Sunday, September 30, 2012

McClatchy Joins The Telegraph in a Master Piece of Dishonesty.

This article is typical of The Telegraph and with a few comments maybe we can point out the intellectual dishonesty employed here. You can see the entire article at: Obama, Romney take different tacks on jobs.

The first paragraph points to jobs. Both McClatchy and The Telegraph know when they tell you that the jobless rate is “8 percent”. They know this is dishonest and  misleading.  This is easy enough to prove, one post tells us that “The Real Unemployment Rate Is Above 15%” and explain that “New figures don't count those who have given up job searching

The U-6 unemployment rate as given at the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is 14.7 percent. This is everyone who wants a job, the “8 percent” is what the Obama administration and the news media want you to think.  

We read the following with some disbelief! We are told that: “…Mark Zandi, chief economist for forecaster Moody’s Analytics and an analyst…” assures us that: “Hiring prior to the Great Recession was running at near 5.25 million per month. Hiring is currently running close to 4.25 million per month,”

If you go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics you will see the “Hiring” for August only added 96,000 jobs. This is taking dishonesty beyond the pale.

The second paragraph talks about “a recession” and how we are “…stuck in a real recovery….” What McClatchy and The Telegraph do not tell you is that: Income has dropped by $3,040 during Obama’s recovery and “…incomes have dropped even more during the ‘recovery’ than during the recession.” These figures are from “…the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey, compiled by Sentier Research, show that the typical American household’s real (inflation-adjusted) income has actually dropped 5.7 percent during the Obama 'recovery.'” You can see the entire article at Americans’ Incomes Have Fallen $3,040 During the Obama ‘Recovery’.

McClatchy and The Telegraph tell us that: “Obama offers a plan that depends largely on government spending and tax cuts.” They then tell us that the plan  “…costs $447 billion and would be paid for through savings from a broader 10-year deficit reduction plan…” they do not mention that they told us when Obama was running for President how he would “cut the deficit in half during his first term.”

They failed to point out how Obama has not even been able to comply with the law and pass a budget since he has been in office. Even CNN points this out in their: Obama, Democrats not serious about passing budget.

They fail to mention how Obama has run trillion dollar deficits since he has been in office. The New York Times tells us about the Fourth straight trillion dollar deficit for Obama.

The article is riddled with intellectual dishonesty. When you consider that The Telegraph promotes the paper as “middle Georgia’s newspaper” you might say this is nothing more than a scam.

It is for certain that no honest newspaper would deceive the reader in this manner. We have no doubt that this was handpicked for the purpose of misleading the reader and deceiving the people of middle Georgia.

President and Publisher George McCanless and Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall are real pros when it comes to this kind of deception. The Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson is always on the job to insure any letter to correct the record will never see the light of day on the editorial page.

Oh well this is what it takes when your specialty is the “Big Lie”. Joseph Paul Goebbels proved this in Germany in the late 30s and early 40s of the last century.

If you wonder why you did not see anything in The Telegraph about Obama’s incompetence and his cover-up of the fiasco in Libya perhaps the following video will explain.

The individual setting on your right is the Editorial Page Editor of The Telegraph Charles E. Richardson. We still have the e-mail of the first low-grade scam he tried to pull on us. He has a lot of practice at this type of thing. 

He is the individual who got caught dining on the taxpayers dollar and went on to gain employment for his wife by pedaling influence.

There is a video clip of a lady who called in about the Bibb County Board of Education's School Superintendent. She used a very apt description which we feel applies to the people at The Telegraph.
We call it the greased pig video. See what you think.  

We have to remember that these are the people that Mercer University President William D. Underwood has brought in to teach journalism to the students of Mercer University. We can only conclude that grant money means more than morality and integrity at Mercer.

Have a nice day. 

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