For years The Telegraph served the people of middle Georgia and while bigotry and what people use to call bias was noticed, they at least reported events. At that time Knight Ridder owned the paper.
In 2006 McClatchy purchased the paper from Knight Ridder Inc and the paper began to change. Editors and staff came and went. In January 2008, George McCanless replaced Pamela J. (P.J.) Browning as President and Publisher of The Telegraph.
Since that time there has been a distinctive change in The Telegraph. We have spent a great deal of time looking at the past history of The Telegraph going back to their first endorsement of Bill Clinton. We have tracked their coverage since January 1st 1995.
Some of the staff have left or retired and at least three that we know of are now deceased.
At any rate the paper as a service to the people of the middle Georgia area has deteriorated to the point where it is an embarrassment and people have dropped their subscriptions.
This is indicated by the fact that on May 15, 2011, President and Publisher George McCanless wrote an editorial titled “Home delivery to stop outside of core counties”. The editorial pointed out The Telegraph would reduce home deliver from a 31 county area to 7 counties in middle Georgia. The reason given was that “…declines in circulation over the years…” had become “…become very unprofitable.” You can see the editorial here.
The people we talk to can understand this. It is apparent what The Telegraph has done is gradually let their bigotry take over and it now dictates what they print and what they do not print. The list is too long and comprehensive to list here.
They have proven they are not going to provide the people of middle Georgia with the information they need to make informed decisions.
The middle Georgia area needs a newspaper, they do not need a paper that refuses to keep them informed and one who peddles deceit. Omission of events which would be material to any newspaper is a form of deceit.
There were two letters in the paper today pointing out the fact that The Telegraph has completely ignored the conduct of Jimmy Hoffa and his diatribe about the Tea Party. For this Obama praised Hoffa. One of the letters can be seen here and the other letter here.
There was another letter in the paper about a county commissioner in Twiggs County. The Telegraph is all up in arms about Commissioner Bennett and the use of some county equipment to help clean up some church property.
President and Publisher George McCanless and the staff at The Telegraph are all upset because according to them, the law has been broken. They are functioning as judge and jury. Well the fact is at the time of the letter no judge and jury has ruled the law has been broken.
Their reply to the letter; “We did not question where Commissioner Bennett’s heart was, only the matter of law. What he did by sending county crews and equipment to help fix a church foundation was against the law — a Twiggs County law. If residents want to change the law, so be it. — Editors”
While the hypocrites at The Telegraph are all up in arms about this they completely ignore the lawlessness, and the slimy back door deals of the Obama administration. Things like the way the bankruptcy laws were ignored in the Chrysler deal. The contempt of court in the Gulf, etc., etc., etc. You can see the letter and reply right here. This is disgusting.
The Telegraph has ignored Immelt of General Electric and how he is shipping jobs and technology to China at a time when the people of this great Country are begging for jobs. This would reflect on the Obama administration.
Obama is hollering about the oil companies and taxes, but it seems to be O.K. when G.E. does not pay taxes and The Telegraph ignores it.
What The Telegraph has done is disgusting and we really think the only way it is going to change is for the paper to change hands. What we need is someone who believes in honest journalism; someone who will abide by a Journalistic Code of Ethics and provide the people with what they expect to get when they buy a newspaper.
Under President and Publisher George McCanless and his staff The Telegraph has adopted an attitude that they will only provide the news they want people to have.
In fact George McCanless confirmed this in an e-mail dated Friday, July 23, 2010 to us. When questioned about the lack of coverage on Congressman Rangel (D-NY) and Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) He points out that they will provide “…adequate coverage…” when and if there is a conviction and points out “…I trust you get the message.” He was rather condescending.
In the past they did everything they could to denigrate the last administration. They did everything they could to cover for the Clinton administration. Now after endorsing Obama and watching him fail they have quit reporting on him. When it is so bad they can not twist it to their liking they just do not report it.
Their endorsement of this man was disgusting, ridiculous and pathetic. We can understand why they are hesitant to draw attention to these facts. Their coverage leading up to the election was a disgrace. We do not think that they care. But the people we talk to only want honest information. They could care less about The Telegraph’s political philosophy and bigotry. That is until such time as it effects the so-called news in the so-called newspaper they spend their money on. You can see their endorsement of Obama right here.
You have to wonder about McClatchy, we would have thought they were in the business to make money. Judging from the past if they do not make some changes at The Telegraph it is going to shrink to nothing.
Maybe when the circulation is reduced to a paper for each employee, a few relatives and a used car dealer or two, someone will wake up.
Please contact us and let us know how you feel You can leave comments in the comment section or e-mail us at –
Contacts at the Telegraph are:
President and Publisher - George McCanless
Phone744-4290 - e-mail -
Executive Editor - Sherrie Marshall
Phone - 744-4340 - e-mail -
Editorial Page Editor - Charles E. Richardson
Phone - 744-4342 - e-mail -
Visiting Member - Kenny Burgamy (ex-banker)
e-mail -
Have a nice day.
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