Thursday, November 24, 2011

More on The [Macon] Telegraph, their intentions are clear!

Today is the first time The Telegraph has overcome their tendency for bigotry and rumor mongering in the case of Herman Cain. They actually ran a halfway decent article on Presidential Candidate Herman Cain. It must be because of the holidays and the top dogs are looking the other way. The article is available here. 

Or maybe they feel they have accomplished their goal.  It looks as if the character assassination of Herman Cain by the Media has achieved the results they wanted. No documented facts, just innuendo and rumors.  Just look how long this went on before the first name surfaced. It dropped his poll numbers, instilled doubt in the mind of the voters, etc. The Telegraph did their fair share and you can believe there will be no letters pointing this out to the people of middle Georgia on the opinion pages of The Telegraph. The Editorial Page Editor, Charles E. Richardson, closely controls these letters. We formed the opinion long ago that he has no interest in facts and integrity, it sort of reminds you of Obama. 

We can also looks for the howls about Robins Air Force Base to get louder. Of course The Telegraph will point their fingers toward the Republicans, again documented facts will be in short supply, the rumors and innuendo will carry the day. It appears as if they now have the ex-banker and enabler Kenny Burgamy to lend a hint of credibility to what they print. Burgamy’s transformation has been a work of art, second to none!

The Telegraph has carefully played down the so-called super committee and their failure. We surely will not hear anything about Obama’s four-minute speech where he assured us that he would “veto” any efforts to repeal the law for $1.2 trillion in cuts. This will automatically devastate the defence department and Robbins Air Force Base.   Obama with a stroke of the pen will show his mighty power and when he does this we have to remember The Telegraph gleefully endorsed him and his qualifications for the office were never considered, just history and change.  

President Obama said he would veto any effort by lawmakers to repeal a requirement for $1 trillion in automatic spending cuts to be triggered after the Super Committee failed to agree on terms to save the country $1.2 trillion over a 10-year span. 

Obama’s inability to provide any leadership has lead to an economy on the verge of collapse and now he seems intent on devastating the National Security and defence of this Great Nation.

“There will be no easy off ramps on this one,” Obama said and at an afternoon press conference laid blame squarely on Republicans whom according to him refused to bend. “We need to keep the pressure up to compromise, not turn off the pressure.” Of course we have to remember Obama’s habitual lies, which are well documented.

It also looks if the Executive Page Editor, Charles E. Richardson is making preparations to justify our inclination to classify him as Low-Grade. He has kept all letters off of the editorial pages, which may shine a hint of truth about what is going on in Washington.  Also prohibited are any mention of the methods The Telegraph is using to cover for the Obama administration.

We can not forget The Telegraph endorsed him and now they have to cover for him.

After all they have to consider the future historians which The Telegraph cited as their first reason for their endorsement of Obama.  We can only wonder at what they will dream up for their next endorsement. 

We should remember this work of art which shows just how shallow minded President and Publisher George McCanless and his staff really are. You can see it here. 

Have a nice day. 

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