Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Telegraph's "high-tech" lynching of Herman Cain!

November 20 2012 - We went through this post on this date and checked the links. As we are all aware links may change over time or the different stories may be removed for various reasons. 

This is something we put together during the media’s “high-tech” lynching of the Republican Presidential Candidate Herman Cain. From our view point in middle Georgia we think The Telegraph deserves a lot of credit, at least for bring this scam to their subscribers.  The President and Publisher George McCanless has to be proud of them.  As can be seen the name of the women making the accusations was known from the beginning. Their troubled past was also on the street, but none of this was conductive to the planned project: a "high-tech" lynching. We have to remember you can not have a "hi-tech" lynching by using the facts.

Video added September 09, 2012
We think this is a perfect situation to show the function of The Telegraph and how they are more than willing to turn their back on the people of middle Georgia, the State of Georgia and this Great Nation.

We can conclude it shows the duties of The Telegraph’s Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall. Her daily chore seems to be to make sure someone combs through the material available and note what is to be kept out of print and hid from the subscribers of The Telegraph. Apparently she along with others have learned that you cannot have a "successful character assassination" and “high-tech” lynching by printing the truth. Any material which may cast doubt and inhibit the daily progress toward the “final solution” must be concealed at all cost.

This charade began on Oct. 30 and for the most part ended in early December of 2011. This consists of approximately 14,000 words and by no means is it all inclusive but or anyone who wishes to look further it is a starting point. 

The Media’s hi-tech lynching of the Republican candidate for President of the United States, Herman Cain.

Oct. 30, 2011 – POLITICO –  “Exclusive: 2 women accused Cain of inappropriate behavior”. The article was by Jonathan Martin, Maggie Haberman, Anna Palmer and Kenneth P. Vogel. The article was approximately 2200 words of innuendos and complaints. Complaints were used five times in the article, the word accusations was used one time. No sources were named in connection with the individuals making the complaints. As for as we can determine there is not the first fact that would indicate to us that there is anything but character assassination in the article. Apparently it was used to lay the ground work and indicate what needs to be done for AP (Associated Press) and its surrogates, i.e. McClatchy Newspapers like The Macon Telegraph! You can read the article and make your own decision.

By November 4th we find that: “Politico has so far published 90 articles on the scandal in the past week, The Washington Examiner reported.”
The AP and The Macon Telegraph gasped and realized just what they needed to do; they picked up the ball and ran with it. After all they were professionals at this type of thing. They knew they could handle it, their experience dates all the way back to at least Jan. 25th 1992 and Bill Clinton.

We must remember this was not unlike when The Telegraph and AP took their cue from Clinton about the “malicious and inaccurate rumors.” When Jennifer Flowers broke on the scene. The Telegraph and AP picked up the ball and ran with it and too this day they have not looked back!

Oct. 31st – The Telegraph – The Telegraph runs two AP articles, one on the front page, titled “Flat tax renews ‘trickle-down’ fight”. As usual with the AP the first paragraph starts with an opinion and tells the reader what Stephen Ohlemacher and the AP want you to believe. It also misrepresents the “Fair Tax”.  The rest of the article, short on facts, continues in order to convince you of the propaganda they want you to believe. But then this is nothing unusual as we have seen with the Clinton saga they specialize in this type of thing.

Then The Telegraph did a hit job on Mark Block with an AP (Associated Press) article titled “Top Cain aide in commercial has checkered past”.  There was no mention of the innuendos and complaints which provided the foundation for the Politico article. Perhaps they were still in the process of working these details out.

Nov. 1st – The Telegraph “Cain says he was ‘falsely accused’ The Telegraph and AP now have their teeth sunk into the subject. In this article we are told Cain denied “…ever sexually harassed anyone.” And says that the “…allegations are surfacing now as part of a “witch hunt.’”

We are then told how Cain was offering “…conflicting responses…” and that Cain “…did not know if the trade association provided any settlements, and he declined to address specifics of the accusations or any resolution.”

As usual this is rather hypocritical of The Telegraph and the AP. Not once did they provide any specific evidence to back up the charges they were making.

Then with a reference to a “Fox News” interview we are told “… in an interview later with Fox News, Cain said he did know about it. ‘Yes, there was some sort of settlement or termination,’ he said.”

Their point seems to be that Cain “…offered conflicting responses as to whether he remembered the specifics of the Allegations or the existence of settlements with the women.”

Nov 2, 2011 – CBS News – Cain's accusers fearful of revealing identities This is an article by CBS News which The Associated Press contributed too.

We find out: “That woman… would like the National Restaurant Association… to lift its nondisclosure agreement so her version of the story can come to light.”

We are assured that: 
“Both of Cain’s original accusers – there is allegedly a third one now – are successful, professional women….”
“One woman thrived in her pursuit of her communications career, more recently working in federal government jobs in Washington. The other moved up in positions focusing on political outreach and later public policy research, working since 2005 at a large lobbying and consulting firm in New Jersey with Republican and Democratic clients.”
“The two women have declined dogged media requests to speak out, including requests from The Associated Press.”

CBS tells us that: 
“The AP confirmed the identity of the women but is not revealing their names.” AP withholding their identity tells us that “…the two accusers moved on professionally and personally after their ordeals….”
CBS in order to maintain the persona of “Mother Teresa” for the women go on to tell us that: 
“One of the women continued her education after earning her college degree. She owns her own home, volunteers on community boards and serves on public boards in her county and town.”
“The other woman earned her master's degree before moving into her current communications career. She started a media career in Washington soon after graduate school, working in the private sector and in the federal government."
Apparently after deciding that this is not enough AP dreams up;
“A third woman interviewed by the AP said Cain also made sexually suggestive remarks or gestures to her while she worked with him at the restaurant association. She said she considered filing a complaint against him because of what she considered aggressive and unwanted behavior. But she never did.”
Nov. and AP – Herman Cain Visits Capitol Hill Amid Furor Over Harassment ChargesThis article by jack Gillum and Stephen Ohlemacher of the AP levels more unsubstantiated charges: this is about:
 “A third woman…” who only “…considered filing a workplace complaint against Herman Cain over what she deemed aggressive and unwanted behavior….”
Apparently, “The woman…” was discovered during a witch hunt AP was conducting which they chose to call an “…investigation into harassment complaints against Cain….”

Then of all things: 
“The AP confirmed that the employee worked at the restaurant association with Cain during the period in question….”
Gillum and Ohlemacher of AP then make the rounds of the various campaigns, apparently looking for something they can twist to their advantage to keep Cain’s “…Presidential campaign into turmoil.” The purpose of all this seems to be to perform a "hatchet job" and "character assassination" on the candidate. Looking back at the Clinton campaign we can see where the AP is good at this. We have to remember this comes from experience.

The AP is making some serious mistakes in this article they even tell us: 
“Meanwhile, another woman who worked with Cain at the restaurant association, said, ‘I found him to be a good boss.’ Christina Howard, a former lobbyist for the association, said, ‘I felt no problem going into his office and asking for his advice.’”
But then there is this:
“But Chris Wilson, a pollster who did work for the restaurant association during Cain's tenure, said in an interview that he witnessed the businessman making inappropriate comments and gestures toward a young woman who worked for the group during a dinner at a hotel in Arlington, Va., across the Potomac River from Washington in the late 1990s. Wilson declined to discuss more specifics without the woman's permission.”
“Cain's behavior with women was well known, Wilson said.”
"People knew about it. I'm surprised that it hasn't come up before," said Wilson, whose firm, Wilson Perkins Allen Opinion Research, does polling for a political action committee backing Perry. Wilson said he has not been the source of information on the accusations against Cain.”
Nov. 2nd – The Telegraph –“Cain struggles to contain fallout from allegations.”  The Telegraph and the AP are at it again. This time we have an article where in the first paragraph they lay out the three things which they want to impress on the reader. “…Cain denied Tuesday that he’s changing his story…” and “…he struggles to contain the fallout from sexual harassment allegations that could threaten his recently surging campaign. Then there is the showstopper, the race card. They tell us “He also suggested his race could be a factor in the storm.” The Telegraph and AP both specialize in this animal called “the race card”, their propensity for this is very easily documented!

The Telegraph and AP get right to work for there is much to be done as they inform us about: “The White House contender’s contradictory explanations…” and about how Cain himself has “…raised questions about details of the allegations…” and about “…current ability to manage a crisis in the national spotlight.” We should point out the “complaints” have morphed into “accusations” and “allegations”. If you remember correctly, with the Politico article it was “inappropriate behavior” 

The first thing on the list has been taken care of he is either wishy-washy or he is a liar.

Then the bomb is dropped, they inform us that Cain is “black” and “…race is also involved ‘But we don’t have any evidence to support it.’”  Then there is that thing about the “left” and the “factor on the right.”

The one thing we need to remember here is that the only difference in the words racists and bigots are the way the words are spelled.

This takes care of the second and third things. It indicates confusion and the fact that he “struggles” to clarify things. They have divulged the color and injected the race card which reasonable people may think The Telegraph and the AP do this in order to cover their bigotry.  

The “original report by Politico” is invoked and we are assured that “…at least two [unnamed] women…” have complained. No reason as to why they have to remain unnamed but we are told that: “…settlements that included stipulations…” prevent them from repeating “…their allegations in public.” Perhaps this is why they have to remain nameless.

The article then rambles on about a rival campaign and how they “…suggest he’s [Cain] not being up front…” etc. They then inform us that “John Brabender, a strategist for Rich Santorum’s campaign…” is “…still waiting for clarification from the Cain campaign.” There is nothing at all as to why the Cain campaign owes an explanation about anything to the Santorum campaign.

Then there is the fund raising and other rhetoric. The article closes with a reminder that there were “…at least two female employees who accused him of inappropriate sexual behavior.

Reinforcement never hurts when you are trying to sell a “bill of goods”.

Nov. 02, 2011 – Daily Caller – National Restaurant Association chairman during Cain’s tenure: ‘it’s a hatchet job’. This story by David Martosko was run by the Daily Caller on Nov. 03, 2011.

We can only surmise as to why the information in this article was not used. Maybe the fact that this story is only five days old and there must be nothing used which may cast any doubt what-so-ever on the issue. Any attempt by AP and The Telegraph to portray journalism integrity will have to wait.

We leave it to you to decide why such information was not used by AP and The Telegraph!

Martosko tells us that:
“In an interview with The Daily Caller, former National Restaurant Association board chairman Joseph Fassler offered a firm defense of GOP presidential front-runner Herman Cain, along with an explanation for how Washington’s best-kept secret — the identities of Cain’s sexual-harassment accusers — was also kept from the association’s board.”
The article continues as Fassler tells The Daily Caller that;
 “The accusations? It’s a hatchet job, in my opinion…” and “My gut tells me it’s a hatchet job. He gets a lead, he gets some traction, and the next thing you know, here come these allegations. It’s sad.”
Fassler while making the point that;
 “…he had no reason to doubt the accuracy of reports that the restaurant trade group made five-figure payments to employees….”  He pointed out that “…he was never informed about those payments while on the board.”
Martosko makes a point with: 
“Fassler’s account, however, either questions the accuracy of this account or suggests a communications failure among board members.”
Fassler goes on with how;
 “he ‘never heard anything about Herman that would suggest he had those sort of allegations lodged against him.’” We are assured: “He was a professional. Thoroughly professional.”
Nov. 3rdhufftonpost.comHerman Cain's Accusers Remain Anonymous Despite Media Frenzy – Here we find that not to name names “has been a topic of discussion in newsrooms all week, including at the Associated Press.” 

We also find out the AP is willing to keep piling on. We are told about “a third women [sic] who worked for the NRA had considered filing a complaint…” and anonymity must maintained at all cost. 

We find out that the AP,s witch hunt and scam job which they call an “investigation into harassment complaints against Cain.” is causing headaches for Ted Bridis who we are told “…wanted to be transparent.” What a joke?

Then the next joke comes from: “Times spokeswoman Eileen Murphy”.  She informs us that: “There’s no written policy about not naming names.” And “Situations… are handled on a case-by-case basis….” They are “…mindful and cautious of privacy concerns and of the sensitive nature of the story.” 

Nov. 3 – The Telegraph –  “Third worker says Cain harassed her”This is an AP article by Jack Gillum and Stephen Oilemacher which ran in The Telegraph.

It looks like they have decided it is time to raise the ante. Nothing factual just a few unconfirmed accusations and innuendos but this will serve the purpose.

In the first paragraph we are informed that “A third woman considered filing a workplace complaint…” about what in her mind was action “…she deemed aggressive and unwanted behavior….” The one sentence 54 word paragraph does not have the first set of quotes.

The second paragraph tells us that this woman said it was “…sexually suggestive remarks or gestures…” Hell, it had to be one of the other maybe she was just so thrilled she could not decide which one it was! But we are assured that it was “…about the same time that two coworkers had settled separate harassment complaints against Cain…” Well maybe that nailed down some fact and established all kind of credibility for these complaints.

We are then told: 
“The woman was located and approached by the AP as part of its investigation into harassment complaints against Cain that were disclosed in recent days and have thrown his presidential campaign into turmoil.”
We do not recall the AP and any “investigation into harassment complaints against” Clinton! It seems as if there was only the circle formed around him in order to afford him protection.

Her name must not be revealed because under the circumstances she fears “…losing her current job and the possibility of damage to her reputation.”

It looks like this is a cute way of saying we have no facts so she has to stay mum.

The article in its entirety is nothing but "character assignation" and a disgrace to honesty journalism. But then that has never bothered The Telegraph and the AP.

Nov. Cain accuser breaks silence to tell of 'inappropriate behaviours'In this article by Ewen MacAskill, we find again where: 
“The present chief executive of the association, Dawn Sweeney, issued a separate statement saying it had waived the confidentiality restrictions."
“Sweeney confirmed the complaint. ‘Based upon the information currently available, we can confirm that more than a decade ago, in July 1999, Mr Bennett's client filed a formal internal complaint, in accordance with the association's existing policies prohibiting discrimination and harassment. Mr Cain disputed the allegations in the complaint,’ Sweeney said.’”
"The association and Mr Bennett's client subsequently entered into an agreement to resolve the matter, without any admission of liability. Mr Cain was not a party to that agreement."
Nov 4 – The Washington times – KUHNER: The liberal lynching of Herman CainThere were people out there that knew what was going on, Jeffrey T. Kuhner was one of these people. Kuhner tells us that: Herman Cain “…is an authentic black conservative. For this, he is being politically lynched by liberals in the media. All that’s missing is the noose and the tree.”

Even though there seems to be some confusion on Kuhner’s part here he has hit the nail on the head. The media does not use “…the noose and the tree.” they now used their bigotry, innuendos false accusations, slander, etc.

Kuhner reviews the “…vicious racist…” smears “The left is deliberately promoting."

He then gets into the fact that Politico had no hard facts to back up their assertions and points out:
“Politico claimed that Mr. Cain was accused of engaging in ‘sexually suggestive behavior’ that made the women feel ‘uncomfortable’ or awkward.’”
The article points out how; “…the women remain anonymous, and the exact nature of the alleged harassment is still murky.” We are told that: “So far, there is no conclusive proof that he sexually harassed his subordinates." Yet the Politico story has cast a cloud of suspicion over Mr. Cain’s candidacy.  

 We are reminded that: “Yet when President Clinton was in office, the same liberals excused far more egregious- and criminal – behavior.” He then reviews a few of the sins and criminal acts of the Clinton administration. We are told how: 
“The bar is different for black conservatives such as Justice Thomas and Mr. Cain. They are demonized – and discredited – by liberals for allegedly doing things many Democrats – from the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy to Al Gore to Rep. Barney frank – would consider tame.”
The article then turns to the fact of how: 
“…Politico, along with its liberal media allies, refused to thoroughly investigate his radical past – his ties to terrorists, such as Bill Ayers: his 20-year affiliation with an anti-American, anti-Semitic and black nationalist pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright; the allegations that Mr. Obama’s cocaine use was more widespread and lasted longer than previously admitted; and his Muslim upbringing as a youth in Indonesia. The article points out the fact that: 'Politic refuses to demand that the president unseal his academic, medical and health records' and how hard-hitting reporting stops at the edge of the White House.”
 Nov 4 – Daily Caller – News organizations continue to protect identities of Cain’s accusers – Matthew Boyle tells us that:
“Since Politico first reported the existence of past sexual harassment accusations against Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, that publication — along with every other that claims to have learned the identities of the women involved — has refused to publish them.” 
This includes the flim-flam artist at The Telegraph and AP.

Boyle goes on to point out that: 
“Regardless of whether the allegations against Cain are true or false, or whether they land in some nether region of ‘he said, she said,’ the public has yet to hear the accusations directly from those who are making them.”
We are told:
 “Politic won’t provide a reason why it has not published the name of the women, even though it has claimed from day one that it knows who they are."
Vogel, the Politico reporter who co-authored the story on MSNBC lets us know that the primary concern is to be:
 “…careful with their identities not to reveal them, both out of concerns for their own privacy as well as out of concerns for the nondisclosure agreements that the signed."  
This is a joke and not even a serious joke, Steven Nelson of the Daily caller informs us that: 
 “Cain’s campaign has doggedly denied the allegations, complaining that Politico, the news organization whose extensive reporting has fanned the flames of suspicion, operated outside the bounds of journalistic ethics by reporting unsubstantiated, unsourced allegations from anonymous complainants. Politico has so far published 90 articles on the scandal in the past week, The Washington Examiner reported.”
Of course The Telegraph and AP were aware of all this, but their purpose appears to be "character assassination" and "slander". As we have demonstrated since President and Publisher George McCanless has taken charge at The Telegraph they seem to have no interest in honest journalism, much less any integrity and morality.  

Nov 4 – –  Cain accuser won’t provide details despite restaurant association’s consentHere Nelson rehashes old news with an emphasis on how Bennett’s client “…has chosen to not relive the details.”

Bennett is “…not gonna get more specific about what was physical, what was verbal,” but “It qualified as sexual harassment in our opinion.”

Again we find out that: 
"National Restaurant Association Dawn Sweeney released a concurrent statement Friday….” Then “Sweeney further explained that the restaurant association was willing to allow the women to more fully describe her allegations against Cain, but she declined.”
Nov 4 – Cain Accuser Won’t Go Public Here we find that tells us: 
“National restaurant President and CEP Dawn Sweeney” confirms: “…that more than a decade ago, in July 1999, Mr. Bennett’s client filed a formal internal complaint….”
Dawn Sweeney tells us the complaint was resolved “…without any admission of liability.” and “Mr Cain was not a party to that agreement.”

Sweeney then tells the world that: “…we are willing to waive the confidentiality of this matter….”

The complete statement is contained in the link above. From this day forward any insinuation that the women are bound by a confidential agreement is a figment of the reporters imagination or down right deceit.

Nov 4 – The Washington Post Lawyer for Cain accuser says woman will not ‘relive’ incidentBy Nia-Malika Henderson and Amy Gardner, Published: November 4, 2011

Here we are told that: 
“The National Restaurant Association released a statement Friday confirming that over a decade ago, a female employee filed a formal complaint of sexual harassment against then-association head Herman Cain.”
We are informed that: 
“The association told the woman’s attorney it is willing to waive the confidentiality agreement signed by the parties involved…” and that “…not by Cain himself….”
Nov 4News 4 WASHINGTON (CNN) – Cain accuser stands by sexual harassment complaint This article is by Tom Cohen and Alan Silverleib and is significant because when you dig through all the rhetoric you find that “One of the women who accused Republican presidential contender Herman Cain of sexual harassment…” was hiding behind a “One Call McCall”, an “Ambulance Chaser” sometimes otherwise known as an attorney, in this case named Joel Bennett and this was not the first dance for these two. These supposedly “Officers of the Court” are estimated to cost the nation “almost 2 percent of gross domestic product…” annually. “The indirect costs…” are estimated to be “much greater”. The so-called news media seem to love them.

The accuser: 
“…will not reveal her identity because ‘she and her husband see no value in revisiting this matter nor in discussing the matter any further publicly or privately.”
The “One Call McCall” in an attempt to earn his money reaches out for the sympathy of the reader as we are told: “‘In fact,’ he added, ‘it would be extremely painful for her to do so.’”

It seems as if there were some restrictions as we are informed that: 
“Bennett released the statement after reaching an agreement to do so with the National Restaurant Association, the organization headed by Cain during the time of the alleged harassment. The group has an agreement with the alleged victim that includes a series of confidentiality and not-disparagement provisions.”
However it is noted that: "Dawn Sweeney, the current head of the association, issued a statement confirming…” the complaint. According to the story Sweeney went on to state that “…the association is prepared to fully release Bennett’s client from her confidentiality agreement in the event she wants to disclose additional details.” 
“Asked about money paid to two women -- including Bennett's client -- when they left the National Restaurant Association, Cain said in the one case he recalled, it was severance money because accusations of impropriety on his part proved unfounded.”
“Bennett insisted Friday there was no severance agreement, but rather a financial settlement of the harassment complaint.” In spite of Dawn Sweeney’s offer to …fully release Bennett’s client from her confidentiality agreement…” no proof was offered by Bennett’s statement.

The article continues, rehashing material and pointing fingers. It had to be exhilarating to the media to be able to point at someone inside the GOP as a source of this material.

It reiterates how the two women “…each received separation packages in the five-figure range.”

The article moves on to Cain’s interview with Sean Hannity and they point out how “An independent group… released a video…” defending Cain.

One point made in the video was the “grilling” of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and the “high-tech lynching” at his confirmation hearings.

Nov. 4th – The Telegraph – “Let Herman be gone”. The Telegraph carries Eugene Robinson’s column where in the first paragraph he paints the Cain campaign as an “insurgent” campaign.

Robinson labels “Cain’s policy positions” as “ignorant…unworkable” and “just plain goofy…” He informs us Cains election “…would be an unmitigated disaster.”

Then Robinson does what he does best he pulls out the race card blaming Coulter and Rush Limbaugh.

We have to keep in mind and anyone who reads Robinson's column knows there is not a bigger bigot walking the face of the earth. Perhaps that is why The Telegraph uses him, maybe it makes them feel at home. 

Nov. 4th – The Telegraph –“Herman Cain’s gauntletThe Telegraph also ran Cal Thomas’ column. He states the obvious “When it comes to sex, the media apply different standards to Republicans and Democrats.”

Thomas reviews the know facts about Clinton and how the media defended him. Touches on JFK [John Fitzgerald Kennedy] and John Edwards then deals with some stereotypes, Thomas as usual is fairly evenhanded. You can judge for yourself.

Nov. 4th – The TelegraphCain struggles with controversy. The point of this article is to let the reader know that the “Republican presidential hopeful…” is “…struggling to overcome the storm of controversy from sexual harassment accusations….”  The Telegraph and the AP also want you to know “…the threat of a damaging written statement by one of his accusers…” and what they refer to as “…his own shifting explanations…” has left his efforts and "even his candidacy in doubt.”

We have to remember staff of The Telegraph are experts on "shifting explanations" and "cover ups". 

They then focus on an interview Cain has with Sean Hannity about the accusations where Cain denies any comments or actions, which might lead to the accusations.

In the closing paragraph the AP reinforces unsupported accusations “…that at least two women had complained…” and “…had received financial settlements…” and you must remember how Cain’s answers to “…pertinent questions have changed.”

We are talking about the fact that:
 “The restaurant association, in its statement, said ‘Mr. Herman Cain disputed the allegations’ at the time and the settlement was made ‘without an admission of liability.’”
The article also tells us that:

“The restaurant association’s current chief executive, Dawn Sweeney, said the group is willing to waive the confidentiality requirements should the woman desire to speak about the complaint."
Nov. - Details emerge on Cain accuserThis story is from McClatchy Newspapers, which owns The Telegraph. Therefore we know that President and Publisher George McCanless, Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall, Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson and Visiting Member and ex-banker Kenny Burgamy know of the information in this article. If they do not we think the assumption that they are highly incompetent is in line with logical thought.

But Chris Wilson, a pollster who did work for the restaurant association during Cain's tenure, said in an interview that he witnessed the businessman making inappropriate comments and gestures toward a young woman who worked for the group during a dinner at a hotel in Arlington, Va., across the Potomac River from Washington in the late 1990s. Wilson declined to discuss more specifics without the woman's permission. Cain's behavior with women was well known, Wilson said. "People knew about it. I'm surprised that it hasn't come up before," said Wilson, whose firm, Wilson Perkins Allen Opinion Research, does polling for a political action committee backing Perry. Wilson said he has not been the source of information on the accusations against Cain.

Nov. 5th  –   Herman Cain accuser declines to reveal identity In this article by Hillary Chabot we find that Bennett’s client “…agreed to leave her job at the association in exchange for a financial settlement….” Again we find out that “Mr. Cain was not a party to that agreement.”

And we find out that: “The Associated Press contributed to this report.”

Nov. 5thIN BRIEFThe Telegraph tells us in the “In brief” section of the paper that “…Herman Cain’s accusers alleged ‘several incidents of sexual harassment’ in a formal complaint more than a decade ago….” We should note that there was no “name of the woman” who”…had decided not ‘to relive the specifics’ of the incidents in a public forum.”

It looks as if The Telegraph’s President and Publisher George McCanless and the Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall have decided to up the ante. They make sure the readers know “One of Herman Cain’s accusers alleged ‘several incidents of sexual harassment’”. No proof just their allegations.

Nov. 6th – The Telegraph – “Harassment claim off limits in Gingrich-Cain forumThis article by AP’s Philip Elliott demonstrates that The Telegraph and AP have no interest in the debates and their primary purpose is the “hi-tech” lynching of Herman Cain.

The Telegraph clearly demonstrated their lack of interest when on Sunday November 13, 2011 they ran an editorial titled “Want to learn zero about a candidate? Watch a debate”. Of course their comment that “…these debates tell voters almost nothing…” is something akin to Al Capone calling Machine gun Kelly a Killer! Folks are these people really this simple-minded? It is so clear that if you depend on The Telegraph and “Want to learn…” the truth about a candidate, you will learn “zero”.

Elliott demonstrates the AP’s concern in the first paragraph as we find that the debate “…completely by-passed the biggest political story of the week, the decade-old sexual harassment allegations that have dogged Cain’s campaign.”

Some more rhetoric and then in the fifth paragraph guess what? We are told a lawyer said, “…his client had filed a complaint ‘in good faith’”… and the complaint was “…for ‘several instances of sexual harassment’”… and the unidentified woman “…had received a financial settlement.”

In the sixth paragraph we are informed that “…Cain wasn't telling the truth in his repeated denials of the incidents…”

There is more rhetoric before it is pointed out that “Gingrich… had nothing to gain by raising allegations of improper sexual behavior by one of his rivals." Then they point out what they have touted in the past as Gingrich’s dirty laundry: “divorced twice” – “married three times” and “had an affair while married to his second wife.” 

Now let’s go back to Tuesday, January 28, 1992 and see what The Macon Telegraph said about Clinton’s “…affair while married to his…” first wife.

In an editorial dated Jan. 28, 1992 titled “Can one sleazy story destroy Clinton candidacy?”

In the first paragraph The Telegraph issued instructions to the people of middle Georgia on how to handle this situation. The reader is told “Let’s be very careful and very specific in Judging Gov. Bill Clinton, a leading Democratic presidential candidate in trouble with his past.”

The Telegraph tells us that “Clinton’s problem is not so much that his marital background includes infidelities; he’s admitted rough spots in his marriage.”

Then The Telegraph in order to absolve Clinton tell us that: “His problem stems from allegations in a sleazy super market tabloid that pays big money for its muck.”

It is important to know that “Clinton has denied the affair ever occurred.”

The Telegraph goes on with “The question is whether allegations – and that’s all they are – from a source paid big bucks by a scandal sheet are enough to derail a presidential candidacy.”

We have to understand that “With Clinton, we have a man whose survival as presidential candidacy hangs on accusations via ‘checkbook’ journalism from a questionable source.”

We can see The Telegraph’s editorial board as the tears flood down their cheeks and they close out the editorial with the following paragraph.

“Clinton’s personal-past is not irrelevant. But if his candidacy can be blown out of the water by one allegation, priorities are askew. What happened to judging a candidate on his governmental record, programs and ideas?”

This is the same slant the AP took and to this day The Telegraph and AP have been carrying water for The Clintons.

When you compare this to the "high-tech lynching" of Presidential Candidate Herman Cain there can be not doubt of The Telegraph's hard core bigotry!

Nov. 7th – WLS Chicago – Who is Cain accuser Sharon Bialek? WLS tells us that: “The Chicago-area woman has an extensive corporate and personal history in the area going back to early 1990s.” In this article we find that “…hope for a new job… brought her to Herman Cain that day in 1997.” Apparently job hunting was common for her we are informed that: 
“Bialek resume and a trail of public records indicates that changing jobs has been a regular occurrence for the Chicagoan. She has worked for at least nine different employers over the past 17 years and appears to have struggled financially.”
We find: “…in 1991… she filed personal bankruptcy for the first time….”: From 1993 to 1996 she “…worked for four different companies….”
“In 1999, Bialek’s son Nicholas was born and a paternity lawsuit was filed by the father….” “In 2001 cam Bialek’s second personal bankruptcy….”
The article ends with the money thing again in spite of financial problems we find: 
“There was no money on the table to go and have an interview. This is truly about an American girl who’s got a big heart and wants to do the right thing.”
Nov 7th – The Washington Times – Accuser says Cain groped her in car in D.C

This article by Seth McLaughlin is important because it tells us that this woman who is so hard up for money is flying to New York for a press conference.

McLaughlin points out that:
“At a packed news conference at the Friars Club in New YorkSharon Bialek became the first woman to publicly come forward with details of what she claims occurred between her and Mr. Cain - the latest in a series of allegations that threaten to derail the presidential hopes of the surprising Republican front-runner.”
This brings to mind the question of where is the money for all this coming from? Are we supposed to believe these “One Call McCalls” and “Ambulance Chasers” are working pro bono? To that we say bull!

Nov. 7th The Telegraph – “Gloria Cain not a conventional campaign wife”. This AP article by Errin Haines is the first one The Telegraph and the AP has done that does not dwell on the allegations against Cain, however these allegations must be mentioned, after all that is what it is all about for them. The first thing out of the box is “She has been virtually absent from the campaign trail…” and Gloria Cain has “been silent” as Cain “…fights to overcome allegations that he sexually harassed women….”

The Telegraph and AP had to work the “sexual harassment” angle in some way, even if it was just a touch. After all they had a “hi-tech” lynching to get on with.

Nov. Fourth woman accuses Cain of sexual harassment – by Beth Fouhy and Jack Gillum of Associated Press – Here we find Bialek: 
"Speaking in a halting voice, a Chicago-area woman accused Republican presidential contender Herman Cain on Monday of making an unwanted advance against her more than a decade ago….”
This is not enough for AP. From what we know it looks as if AP either dreamed up another incident or guaranteed; “A third woman…” anonymity for additional unsubstantiated charges against Herman Cain. We are told: 
“A third woman told The Associated Press last week that she considered filing a workplace complaint against Cain over what she deemed sexually suggestive remarks and gestures that included a private invitation to his corporate apartment."
Then there is another one, the AP trots out the tidbit that there is: 
“A former pollster for the restaurant association has said he witnessed yet another episode involving a forth woman.”
This is amazing a woman with a history of money problems flying from Chicago to New York for a press conference and this fact was not even worth a comment by the reporters at The Telegraph and AP. But then when you are hell bent on a "high-tech lynching" it would seem that this is irrelevant.

This is not journalism; it is not even first class garbage. Anyone who thinks this is journalism we would like to be looking them in the eye when they say so.

Nov 8th – – Accuser implores Cain to admit to sexual misdeedsBy Beth Fouhy and Jack Gillum of The Associated Press Tuesday, November 8, 2011 5:30 a.m. CST – This is the Daily Chronicle’s version of this story. This is one of three stories and none are alike this demonstrates how the article is shaped by the bigotry of the publishers and editors.  

None of the different versions address the question of what a women with financial troubles from Chicago is doing at a press conference at the Friars Club in New York. This is a private club. We are told by Wikipedia that: “The club’s membership is composed mostly of comedians and other celebrities.”

All three versions have the unsubstantiated accusations, charges and slander. The links to these articles are located at the last Nov. 7th and the first two Nov. 8th dates. 

Nov. 8th The Telegraph – “Fourth woman accuses CainThis is comments on an AP article by Beth Fouhy and Jack Gillum of the Associated Press. It is a prime example of how McClatchy Newspapers use The Telegraph to scam the people of middle Georgia.

This is the way President and Publisher George McCanless, Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall, Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson and their cohort Visiting Member Kenny Burgamy carry out the job.

We should note Burgamy is an ex-banker, who is billed as a marketing consultant. We can only conclude he is on the mast head of The Telegraph to help sell the trash like this which The Telegraph publishes. That is the job of a marketing consultant is it not?

We have to conclude things are looking up for the instigators. It is evident and reasonable people could conclude The Telegraph and AP are doing nothing more than instigating a “hi-tech” lynching. You can see the article in its entirety at this link. Fourth woman accuses Cain Then you can compare it with other versions of the same article.

Do you recall back on Nov. 3rd the AP advises us that, that “woman was located and approached by the AP as part of its investigation into harassment complaints against Cain….”  Well we have to think that the staff of The Telegraph and the people at the AP has a “warm fuzzy feeling” creeping up the inside of their legs. They have found another woman and the cause of that “warm fuzzy feeling” comes from the article titled “Fourth woman accuses Cain”

To incite the reader’s attention the first paragraph begins with “Leaving little to the imagination…” when “…a Chicago-area woman…” made the accusation that Cain made “…a crude sexual advance more than a decade ago….”

In order to press their point home the reader is told this is a “…dangerous turn in a controversy that he has struggled for more than a week to shed.”

They then label Cain as “An upstart in the presidential race…” because he has “…shot to the tip of public opining polls…”

They go on to point out that Gloria Allred is Bialek’s lawyer. Sharon Bialek is the woman who is making the unsubstantiated allegations.  We have to point out here that in the opinion of a lot of people Allred is the equivalent of an "ambulance chaser" if there is sex attached she is there!

The charges by the “Forth woman” are he reached: “toward my genital” and “…pushed my head toward his crotch…”

It is simply amazing that no one has considered that if they were even in the car together Cain might have been pushing Bialek’s head away from his crotch!

This is the first time that we are aware of any description of anything Cain has been accused of doing and still there is no collaborating evidence. It is a “he said – she said”. The Telegraph and AP are experts in this. As we have seen this just did not happen in the Clinton saga.

Now we know what The Telegraph’s President and Publisher and Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall wanted you to know, let us look at other versions of the same story and see what they did not want you to know.

We find that: 
“Court records indicate Bialek had financial difficulties a decade ago when she filed for bankruptcy protection and reported $4,500 in unpaid rent and $13,000 in outstanding credit card bills”.
It looks as if The Telegraph President and Publisher George McCanless and Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall will not allow anything on the pages of the paper which may create doubt about the integrity of the accusers that make unproven accusations and charges against the Republican Presidential Candidate Herman Cain. It would appear as if their bigotry reigns supreme.

Nov. Why did journalists act as a pack in withholding names of Herman Cain’s accusers? In this article, Kelly McBride, of tells us: “Until today media covering allegations of sexual harassment leveled against Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain have universally withheld the identities of the women….” We find out that:  “…Kraushaar’s name was widely known by journalists, but not reported.” and “This lock-step withholding, then revealing, of information is evidence of a lack of leadership among the ranks of leading news organizations.”

McBride tells us that: 
"There isn't a journalistic reason to conceal the names of these women. Journalists are not bound by non-disclosure agreements that often accompany legal settlements. These women are victims of sexual harassment, not sexual assault.”
He goes on with: 
“There is no generally accepted school of thought that guides journalists to protect individual privacy in cases like this.”
Nov - The Daily names original Herman Cain accuser, other news orgs followThis article is by Julie Moos who tells us that: 
"Journalists protected the identities of two women who accused Herman Cain of sexual misconduct, until Tuesday when iPad publication revealed a name."
 The Daily identified one of them as Karen Kraushaar.

We learn that “news organizations… cited privacy concerns.” And “One TV executive was more candid: “‘There’s no journalistic reason not to name them,’ said the executive, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.”  The reason for the protection according to the executive was: “if you name them, the likelihood of your news organization interviewing them probably goes down to zero.”

Now we know why we did not get the names, it had nothing to do with honorable journalism. It was self-serving for the media. McBride also points out: “If that’s true… those newsrooms…” are “…sacrificing their duty to give their audience all the relevant information.”

Nov 8th – The Boston Staff – Mixed portrait emerges of Herman Cain accuserThis link is no longer any good, the same story is in the following link. We cannot explain the difference in the dates, the articles are the same. 

This link is  and the title of the article is different Mixed portrait emerges of Cain's fourth accuser November 07, 2011 10:46 PM.

The story at this link is identical to the one which was originally on The Boston web site right down to the things which do not make sense, such as following sentence: “On CNN Monday night, Piers Morgan asked Bialek night if she thinks Cain should become president.”

 This is where we find that Bialek:  

·        “Records show she twice has filed for personal bankruptcy, first in 1991 and then again in 2001.
·        “In the latter case, she claimed $5,700 in assets and more than $36,000 in Liabilities.
·        “Among the creditors seeking payment was a management firm demanding back rent of $4,500, four credit card companies and a lawyer asking for his legal fees.”
·        ‘After the case was discharged, she accused a former boyfriend of harassing her for repayment of a loan, court records in the bankruptcy case show. “
·        “Bialek borrowed $4,500 from William Concha, though Concha now believes she had no intention of paying him back, according to his brother, Mario.”
·        “At least two liens have been filed against Bialek, according to records from the Cook County recorder of deeds.”
·        “The IRS filed a tax lien against Bialek in 2009 for nearly $5,200.”
·        “In August, the Illinois Department of revenue claimed Bialek owned the state more than $4,300, including penalties and interest, relating to income taxes from 2004, according to county records.”
·        Court records also show creditors took legal action against her during the past decade, including at least on lawsuit filed in Cook County.

Her record of employment seems to be an indicator of character also. We find that:
·        “After leaving the National restaurant Foundation in 1997, Bialek worked for five years in WGN Radio’s marketing department…”
·        “Bialek also spent 2 ½ years at CBS Radio as managing director for non-traditional revenue…”
·        “She previously had co-hosted a cooking show on television for nine years and worked for Revlon as an account manager and for the Easter Seals Society in corporate development….”

We also find out she had a relationship with:
"Current Chicago White Sox analyst Steve Stone confirmed Monday night that he date Bialek in the 1980s."
After that relationship petered out:

·        Bialek met her fiancĂ© online several years ago.
·        After communicating via email for many months, they fell in love on their first date, which lasted 72 hours….”

In a final testament to Bialek’s character when asked about Cain, she says “I don’t think we can have anyone in the White House who is unable to tell the truth….”

Then to make an iron clad case for the character of this individual:  “Her father, Chester Bialek…” tells us that “‘I’m very proud of my daughter, that’s all I can tell you,’ he said."

Nov. 9thAP Exclusive: Accuser filed complaint in next jobIn this article by Brett J. Blackledge and Suzanne Gamboa in the tried and true AP style they twist things around to get the results they want. We are told: 
"A woman who settled a sexual harassment complaint against GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain in 1999 complained three years later at her next job about unfair treatment, saying she should be allowed to work from home after a serious car accident and accusing a manager of circulating a sexually charged email, The Associated Press has learned."   
It looks as if these two flim-flam artist did this with the intent of leaving the impression that Herman Cain “…settled a sexual harassment complaint….” The AP and both scam artist had to know this complaint was settled by the NRA (National Restaurant Association) and not by Herman Cain that fact had been on the street since the beginning of this whole sordid incident. But then facts and clarity do not help with "character assassination."

We know that in an article by Hillary Chabot of the on Nov. 5, 2011 titled: “Herman Cain Accuser Declines to reveal identity the facts about the settlement was revealed.
 ”He [Bennett] said his client agreed to leave her job at the association in exchange for a financial settlement nearly a decade ago, when Cain was the CEO.”
“We can confirm that more than a decade ago, in July 1999, Mr. Bennett’s client filed a formal internal complaint, in accordance with the association’s existing policies prohibiting discrimination and harassment,” said Dawn Sweeney, current association CEO in a statement.”
“Mr. Herman Cain disputed the allegations in the complaint.”
“The association and Mr. Bennett’s client subsequently entered into an agreement to resolve the matter, without any admission of liability. Mr. Cain was not a party to that agreement.”
The scam artists at AP are in this up to their eye balls. Besides “Sharon Bialek, a Chicago woman… who accused Cain in a nationally televised news conference… of groping her and attempting to force himself on her inside a parked car…” the AP dug up “Another woman…” who “…told the AP that Cain made unwanted sexual advances to her….” Then there was “…a pollster…” who “…said he witnessed Cain Sexually harass another woman….” We would guess from AP’s point this is excellent, no names, nothing which could be checked, just “a woman” and “a pollster”. This indicates to us that the AP was hell bent on nothing more than a "hatchet job" and "character assassination" of Herman Cain the Republican Presidential Candidate.

Of course AP wanted us to know “…Kraushaar, who started her career in Washington as a reporter…” and "was praised for her work in 2000… during the coverage of the Elian Gonzalez case….” 

Then there was the “…seven letters of recommendation to show that her performance was commendable while working at the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the restaurant association and the immigration service.”

There was no word on anyone checking to see if the letters were authentic or a product of Kraushaar’s very own computer. You know like Dan Rather and the documents in the Bush National Guard story, the one The Telegraph tried so hard to sell.

When we consider that she “…started her career in Washington as a reporter…” the “seven letters” and the fact that this "hatchet job" and "character assassination" on Cain is the product of reporters, we cannot see where AP helped their case.  

Nov. 9th – The Telegraph – ‘We will get through this’ Cain says he won’t drop out of race In this article by Shannon McCaffery and Amanda Myers they tell the reader: 
“A defiant Herman Cain declared Tuesday he would not drop his bid for the Republican presidential nomination in the face of allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior”
“‘ Ain't gonna happen,’ Cain said at a news conference…” and for this Cain was labeled defiant.

 We can envision the color change in their faces as the blood boiled and we would think they had to be livid at the way he was defying them.

Nov. 9, 2011 – Washington Post – “Herman Cain’s accusers agree to hold joint news conference” There is something we have to remember about the Washington Post and the Obama Administration, the Post is taking taxpayer handouts from the Obama Administration. This is covered in a Town Hall article by Howard Rich titled: New Media Catches Obama Bribing the Fourth Estate: Rich tells us how this: 
“…brings us to the substance of Boyle’s article — the hundreds of thousands of dollars that The Post and CBS have received from the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (ERRP), an Obamacare slush fund that has arbitrarily doled out nearly $2 billion to select corporations, government pension funds and labor unions within the last year."
He continues with: 
“The very existence of this fund — which has been touted as a means of protecting health care coverage prior to the onset of Obama’s unconstitutional socialized medicine law — highlights the dangers inherent in giving government additional control over the health care marketplace. Not only is this fund rife with corruption and mismanagement — as evidenced by these payments to media outlets that are supposed to objectively cover Obamacare — but its borrowed billions have failed to accomplish their objective.”
After looking at this we have to conclude that the Washington Post objective is to help the Obama Administration any way they can. In view of this the character assassination of Herman Cain makes sense.

In this effort by the Washington Post’s James V. Grimaldi and Perry Bacon Jr. to bring everyone together for a “joint news conference”, everyone has to know it will be about “sexual harassment” and the harasser is the Republican candidate Herman Cain. We are told that “one of their attorneys” seems to think that it is “…a move that could fuel a controversy that has dogged…” Herman Cain’s “…campaign for more than a week.”

It seems as if we have two of those “One Call McCalls” sometimes known as attorneys trying to earn their money and the accolades of the so-called media. 

Joel P. Bennett represents Karen Kraushaar and Gloria Allred represents Sharon Bialek, but it seems as if the “Details of the joint appearance have not been worked out, Bennett said”

It is important that you know Sharon Bialek “…did not come forward for financial gain.” But it would seem that the most important thing the Washington Post wanted everyone to know was that “Allred” called “…Herman Cain a ‘serial’ sexual harasser and liar.”

At the end of the story the Post gets around to informing the reader that Kraushaar is a serial complainer. We should not complain this is more than The Telegraph and the AP does.

They tell us that:
“On Wednesday, Kraushaar confirmed a report by the Associated Press that she also filed a workplace complaint at INS. The complaint asserted that she had not been allowed to work from home after a serious car accident. She also accused a manager of circulating an e-mail with a sexual joke.”
“Kraushaar told the AP that she considered her employment complaint ‘relatively minor’ and she later dropped it.”
“‘The concern was that there may have been discrimination on the job and that I was being treated unfairly,’ she said.”

If you recall on November the 2nd  2011 CBS tells us that: “The AP confirmed the identity of the women but is not revealing their names.” AP withholding their identity tells us that “…the two accusers moved on professionally and personally after their ordeals….”

Now 7 days later AP is telling us that: 
"Karen Kraushaar, 55, filed the complaint while working as a spokeswoman at the Immigration and Naturalization Service in the Justice Department late 2002 or early 2003, with the assistance of her lawyer, Joel Bennett who also handled her earlier sexual harassment complaint against Cain in 1999. Three former supervisors familiar with Kraushaar’s complaint, which did not include a claim of sexual harassment, described it for the AP under condition of anonymity because the matter was handled internally by the agency and was not public."
Now AP is telling us what Kraushaar wanted for her “complaint in next job”. She is one of the accusers who the AP assured us had “…moved on professionally and personally after…” her ordeal. Now she wants:
 “To settle the complaint at the immigration service, Kraushaar initially demanded thousands of dollars in payment, a reinstatement of leave she used after the accident earlier in 2002, promotion on the federal pay scale and a one-year fellowship to Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, according to a former supervisor familiar with the complaint. The promotion itself would have increased her annual salary between $12,000 and $16,000, according to salary tables in 2002 from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.”
 AP wants us to know that: 
“Details of the workplace complaint that Kraushaar made at the immigration service are relevant because they could offer insights into how she responded to conflicts at work.”
My, my, only seven day ago she was one of the individuals who had “…moved on professionally and personally after…” her ordeal.

The thing about all this if the AP knew it The Telegraph’s President and Publisher George McCanless, the Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall and the Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson knew it.

From this we can draw the conclusion that in order to help sell this garbage, Visiting Member Kenny Burgamy had to know about it. After all he appears to be striving for the title of the perfect Republican, and this is what they do.

Nov. 10 – The Telegraph – Herman Cain’s ever evolving woman problem This is a column in The Telegraph by Kathleen Parker.

Parker in a very unladylike way attempts to straddle the fence. She has to bring up the remark by Gloria Allred about this being “…Cain’s idea of a ‘stimulus package.’” All we can say is there goes that “warm fuzzy feeling” again.

Parker makes her point in the final paragraph when she informs the reader that: “The beholder’s eye is now public opinion and the image has been irretrievable set – of a man and a woman in a parked car.”

No surprise here, judging from the lack of facts provided this was the whole point to begin with after all this is the type of thing the bigots in the so-called news media strive for.

Nov. 13 – The Telegraph – Cain Criticizes Obama on space exploration
This story is notable because it is the only article used by The Telegraph which does not use the “alleged allegations and charges” of sexual harassment by Cain.

Poll: Herman Cain Accusers Find Support Among Women, Democrats, BlacksOf all things we find that:
“A new poll by The Hill shows that likely voters are about evenly split between those who believe presidential candidate Herman Cain versus those who believe the four women who have accused Cain of sexual harassment. Women, Democrats and blacks were the most likely to believe Cain's accusers.”
While women, Democrats and blacks were more likely to believe Cain's accusers, men and Republicans were more likely to believe Cain. Forty-six percent of females believed Cain's accusers while forty-eight percent of males believed Cain. Fifty-six percent of Democrats believed Cain's accusers and 54 percent of Republicans believed Cain.

We find out the so-called media was conducting polls to see if their character assassination was successful. We find that:
“The accusations appear to have had an impact on Cain’s position in the presidential race. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll conducted the week the accusations started showed Cain at 27 percent, tied for the lead with former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. The most recent poll, conducted Tuesday through Thursday by McClatchy/Marist shows Cain at 17 percent.”

Nov. 19 IN BRIEF – The Telegraph – Herman Cain receives Secret Service protection - This is nothing more than a brief mention that Cain has been assigned protection by the Secret Service.

Nov. 23The Telegraph –  Cain running on empty by Leonard Pitts Jr. is the typical sophist and uses that type of argument for which today’s Pulitzer Prizes are awarded. He covers “…the Manchester (N.H.) Union Leader attack on Herman Cain.” He then goes on to feed the reader something about “…Cain stumbling to articulate a position on Libya…” he then suggest that “…you get him past his talking points (“9-9-9” and fences to electrocute unsuspecting Mexicans) – he really has nothing to say.”

Pitts, like the AP and The Telegraph clearly shows his bigotry with: 
“A presidential campaign constitutes the world’s longest and toughest job interview. While it’s fine to vet candidates on likability  credibility and, yes, experience, it might not hurt to require that they also show evidence of having thought deeply and with an informed mind about the world and America’s place in it. We are, after all, choosing a president – not a golf buddy.”
Again Pitts, like the AP and The Telegraph failed to mention the cake walk, cover-up and the way the so-called media scammed the people of this Great Nation when Obama was running for president and how they continue to carry water for his administration, the Attorney General Eric Holder and the United Justice Department.

Nov. 24 The Telegraph – Advice for would-be presidents – In this column by Kathleen Parker, she dismiss Herman Cain as “…a one-man clown car.” Whatever that is, this she fails to explain.   

Nov 27 – The Telegraph – Herman Cain: An implausible candidate’s implausible story – This is an article by AP’s Helen O’Neil. This is the only fairly even handed article we have seen by the AP. How it slipped by President and Publisher George McCanless and Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall is a mystery. Surely both were not out of town.

Nov 28 – Fox 5 News – Georgia Woman Claims 13-Year Affair with Herman Cain In the store from Fox 5 news, a TV station in Atlanta, we are told that: 
“She showed us some of her cell phone bills that included 61 phone calls or text messages to or from a number starting with 678. She says it is Herman Cain's private cell phone. The calls were made during four different months-- calls or texts made as early as 4:26 in the early morning, and as late as 7:52 at night. The latest were in September of this year.”
Also note the following where Henry and Jackson of AP took what they wanted from the story and ignored the rest.

Nov 29th – ABC NEWS – Newest Cain Accuser Has History of Financial Trouble -  Here we find that ABC News has discovered that: 
“Like one of his earlier accusers, the latest woman to accuse Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain of sexual misconduct has a history of financial trouble, with a threat of eviction for non-payment of rent just two weeks ago.”
We find that Ginger White “…has liens and civil judgments in Kentucky and Georgia dating back to 1994.” The reader is told that: “Eleven of those liens have been filed since 2009, with nine in 201.” She has been sued “…for non-payment of rent nearly month since the beginning of the year.”

She also “…filed a sex harassment claim against an employer ten years ago, and the case was settled.” We also find “a bankruptcy filing from the late 1980’s.” The story tells us: “In January…" there was a “…civil suit filed against her by a former business partner….”

This article also goes into Sharon Bialek’s sordid history of money problems. Under the heading: “Earlier Cain Accuser’s Rocky Financial, Job History”

ABC tells us: 
“…Bialek, 50, has a history of job changes and financial woes over the past two decades. She has declared bankruptcy twice, and has lost multiple court judgments for debts totaling more than $10,000.”
They then list the history of events.

Nov 29 – The Telegraph – Georgia woman alleges long affair with Cain, who denies it – The AP article by Ray Henry and Henry C. Jackson which appeared in The Telegraph is trash by anyone’s standards. Henry and Jackson cherry picked just enough out of the Fox 5 News article to twist it into what they wanted and left it there. There are links to both articles here, check them and make up your own mind!

This is a throwback to the store arising from an interview with the woman, Ginger White of Atlanta by Fox 5 reporter Dale Russell.  That story hit the streets on Nov. 28th 2011 @ 6:11 PM EST. The title was “Georgia Woman Claims 13-year Affair with Herman Cain”.

They are some stunning statements in the Fox 5 News article!  We are supposed to believe that: “…Cain bought her airplane tickets so she could join him in cities as far-flung as Palm Springs, Calif., and Atlanta.”

If we are to believe White we have to believe that for “…13 years, he would fly her to cities where he was speaking and he lavished her with gifts.”  Then according to her: “…they often stayed at the Ritz Carlton in Buckhead and dined at The Four Seasons Restaurant.”

Oh really and no one noticed a prominent figure like Herman Cain escorting a woman besides his wife around Atlanta – come, come, come!  It is peculiar that the so-called media did not look into this. But then their games seems to be "character assassination" not journalism.

Then we are to believe “…the physical relationship ended about eight months ago, right before Cain announced he was running for president. But the communication did not. When we asked for any corroborating evidence, she pointed us to her cell phone contacts. One name: Herman Cain.” Aw the phone records! Right down to the number, the earliest time and the latest time.

According to the article she had Cain’s phone number. We have to ask just what does this prove? It establishes as Cain said they were in contact with one another.

Now we should look at the other things the article tells us. Things which were ignored by The Telegraph and AP. We have to assume from what we have seen they were ignored for a reason? The reason it would seem was the information did not fit into their "hatchet job" and the "character assassination" of a Republican Candidate for the office of the President of the United States.

White had filed a sexual harassment claim before in 2001 – the claim was settled.

There was a bankruptcy filing 23 years ago in Kentucky also there were a number of eviction notices over the last six years with the last one being on October 2011.

She was unemployed and a single mother with two kids. There was also a lawsuit by a former business partner for “a stalking temporary protective order”. It was for repeated e-mails/texts threatening lawsuit and defamation of character.” The article tells us this was dismissed “…but was followed by a libel lawsuit…” in which “A judge entered an order…” against White.

The AP and The Telegraph had access to all this information and did not use it, we have to ask why?

We have come to the conclusion the reason they did not use it is because the primary purpose of what they were doing was too drive Herman Cain out of the race. They were intent on doing this with the use of unfounded allegations and accusations which in our opinion amount to nothing more than "slander, character assassination and a hatchet job."

Are we to believe that with all the security cameras which are found throughout this Great Nation there is no film of the movement for “…13 years…” when “…he would fly her to cities where he was speaking and he lavished her with gifts.” 

And are we to believe that no one noticed when: “…they often stayed at the Ritz Carlton in Buckhead and dined at The Four Seasons restaurant.” This is astounding. Herman Cain ran for the United States Senate in Georgia in 2004. Why didn't someone see them then?

We have to believe that AP’s Henry and Jackson knew all this would open up a can of worms with no answers. We have to conclude that is why they cherry picked the Fox 5 News store to suit their purposes.

We also have to believe that President and Publisher George McCanless his Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall, the Editorial Page Editor as well as the Visiting Member Kenny Burgamy knew what was going on. Perhaps this was just a part of the plan! A look at the history of The Telegraph indicates this is their style.

Nov 30 The Telegraph – Cain taking second look at campaign – This is an article by AP’s Ray Henry. Of course it starts with the first paragraph obligatory information:
“…the latest allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior against him ‘create too much of a cloud’ for his Republican presidential candidacy to go forward.” It then continues with rhetoric about a conference call and tells us that: “It was the first time doubts about Cain’s continued candidacy had surfaced from the candidate himself.” 
Then there is the usual rhetoric.

Dec 1 – Reuters – “Cain accuser may face eviction from rented home” This article by Andrew is important because it reveals information pertinent to Herman Cain’s accusers that The Telegraph and AP ignored and concealed.

Sharon Bialek is “the first woman to go public with sexual harassment accusations….” We find out that of all things she “…faces eviction from her rented home but refuses to sell her story.” We have been assured that she “…refuses to sell her story.” But there is no mention of money under the table, one could assume it is a matter of tax liability.

It’s pointed that: “Cook County Sheriff's deputies served a court summons on Tuesday evening on Bialek's townhouse in the Chicago suburb of Glenview, Illinois, due to nonpayment of $7,500 in back rent.” But she still “…refuses to sell her story.”

Now we find out of all things “Bialek, a single mother who identified herself as a registered Republican…” This is a difficult one here, we assume that the reader is told she “…refused to sell her story.” Is an attempt to add credibility. The question then becomes why identify her as a “registered Republican"? This is an amateur mistake The AP and The Telegraph would not make. But then they just ignore anything which does not contribute to their goal.

We are then provided with rhetoric about why she refused to resolve “…her financial difficulties…” by refusing to “…sell her story”. This comes from no less authority than Gloria Allred. According to the article “Gloria Allred, Bialek's high-profile attorney…” and we have never heard of her doing any “pro bono” work in this type of situation.

This would be comical if it was not so serious. The finishing touches that are put on this story are unbelievable! We are told that: “Bialek has acknowledged having financial problems. Bialek's boyfriend at the time later came forward to substantiate her story about Cain.” Of all things there is that unnamed source once again.

The facts have been on the street since November 7th that this Bialek has financial troubles, she owes $7,500 in back rent

Dec 1 – AJC (Atlanta Journal-Constitution) Cain accuser's phone records sought By Ernie Suggs and Bill Torpy

In this we are told: “Between Oct. 22 and Nov. 18, there were 70 text messages between White’s cellphone and Cain’s cellphone. Some were as early as 4:54 a.m., and some came late into the night.”

It is noted that: “A review of the records by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution shows Cain sent 17 text messages to White, almost always responding to messages from her.”

Something does not fit, in the Fox 5 store we are told that there were "61 phone or text messages…” and the calls occurred during “…four different months….” The time frame given was from 4:26 A.M. and 7:52 P.M. According to this the last calls were in September of 2011.

In the AJC story we are told that the phone calls occurred “Between Oct. 22 and Nov.18….” and “…there were 70 text messages…” We have 70 contacts within a 35 day period here and in the Fox 5 story we are told there were 61 contacts over a “…four different months…” a 120 day period, this is somewhat confusing to us. However if you are with the so-called news media and are on a mission to commit a "hatchet job" and "character assassination" on a Republican Presidential candidate, like government work, this is good enough. 

We are told that: “A review of the records by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution shows Cain sent 17 text messages to White, almost always responding to messages from her.”

We then get the self-pity: “White said in the ‘Good Morning America’ interview. ‘This has been a very difficult situation for myself, for my family.’”  

Something else The Telegraph and the AP has not been able to bring their selves to tell us: 
“White’s cash flow problems have followed her for years. In 2001, she filed for bankruptcy, and she has been sued numerous times for allegedly failing to pay rent, including nine times this year, most of them by Ashford Park Apartments in Dunwoody.”
I do not recall anyone in the so-called news media examining the phone records when the Independent Council reported President Clinton’s episodes of phone sex with Monica.

As far as the press was concerned where Clinton was involved it was “only about sex”. We might note here there is no proof of sex, none what-so-ever, only accusations, innuendos and alleged allegations.  But then for "character assassination" that is all that is needed.

Dec. 01 – IN BRIEF – The Telegraph – “Cain Plows ahead with campaign”  This starts with: 
“His campaign’s survival in question, Herman Cain plowed ahead Wednesday in a determined effort to move past a woman’s allegation that they had a longtime affair."
It ends with: “…after the latest allegation threatening his campaign.”

Dec. 2, 2011 – IN BRIEF – The Telegraph–Cain campaigns but recovery unlikely as primary votes loom”.

That “warm fuzzy feeling” must be over bearing as The Telegraph tells the reader that:
“His standing in polls is cratering. Supporters are wavering if not fleeing. Fundraising is suffering.”
They continue with 
“…the former pizza company executive is less a serious candidate than the butt of late-night comedy jokes after a string of accusations of sexually inappropriate behavior and, now, an allegation of a 13-yearlong extramarital affair.”
They close out with “His chance at winning the presidency are effectively zero…”

Dec. 03 – IN BRIEF – The Telegraph –  Cain to announce campaign’s future  The Telegraph wants you to know that Herman Cain is: 
“Rapidly becoming a mere footnote in the presidential race, Herman Cain sent mixed signals Friday on whether he would abandon his beleaguered White House bid on Saturday after a woman’s allegation of an extramarital affair.”
They mention his “major announcement” and move on too: 
“It is the latest — and perhaps final — twist in a campaign saga that has taken the Georgia businessman from unknown longshot to surprise frontrunner to embattled tabloid subject.”
They reiterate and want you to remember that: 
“…his campaign was rocked by multiple sexual harassment allegations and this week’s claim that he had a 13-year affair.”
Dec. 04 – The Telegraph Cain move shifts race – This article by AP’s Shannon McCaffrey is all telling. In the first paragraph they are almost ecstatic with joy, why not, they had nailed “A defiant Herman Cain…” and he had “…suspended his faltering bid for the Republican presidential nomination Saturday amid a drumbeat of sexual misconduct allegations against him….”

They failed to mention that this “…drumbeat of sexual misconduct allegations against him…” was based solely on "innuendo, accusations and allegations" which have been proven by no one. As far as we can determine there is not one single fact presented in all this to prove these allegations, not one. 

They went on to end the article with: 
“Cain’s announcement was a remarkable turnabout for a man that just weeks ago vaulted out of nowhere to the top of the GOP field.”
In case someone had missed something they went on to rehash the accusations and innuendos about the “sexual misconduct allegations”.

Cain is quoted as saying: 
“So as of today, with a lot of prayer and soul-searching, I am suspending my presidential campaign because of the continued distractions and the continued hurt caused on me and my family.” 
Dec. 04 – The Telegraph – “The canards in the room” A column by The Telegraphs Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson.

There is a lot of rhetoric going around about the consolation of Bibb County and Macon, Georgia and that is what this column is about but we think it gives an insight into the mentality of the staff of The Telegraph.

Richardson begins his column with “There are some politicians who regularly use canards to cast dispersions on processes they don’t agree with, so it’s no surprise several canards are being thrown around when it comes to the consolidation effort in Macon and Bibb County. He tells us that: “One politician (who will remain nameless to protect the guilty) even asked…” etc., etc., etc.

This begs the question as to when it became the duty of the news media to protect the guilty. But then that makes as much sense as their determination to commit character assassination and do a hatchet job on a black Republican presidential candidate.

Richardson feels compelled to cite the definition of canard: “1: Canard: A false or unfounded report or story, a fabricated report. 2. A groundless rumor or belief. – Merriam Webster”

After reading this definition of the word “canard” and checking the so-called news stories of the AP and The Telegraph about the Republican Presidential candidate Herman Cain, we would be remiss if we did not ask the question: Has the public been subjected to news stories or a selection of canards? Using the power of suggestion the reader has been subjected to an untold number of innuendos, accusations and unsubstantiated charges which when examined are nothing more than slander. Hard facts which would prove any of this are sorely lacking. If this is not deliberate “character assassination” – what is? defines "character assassination" as: a slandering attack, especially one intended to damage the reputation of a public or political figure.

The following is a list of things that pertain to the creditable of the women making these unsubstantiated accusations, innuendos and charges.

This information was out there, it was available to both The Telegraph and the AP. We do not see how reasonable people can doubt that their sole purpose was nothing more than "character assassination" and a "high-tech lynching" of a black Presidential Candidate named Herman Cain.

Was this racism, no, no way, it was unmitigated bigotry which is nothing new for The Telegraph and the AP.

As far as we can determine the biggest difference in racism and bigotry is the way it is spelled.

As President and Publisher of The Telegraph George McCanless answered when asked why The Telegraph did not cover the ethics charges against Charlie Rangel, replied: “He hasn't been convicted of anything - - - yet.” and then to reinforce this he tells us that:  “…I trust you get the message.” 
Nov 7 – Accuser says Cain groped her in car in D.C.
By Seth McLaughlin
The Washington Times
Monday, November 7, 2011

At a packed news conference at the Friars Club in New YorkSharon Bialek became the first woman to publicly come forward with details of what she claims occurred between her and Mr. Cain - the latest in a series of allegations that threaten to derail the presidential hopes of the surprising Republican front-runner.

November 9, 2011

Another woman told the AP that Cain made unwanted sexual advances to her while she worked for the association, and a pollster said he witnessed Cain sexually harass another woman after an association dinner.

. List of things not mentioned by The Telegraph

Sharon Bialek
Date – November 7, 2011

1.     She has worked for at least nine different employers over the past 17 years and appears to have struggled financially.
2.     The public record on Bialek begins in 1991 when she filed personal bankruptcy for the first time while living in Des Plaines.
3.     Between 1993 and 1996 Bialek worked for four different companies in promotion and marketing positions.
4.     In 1999, Bialek's son Nicholas was born and a paternity lawsuit was filed by the father, a media executive.
5.     In 2001 came Bialek's second personal bankruptcy, filed after sizable legal bills. That year she was hired by WGN radio where she worked until 2004 when she took a marketing job and then a job at WCKG radio.
6.     Along the way, according to her attorney, Bialek also held positions with Revlon and Easter Seals.
7.      "There was no money on the table to go and have an interview. This is truly about an American girl who's got a big heart and wants to do the right thing."
8.     "She's of the same political persuasion as Herman Cain," Harwood said.

By Lisa Black, John Chase and Lolly Bowean / Chicago Tribune
Source – Boston Herald
Date – Tuesday, November 8, 2011

1.     “…Cain’s most recent accuser shows a suburban homemaker with a history of financial and legal troubles….”
2.     Monday in New York, Bialek, a former employee of the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation, said she had sought Cain’s help in finding a new job after the organization fired her in July 1997.
3.     "It’s not an anti-political thing. It’s not a money thing,"
4.     Records show she twice has filed for personal bankruptcy, first in 1991 and then again in 2001. In the latter case, she claimed $5,700 in assets and more than $36,000 in liabilities. Among the creditors seeking payment was a management firm demanding back rent of $4,500, four credit card companies and a lawyer asking for his legal fees.
5.     After the case was discharged, she accused a former boyfriend of harassing her for repayment of a loan, court records in the bankruptcy case show. Bialek borrowed $4,500 from William Concha, though Concha now believes she had no intention of paying him back, according to his brother, Mario.
6.     At least two liens have been filed against Bialek, according to records from the Cook County recorder of deeds.
7.     The IRS filed a tax lien against Bialek in 2009 for nearly $5,200. In August, the Illinois Department of Revenue claimed Bialek owed the state more than $4,300, including penalties and interest, relating to income taxes from 2004, according to county records.
8.     Court records also show creditors took legal action against her during the past decade, including at least one lawsuit filed in Cook County.
9.     Bialek met her fiancĂ© online several years ago. After communicating via email for many months, they fell in love on their first date, which lasted 72 hours, Harwood said.
10.                        The couple moved in together four years ago and got engaged while vacationing in Venice, Italy, in June 2010.

Karen Kraushaar
Source – Washington Times – Associated Press
Date – Wednesday, November 9, 2011

1.     “…filed the complaint while working as a spokeswoman at the Immigration and Naturalization Service in the Justice Department in late 2002 or early 2003, with the assistance of her lawyer, Joel Bennett…”
2.     “Kraushaar initially demanded thousands of dollars in payment, a reinstatement of leave she used after the accident earlier in 2002, promotion on the federal pay scale and a one-year fellowship to Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, according to a former supervisor familiar with the complaint. The promotion itself would have increased her annual salary between $12,000 and $16,000, according to salary tables in 2002 from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.”
3.     Details of the workplace complaint that Kraushaar made at the immigration service are relevant because they could offer insights into how she responded to conflicts at work. She now works as a spokeswoman in the office of the Treasury Department’s inspector general for tax administration.

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