It has come to pass and The Macon Telegraph has decided that an incompetent administration is not important news to the people of middle Georgia.
Rising health care cost can also be overlooked, along with the fact that there are 52 members of congress calling for Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation. Above all, word about “Fast and Furious” and this administration’s “gun running program” must be kept a secret. This would show the incompetence of this administration.
If you remember back during 2007 there was a steady barrage by The Telegraph and the AP (associated press) using anything they could to denigrate the Bush justice department for removing personnel. These acts were legal and something all presidents do.
The so-called news media likes to point out that the program started under the Bush administration. This is good because guns were not allowed into Mexico under the Bush administration and they were not sold to the drug cartels for the mass murder of Mexican citizens and Federal Agents of the U.S. Government.
It demonstrates there was nothing wrong with the program and it is the incompetent Obama administration that has allowed the “gun running” to get out of hand.
When one watches the hearings of the House Committee on the Judiciary and the testimony of Janet Napolitano and her expert use of condescension and sneers, no one can doubt the incompetence of this administration. If you can stand it you can watch the hearings right here.
They also do not want to call the out of control spending of this administration to the attention of the people of middle Georgia. The Telegraph seems to think this is fine. However they do not explain how this Great Nation can survive borrowing 43 cent on every dollar it spends.
“The estimated population of the United States is 311,719,037 so each citizen's share of this debt is $48,296.63.” It is also pointed out that: The National Debt has continued to increase an average of $3.99 billion per day since September 28, 2007!”
Apparently The Telegraph does not think this is worth mentioning sense they can no longer blame it on the last administration.
Check it out here.
Have a nice day.
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