You can see it in the second video at
this link. If you look you will see where Fox News got it wrong and
in less than three minutes had straightened it out.
Now let us look at how The Telegraph, the AP and a large
part of the media “got it wrong” with Herman Cain and they still have not straightened
it out.
This little fiasco started on Oct. 30, 2011 with a story by
the Politico titled “Exclusive:
2 women accused Cain of inappropriate behavior”. The article was by
Jonathan Martin, Maggie Haberman, Anna Palmer and Kenneth P. Vogel. The article
was approximately 2200 words of innuendoes and complaints. No sources were
named in connection with the individuals making the complaints.
As for as we can determine there is not the first fact that would indicate to us that there is anything but character assassination in the article.
Apparently it was used to lay the ground work and indicate what needs to be done for AP (Associated Press) and its surrogates, i.e. McClatchy Newspapers like The Macon Telegraph! You can read the article and make your own decision.
As for as we can determine there is not the first fact that would indicate to us that there is anything but character assassination in the article.
Apparently it was used to lay the ground work and indicate what needs to be done for AP (Associated Press) and its surrogates, i.e. McClatchy Newspapers like The Macon Telegraph! You can read the article and make your own decision.
By November 4th we find that: “Politico has so far published 90 articles on the scandal in the past week, The
Washington Examiner reported.”
The AP and The Macon
Telegraph gasped and realized just what they needed to do; they picked up the
ball and ran with it. After all they were professionals at this type of thing.
They knew they could handle it, their experience dates all the way back to at
least Jan. 25th 1992 and Bill Clinton.
We must remember this
was not unlike when The Telegraph and AP took their cue from Clinton about the “malicious
and inaccurate rumors.” When Jennifer Flowers broke on the scene. The Telegraph
and AP picked up the ball and ran with it and too this day they have not looked
back! The only difference being that for Bill Clinton the intent was
protection. For Herman Cain it was a hatchet job and character assassination,
but if you were good at one you had to be good at the other.
All appearances
indicate The Telegraph’s Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall and the hired help
combed the wire services daily to figure out what was to be used and what was
to be ignored.
From an extensive review
of what was out there and what was available we have concluded that the sole
purpose and goal of The Telegraph and AP was a hatchet job and character
assassination. Apparently the duties of
the Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson was to comb all incoming which
might point out what The Telegraph was doing and keep it off of the opinion
pages. It would take a very simple minded person to believe that there was no
mail on this subject. But then you cannot have a successful hatchet job and
character assassination by letting someone expose what you are doing.
Then on Dec. 04 2011– The Telegraph in an article by AP’s Shannon
McCaffrey titled Cain
move shifts race which is
all telling brings the sordid saga to an end.
In the first paragraph they are almost ecstatic with joy,
why not, they had nailed “A defiant Herman Cain…” and he had “…suspended his
faltering bid for the Republican presidential nomination Saturday amid a
drumbeat of sexual misconduct allegations against him….”
They failed to mention that this “…drumbeat of sexual
misconduct allegations against him…” was based solely on innuendo, accusations
and allegations which have been proven by no one. As far as we can determine
there is not one single fact presented in all this to prove these allegations,
not one.
They went on to end the article with: “Cain’s announcement
was a remarkable turnabout for a man that just weeks ago vaulted out of nowhere
to the top of the GOP field.”
In case someone had missed something they went on to rehash
the accusations and innuendos about the “sexual misconduct allegations”.
Cain is quoted as saying: “So as of today, with a lot of
prayer and soul-searching, I am suspending my presidential campaign because of
the continued distractions and the continued hurt caused on me and my
What they did not tell you is that they withheld the names
of the individuals when the names were available. They withheld information on
the women and their background which was available and would have cast serious
doubts on the validity of these outrageous accusations and claims.
In short reasonable people can conclude that their sole purpose was a hatchet job.
In short reasonable people can conclude that their sole purpose was a hatchet job.
The power of the pen can be a deadly weapon when in the hand
of people without scruples, morals and integrity. After going back through the available
information we can very easily conclude this is what happened here.
We can say with an absolute certainty that The Telegraph got
it wrong about seven months ago and have not straightened it out yet! While The
Fox News Channel made a mistake and corrected it within minutes, The Telegraph
in what we believe was a deliberate and malicious act will never correct their
Would you trust these people?
Have a good day.
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