The Telegraph, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Joe Louis, and Timothy Geithner.
Their piece today, September 4, 2011 is titled “Obama can’t create many jobs without Congress’ help”
You can see it right here.
This is a joke, Obama has been in office since the 20th day of January 2009 and the first two years of his administration he had majorities in both the Senate and the House. They gave him what he asked for. Both Obama and the Congress ignored both the jobs and the economy.
Now because of this spending, which has caused trillion plus deficits he has to depend on the House of Representatives to write him blank checks like the Democrats did. We know the budget deficit for 2009 was a joint effort. According to the Cato Institute, “ the deficit jumped from about $450 billion in 2008 to $1.4 trillion in 2009.”
Obama was not satisfied with Bush’s deficit so he decided to add some of his own. He added both an “omnibus spending bill" and the so-called "stimulus bill" that increased FY2009 spending.
Then according to Bruce Bartlett the actual deficit for 2010 was $2.1 trillion. You can see his “Cooking the Books: The 2010 Deficit Was $2.1 trillion” right here.
As for the 2011 deficit “The CBO projects U.S. budget deficit to reach $1.5 trillion in 2011, highest ever” this is according to the Washington Post. You can see it right here.
So was Obama lying or was it just plain ignorance when he "pledges to cut US deficit in half by end of first term". We will give him a break, we think it was ignorance. Whatever you can see it right here.
The Republicans they will not write blank checks, they want to enjoy the luxurious benefits of the United States House of Representatives. Sort of like the known criminal Charles Rangel (D-NY). Rangel was the criminal the House Ethics Committee let walk when he was caught cheating on his taxes, lying and other “multiple ethics violations” etc., etc. He was and is a disgrace to the People’s House. But then that is why the Democrats are there, to take advantage of their benefits.
The have nothing to worry about, Executive Page Editor Charles E Richardson and by extension The Telegraph will pass it off. Their feelings as expressed over the air on the so-called News Talk Central program, powered by The Telegraph, was put this way. The Macon Telegraph addressed the crimes of Charlie Rangel, one of the most powerful men in Washington D.C. as “taking privileges you shouldn’t.”
These people represent their self as journalist, however, most people we know find this questionable. Reputable journalists abide by a code of ethics such as that specified by the “Society of Professional Journalists” That is right here.
This code “was adopted by the 1996 SPJ National Convention…”, of course The Telegraph is not tied down by such nonsense, according to Executive Editor, Sherrie Marshall. They use something from AP (Associated Press).
This code requires, under the heading of “RESPONSIBILITY “ that:
“The good newspaper is fair, accurate, honest, responsible, independent and decent.”
“Truth is its guiding principle. “
“It avoids practices that would conflict with the ability to report and present news in a fair, accurate and unbiased manner.”
Then under “INTEGRITY” we find that:
“The newspaper should strive for impartial treatment of issues and dispassionate handling of controversial subjects. It should provide a forum for the exchange of comment and criticism, especially when such comment is opposed to its editorial positions.”
Judging from The Telegraph’s history they fail miserable on these counts.
We can not understand why the House Ethics committee went to all the trouble with Charlie Rangel. The Democrats have the attitude that they do not have to pay income taxes. This is probably the result of Franklin D. Roosevelt giving Lyndon Baines Johnson a walk when he was a junior congressman from Texas.
We are told on page 157 of Burton W. Folsom, Jr.’s book New Deal or Raw Deal?” That:
“Johnson himself became an IRS target for failing to properly report income from his campaigns. On January 13, 1944, just as six IRS agents were winding up their eighteen-month investigation of Johnson, President Roosevelt held an emergency meeting with Johnson. That day, the president contacted Elmer Irey and began the process of halting the investigation.” And we find out that “Johnson was not harmed at all. He had proven himself too valuable to the president to lose.”
We also find on page 210 that “Roosevelt could have won much praise from the black community by pardoning [Joe] Louis, or at least calling off the IRS as he did for Lyndon Johnson.”
Cheating on your income taxes works wonders for Democrats. Looks at Lyndon Johnson and tax cheat, liar and common criminal Timothy Franz Geithner, he is now secretary of the Treasury. These two and Rangel make three examples.
Have a nice day.
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