Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Is the purpose of The Telegraph to divert people’s attention.

The Telegraph seems to be blindly reaching out for something to distract the people from the conditions which Obama has contributed to. The Telegraph has a documented record of doing everything they could to denigrate the last administration. Now like they did for the Clintons they are doing everything they can to cover-up and carry the water for the Obama Administration. What they cannot twist around to help Obama they just declare it “all politics” and refuse to cover it.

Although they promote the paper as “middle Georgia’s newspaper” they take the people’s hard earned money and continue to function as a propaganda organization for the Democrats. This has to be the answer unless they are receiving free lunches or offers of employment for family members under the table. They have proved in the past they are more than willing to do this type of thing. You can see a part of their past involving this type of activity at – “free lunches” and “70,000 reasons.

When we look at their We have to have a winner all we find is trivia that offers no information what-so-ever to the reader which will help in making an educated choice which is good for the country.

They ramble on about something called a “historic disapproval marks” and then put out some dribble about the polls. The Telegraph and AP have a record of distorting reality with polls. The Telegraph has even been known to quote polls that did not exist. One of the largest flim-flams AP, The Telegraph and others have tried to pull off with the polls was what we call the 60% scam. It did not work it was very obvious and people saw through it.

The Associated Press-GfK poll was loaded to get the desired results much like the polls referred to in the above link.  And of course they do not mention a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll which finds that “Mr. Obama’s job performance on foreign affairs…” has dropped to a “5 percentage point drop from the month before, and a 6 point rise in disapproval.”

“The poll was conducted Sept. 12-16, and protesters first stormed the U.S. embassy in Cairo, Egypt, and the consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11.”

We are told that: “Voters with negative impressions of Romney, meanwhile, have outnumbered those with favorable impressions for much of his bid.” They give us no facts, but of course with the AP and The Telegraph’s penchant for deception it seems as if they have an aversion to facts.

The Telegraph then goes to another AP article Free speech ‘red lines’ feed Muslim rage. This is about the way the protesters in the Middle East and North Africa do not like our laws and the way they are enforced.  

The Article tells us that: “America’s free speech laws and values of openness are not in question, but rather there is confusion and anger over how they are applied.”

And once again they bring up the “clip from the film “Innocence of Muslims”.  And here they tell us about: “…the rage, bloodshed and death threats – churning now for two weeks – is a quandary for American Policy-makers that will linger long after the latest mayhem fades….”

One of the more devastating things they want us to know is how Iran is threatening “to boycott the 2013 Academy Awards.”

They also want us to know in an opinion by a John Voll, associate director of Georgetown University’s Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding. According to him the problem is: “In some extent, it’s not an issue of condemning America’s freedom of speech. It’s become an issue, in the eyes of many Muslims, over where the lines are and why they are not protecting the feelings of Muslims….”

Have a nice day. 

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