Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It looks as if The Telegraph was in on the kill!

Perhaps we are wrong about this, however we are sure The Telegraph will be graceful enough to explain to us why. 

Like Liz Fabian we can not help but compare the Herman Cain situation with Bill Clinton and Gennifer Flowers. 

Five days after the Star broke the story of the 12-year affair, the then Macon Telegraph went on the attack. Their editorial  “Can one sleazy story destroy Clinton Candidacy?” was quite telling. 

In the very first sentence of the editorial they instructed the people of middle Georgia on what was expected of  them. Their instructions were “Let’s be very careful and very specific in judging Gov. Bill Clinton, a leading Democratic presidential candidate in trouble with his past.”

After all: “His problem stems from allegations in a sleazy supermarket tabloid that pays big money for its muck.”

When the story broke about Herman Cain, the same publication now called “The Telegraph” went into their character assignation mode. With only accusations and innuendoes they hammered Cain almost daily.

In the case of Clinton, it was attack the messenger and defend Clinton. 

With Herman Cain The Telegraph hammered for days with no names or facts, nothing but accusations and innuendos. 

With Clinton The Telegraph and AP (Associated Press) had names, Flowers and Star, that attacked both repeatedly.

These people know what they are doing and it is what most reasonable people could agree is dishonest and disgraceful. 

The President and Publisher and the staff of The Telegraph have turned their back on everything honorable and decent in the so-called world of journalism. 

The power of the pen is awesome as long as honor, decency and ethics do not inhibit it. 

Have a nice day. 

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