It is simple amazing, it took the AP (Associated Press) and their minions this long to get out their “Obama’s speech stirs, but some say a bit too much”
This is an amazing piece of work. It took nine reporters, ten with Allen G. Breed to interview eight different people in 8 or nine locations across the country. (Boston is mentioned twice) The answers they reported are so similar that they trip all kind of red flags.
Wilma Dillard of Durham, N.C., we are told how “…she and millions of other recession-weary Americans sat rapt before their televisions….” Wilma may have told them that she “sat rapt before” her Television, but what about the other millions? How did they know these people were “recession weary?” According to Washington the recession has been over since 2009. The Wall Street Journal tells us that “The National Bureau of Economic Research, the arbiter of the start and end dates of a recession, determined that the recession that began in December 2007 ended in June 2009.” This is located right here.
From Wilma to Joe Olivo there is no significant difference in their answers.
When we read the article we came to the conclusion that the sole purpose was to prop up Obama. And you can see it here.
We believe this is why President and Publisher George McCanless and his staff chose it. His staff includes Executive Editor, Sherrie Marshall, Editorial Page Editor, Charles E. Richardson whom we some times refer to as Low-Grade. There is also Kenny Bergamy. We are not sure of Burgamy’s status, on the masthead he is listed as a Visiting Member, what ever that is. We know he is an ex-banker and judging from his performance on News Talk Central which they advertise as being powered by The Telegraph he also serves as an enabler. What we mean by this is he provides a token difference of opinion when there is controversy. For instance when The Telegraph ran their “60 percent scam” back on May 12, a caller called in about it and Burgamy in defense of The Telegraph tells the caller, “They only print it” We all got a big laugh out of that.
You can see the "60 percent scam" here.
The Telegraph indorsed Obama now they have to take care of him. We have not seen any indication from their so-called news coverage of concern for this great Country!
As difficult as it is to admit we do not think the people are going to get the information they need from our good friends at The Telegraph. The closer we get to the 2012 election the worse it will get. We hope we are wrong, but we base this on their record going back 20 years.
To point out what we mean when we say that the AP writes something for everyone and show The Telegraph had a choice in what they printed. There was another article by Calvin Woodward and Tom Raum from AP, which we found on MSNBC’s web site. This article is informative and points out some of the misrepresentation made by Obama. In other words the lies he told.
You can be sure nothing like that would get by President and Publisher, George McCanless and his crowd.
Obama made the claims that “And everything in this bill will be paid for. Everything.”
The article points out that “It will only be paid for if a committee he can't control does his bidding…” and “…It employs sleight-of-hand accounting.”
It is pointed out that: “White House aides suggested that new deficit spending in the near-term to try to promote job creation would be paid for in the future — the "out years," in legislative jargon….” They go on to tell us that “Essentially, the jobs plan is an IOU from a president and lawmakers….”
Obama makes the class warfare pitch again. He then tells everyone the Republican opposition is for this also. That is nothing but an out right lie.
He goes on to make the statement that “It will not add to the deficit.” We can not count the times he has told this lie. And look at where we are today. This guy must take lessons from Bill Clinton.
Obama also tells us “The American Jobs Act answers the urgent need to create jobs right away.”
How many remember the “shovel ready jobs” and how funny it was to Obama and Immelt after billions of dollars which did no good.
You can watch them laugh here.
That is the Immelt that is sending our technology and jobs to China. The one who runs GE (General Electric), one of those billion dollar corporations which pays no taxes under Obama’s administration. You can see that here.
You can see what Calvin Woodward and Tom Raum had to say right here.
The entire speech was nothing more than political rhetoric, anyone who keeps up with the news has heard it all before. What it has done is establish the fact that Obama continues to lie to the people of this great country.
There have been more lies come out of this administration than any administration since the Nixon.
We recall very vividly President Obama and his “…promises to cut the $1.3 trillion deficit in half by the end of his first term.” This was on "February 23, 2009.”
Most recently he promised a plan after he completed his vacation at a multi-million-dollar estate in Martha’s Vineyard. He then dropped in for a brief visit at the White House before he was off again to the luxurious Camp David.
Then it was the political speech before the Joint Session of Congress where he repeated the same old rhetoric and promised a plan at a later date, what was it, a week?
What all this boils down to is we still do not have a plan.
Have a nice day.
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