses a “do over” and “a potential draft dodger”. Neither has any military service.

The Telegraph’s Visiting Member and ex-banker Kenney Burgamy is the “do over”. He uses that age old charade, if I had it to “do over”, I would serve four years.

The “potential draft dodger” is The Telegraph’s Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson. As we remember it he told one story during the “blue dress era” when he was defending Clinton with vigor: Then as we recall, he modified the story over the years to make it more respectable.

The latest story is something about his mother would not sign and body bags, but then let us let him tell it in his own words:

This has come up before and on Thursday, March 8, 2012 @ 9:52 AM – in an e mail we are told – “…I have resisted writing to you….” Richardson then goes on to explain: “I did not want to be DRAFTED into the Army.”  Because: Too many of the people I attended high school with had already returned from Southeast Asia in body bags.” 

My, my, as I recall there were some 58,156 body bags but other people served.

Maybe it was a desire for an education or the fact that the body bags scared him, we do not know. We do know if it was the latter that, can only add to the creditability that he may have been a “potential draft dodger”. We do know that, but like the “do over” he did not serve his country. Our bet is it was the body bags.

The purpose of all this is to point out that now both are going to sit on their hands while The Telegraph and the AP make an all-out assault on Mitt Romney’s lack of military service.

We know about the “do over”: Visiting Member and ex-banker Kenny Burgamy and the “potential draft dodger”: Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson. But we know nothing about any “military record” or “(non) military record” of AP’s Steve Peoples: The Telegraph’s President and Publisher George McCanless or The Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall. As we understand it, Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall couldn’t even make it in the class room much less military service. Maybe it is time to look into this and a few other things.  

By-the-way, AP’s Steve Peoples is behind the keyboard and the star of the hypocrisies for the AP article “Romney’s (non) military record faces new scrutiny.”  

As the “do over” (Visiting Member and ex-banker Kenny Burgamy) demonstrates in the following video both Burgamy and Richards are “hypocrites” and we find their “holy-than-thou” attitude disgusting. But then we must remember sometimes when integrity and maybe morals are found wanting this happens. 

There is also a lesson in child rearing here.

After looking at all of this we can say: "I can see clearly now". 

Have a nice day.

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