Friday, July 6, 2012

The Telegraph Never Thought Anyone Else Would Take a Second Look?

We think we all owe a very gracious think you to Maureen Downey of the AJC (Atlanta Journal Constitution), something we did not think we would see. But anyone who will reach out for the truth is a welcome sight.

We should all remember that the power of the pen is a powerful instrument and there is no place on earth where this proved to be more true than Germany during the 1930’s.

The man who perfected the technique of the “big lie” for the world was none other than Joseph Paul Goebbels. The so-called media of the United States and the world has improved on it as we are witnessing it right here in middle Georgia, i.e. The Telegraph!

People who make their living by deceiving people are shameless.  

We were glad to see you took an interest in what is going on in middle Georgia and the Bibb County Schools system.

There are some serious problems in the middle Georgia area and after following The Telegraph since retiring from the USN (United States Navy) in Dec. 1994 and returning to the area we feel a great deal of responsibility falls on the shoulders of The Telegraph, after all they are the one who claim to be the “watchdog”.

It is evident why we do not get any information from The Telegraph about what may be questionable activities involving The Telegraph and some of their employees. We think this information is vital to the people of middle Georgia.

If we are wrong let them come forward and show us just how we have made the error and we will very humbly apologize. 

Things which have not been explained is the recent trip to China by The Telegraph’s Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson, supposedly to accompany his wife.

After his return he offered repeated and sometimes heated defense of The Bibb County School Board of Education and County School Superintendent, Dr. Dallemand.

There was also the heated defense of Bibb County Commission Chairman Sam Hart and his connections to a tutoring firm which receives money handed out by the Federal Government via the Bibb County Government.

Then we find out that Richardson on at least one occasion met with Dr. Dallemand and dined on the taxpayer’s dime. This prompted a defense by The Telegraph President and Publisher George McCanless titled “In the pocket?” on March 4, 2012.

McCanless seems to think anyone who thinks like we do is to say, at the least misguided. The Telegraph now ignores all communications. 

The President and Publisher of The Telegraph admits that “We have a code of Business Conduct and Business Ethics that all of our employees have to sign.” This eliminates all possibility that his Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson did not know what he was doing.

The President and Publisher continues with: “To think you could ever have Charles in your pocket, much less for the price of a lousy lunch, is ludicrous to those who truly know him.” He forgets some of us have been following Richardson a lot longer than McCanless has been in the area.

However, it turns out McCanless was right about the “…much less for the price of a lousy lunch…” it turns out to be much more and this has never been addressed by anyone connected to The Telegraph.

Bill Knowles of in his What The Bibb BOE Isn't Telling You which was posted on 04/29/2012, tells us about the “over 70,000 reasons”. In the next to the last paragraph Knowles cautions: “One thing that I can in fact confirm without a doubt is that Macon Telegraph Opinion Editor Charles Richardson's wife Pamela has been hired by the Bibb County BOE at the Welcome Center.  Please keep this in mind whenever Charles comments about what a great idea ‘The Macon Miracle’ is and what a grand fellow Dr. Dalllemand is. He has over 70,000 reasons to think so,”

On the program titled “News Talk Central” which is aired every weekday morning in the middle Georgia area with host “Kenny B and Charles E.” in a relationship that had lasted over a decade.  Kenny Burgamy read the: “What The Bibb BOE Isn’t Telling You” on the air until he reached the paragraph which mentions Charles Richardson’s wife working for the BOE. At this point he tells Richardson you might want to look at this as it concerns you.  

We can say the people who saw this that we have talked to thought it was a cover-up of the Editorial Page Editors nefarious activities.
At this time Kenny Burgamy was listed on the masthead of The Telegraph as a Visiting Member and of course The Telegraph’s Editorial Page Editor is Charles E. Richardson and as we said this relationship was well over a decade old.

Then overnight in an article in The Telegraph titled Kenny B. leaving WGXA for WMAZ we find that Kenny Burgamy is gone and will not be allowed to appear on the air, he is removed from The Telegraph’s Editorial Board and Masthead. We are informed that: “Publisher George McCanless said Tuesday that Burgamy will no longer serve on the editorial board or write columns.”
WGXA TV channel 24 General Manager Becky Swan “… would not say if Burgamy’s move was expected.

This has the distinct odor of a cover up and the stench is horrendous.  

Have a nice day. 

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