Friday, September 9, 2011

The [Macon] Telegraph walks lightly!

You have to laugh at The Telegraph, they can read the polls but they just do not want the public to see them. Or perhaps they are afraid the people of middle Georgia will remember the last scam they pulled along with AP (Associated Press). That was the “60 percent scam”, below the fold, grafts, picture and all. You can see it right here. This is the only explanation we can think of for the way they did the coverage of Obama’s joint session campaign speech.

For the their “Obama unveils $450B job plan” they handled it quite different from their “60 percent scam”. Perhaps because they feel that it will not attract so much attention. For Obama’s “campaign speech” before the joint session of Congress they used a much smaller picture and one, which included Biden, the Biden who suffers from the foot in mouth disease, the one they indorsed. Then for reasons unknown they used an article by Ben Feller of AP fame with material from the Tribune (Washington Bureau).

We might note that McClatchy owns both the Tribune and The Telegraph. The Telegraph according to the Executive Editor, Sherrie Marshall says they use the AP so-called code of ethics. Anyone who follows the paper does not see much evidence of any ethics at all.

According to Feller, Obama is “Confronting an economy in peril….” This is quite contrary to what The Telegraph and Obama has been telling us in the last few months. The Telegraph as recent as Friday September 2, 2011 was telling us “Economy shows signs of growth” and “Car makers report strong August sales”. You can see it here.

And here.

As recently as June 7, 2011 Obama was telling the world “…that the country is not at risk of slipping into a double-dip recession, but he conceded he does not know whether a sudden slowdown in job growth is a blip or an indication of a longer, more worrisome trend. The president said the nation is on a solid but uneven path to recovery and the key is to ‘not panic.’"

This to most people would be an indication that Obama and his minions do not know what they are doing.

We think this is indicated in their “Obama unveils $450B job plan” article. This turned out to be classic Telegraph, the same old, same old. There was nothing new. We have been hearing the same thing from The Telegraph and the Obama administration since his stimulus plan back in the early part of 09. That was when the Obama administration was going to keep unemployment below 8 percent. The Time Magazine story on that can be seen right here.

We note in the second paragraph of the article that Feller tells us Obama wants to “…slash the Social Security payroll tax both for tens of millions of workers and employers, too.” Sounds great, in order to put $1500 in the typical American family’s pocket and help his reelection bid Obama is willing to move forward the time which Social Security will be bankrupt. The $1500 part of the story comes from the Tribune contribution.

It is interesting to note that the Editorial Page Editor, Charles E. Richardson on the morning of September 9, 2011 on News Talk Central, which is powered by The Telegraph, was pedaling the lie that the tax cuts had nothing to do with Social Security.  The Caller from Twiggs County was having nothing to do with that. Ole Kenny Burgamy, ex-banker and enabler, true to form set there doing his job. He was ignoring the facts.

Back on August 18, 2010, Annalyn Censky, staff reporter for CNN Money in a report titled “It's official: Social Security will reach its tipping point this year.” Tells us that “Social Security: More going out than coming in.”

Annalyn Censky continues with “For the first time in nearly 30 years, the system will pay out more benefits than it receives in payroll taxes both this year and next, the government officials who oversee Social Security said on Thursday.”

And low and behold “…while Social Security cash flow will likely head back into the black for a few years after that, starting in 2015 it looks to stay in the red for the long haul, the trustees said in their annual report.” The  report is right here.

So it appears as if Obama’s attitude is dam the future of Social Security as long as I get reelected.  We can all remember that was one of the first things he was going to cut if he did not get his way in the debt ceiling debate. You can see that here. 

There were other things not mentioned which we thought might be of interest. The Telegraph, AP and Tribune chose to ignore them. We can only assume they ignored it because it would make Obama look bad and we all know they can not help reelect him doing that. The truth must not interfere and things like the future of Social Security and this great country is immaterial when it comes to Obama’s reelection. 

It was evident there were people in the audience, which had come to support Obama who might cause reasonable people to doubt Obama’s sincerity about honesty, integrity, jobs and the economy.

The three of many which all have records of one type or another, which we can look at are; Immelt of General Electric fame, Timothy Geithner, Treasury Secretary and Charlie Rangel (D-NY).

Immelt a close friend of Obama’s makes one wonder about Obama’s tax and job rhetoric. You can see what we are talking about here.

And of course the liars and tax cheats Geithner and Rangel was present, you can see Geithner’s problems here and Rangel’s here.

Let us know what you think at 

Have a nice day.

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