Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The [Macon] Telegraph goes story shopping again

The [Macon] Telegraph goes story shopping again

When we look at the Tribune article which The Telegraph ran today September 13, 2011 pertaining to Obama’s so-called jobs bill we can see why it was chosen over the AP (Associated Press) article. You can see the AP article here.

Both play to Obama’s penchant for deception, however the AP article, a little less so than the Tribune article.

The Tribune’s first paragraph leans heavily on the class warfare rhetoric and Obama’s desire to pick the winners and losers.  Any tax reform should pertain to all industries, not “specific industries.”

The Tribune points out that “Obama largely resurrected ideals that he failed to achieve over the summer when he sought to cut the nation’s deficit through a ‘grand bargain.’”

They fail to point out, as Forbes did, that Obama also tried to pass this package of tax increases with a Democratic Congress and could not pass them then.

The Tribune points out in a round about way that Obama is playing politics. They squeak this in with out actually saying so. They tell us that “Obama is “…following a political strategy…” – that will “…portray GOP leaders as facing a choice in an election season….”

This looks like Obama has realized that there is nothing he can do to improve the job situation and therefor all this is about politics and his bid for reelection.

In fact The Hill pointed this out in an article on 09/01/11, they tell us that “The Obama administration downgraded its forecast for economic growth Thursday, predicting turmoil in the economy will likely keep unemployment above 9 percent through next year’s election.” Look right here.

This is something George McCanless and his staff, plus the visiting member Kenny Burgamy the ex-banker and enabler would not tell you. They endorsed Obama and he is their man and they have to cover for him.

Forbes points out in an article titled “Obama’s Ideas To Pay For Jobs Bill Are Unlikely To Fly With Congress.” We are told that his proposals “…to raise revenues to pay for his $447 billion jobs program…” is like “…a very old shoe.”

They question “…how going after the thousands of jobs in the corporate jet industry is going to improve the economy.” And point out “…these revenue proposals have been around for a long time and neither the previous Democratic-controlled Congress nor the current Congress have shown any interest in enacting them.” You can see the Forbes article here.

If Obama could not pass these tax increases in a Democratic Congress how does he expect to pass them now?

“Obama is asking taxpayers [sic] make their views known in calls and emails to Congress.”

The Telegraph’s choice of the Tribune article can be seen here. 

Obama must have a short memory. He seems to have forgotten, the taxpayers made “their views known” in the Massachusetts special election held on January 19, 2010. They put a Republican Senator in the late Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat. Of course McCanless and crew did not report this. You can see their excuse here.

The taxpayers spoke again on November 2, 2010 in the midterm election when they added Republicans to the United States Congress.  Fox tells us that “The party so far has won more than 60 seats, with about 65 net gains projected by the time all ballots are counted…”    
That can be seen here.

There was also pickups in the Senate and Governors race. Yes the taxpayers spoke and they will speak again in November 2012. Obama shall get his wish.

The article is heavy on opinion. For instance they refer to Economist as giving an opinion, they fail to say which Economist. Was it Paul Krugman a known liar and his crowd. (And if there are any doubts about this Google Cavuto, Krugman, liar.) Or was it Arthur Betz Laffer and his crowd of more honest Economist?

They did this to lay groundwork for Obama and his claims that he “…supports that approach and believes a majority of Americans agree....” Other wise they would have named the Economist.

The rest of the article was the same old rhetoric that we have heard over and over and over, Etc.

One of the more disgusting things is the dishonesty and deceit about the oil companies and the way Obama beds down with Immelt. This type of crony capitalism is despicable whether it is Democrats or Republicans.

There is an excellent article in the New York Times, by David Kocieniewski titled “G.E.’s Strategies Let It Avoid Taxes Altogether” dated March 24, 2011. The article can be seen here and it is well worth the read!

Obama is a failure as a leader and when we look back at the The Telegraph’s record and why they endorsed him it becomes clear why we think they are covering for him. Of course they did the same thing for Bill Clinton and the criminal enterprise he ran out of the White House.

We do not know if they are covering for Attorney General Eric Holder because of Obama, or because he was part of the criminal enterprise during the Clinton administration.

If this is what President and Publisher, George McCanless, Executive Editor, Sherrie Marshall and Executive Page Editor, Charles E. Richardson who we sometimes refer to as Low-Grade, call community service then; maybe we should refer to all of them as Low-Grade. We know they are all involved in the process of putting the paper together. Perhaps McCanless should carry the largest portion of the weight, He is suppose to be in charge. Unless of course it is a case of as they said in their endorsement of Clinton for his second term as President where we are told:

“Sometimes it seemed the inmates had taken over the asylum. In taking responsibility for his own household, Clinton often has been put in the untenable position of admitting either incompetence or skullduggery.”

They now have the Visiting Member, Kenny Burgamy. The ex-banker who as we have said appears to serve as an enabler and offers a token opposition to their slanted views 

Feel free to leave your comments in the comment section or if you wish you can contact us by e-mail at – wetrack@windstream.net

Your contacts at The Telegraph are:

President and Publisher - George McCanless
Phone744-4290 - e-mail - gmccanless@macon.com
Executive Editor - Sherrie Marshall
Phone - 744-4340 - e-mail - smarshall@macon.com
Editorial Page Editor - Charles E. Richardson
Phone - 744-4342 - e-mail - crichardson@macon.com
Visiting Member - Kenny Burgamy (ex-banker)
e-mail - kenny@macon.com

Have a nice day.

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