The Telegraph’s treatment of Bill Clinton and Herman Cain is a case study of bigotry at work. In the case of Cain they have added to their masthead Visiting Member, Kenny Burgamy. It appears as if his function is to add a token skepticism. He is an old hand at this. Burgamy and Richardson have been perfecting this charade for years going back to the era of Bill Clinton.
We are convinced anyone who will misrepresent the reasons why they avoided military service will, as The Telegraph would put it, lie about anything. It is a documented fact Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson does this. Burgamy is aware of the fact and covers for him. Therefor we feel justified in referring to Burgamy as an enabler.
Gennifer Flowers went public on Jan. 23, 1992. After that when The Telegraph got word as to what action they were to take from the Clinton Campaign, they charged and their attack was aimed at Gennifer Flowers and the Star.
Two days after Flowers went public on Jan. 25th The Telegraph ran an article out of Little Rock, Ark titled “Clinton prepares to battle allegations of infidelity”. The Telegraph found their instructions in the next to the last paragraph of this article. It was “how to deal with malicious and inaccurate rumors.”
The Telegraph hit the ground running and they have not looked back. In fact to this day they are still carrying the water for the Clintons!
Three days later, on the 28th they lay out their game plan in an editorial titled “Can one sleazy story destroy Clinton candidacy?”
In the first paragraph they issued instructions to the people of central Georgia. The instructions were “Let’s be very careful and very specific in judging Gov. Bill Clinton, a leading Democratic presidential candidate in trouble with his past.” They advised his “…problem is not so much that his marital background includes infidelities…”, and The Telegraph assures us “His problem stems from allegations in a sleazy supermarket tabloid that pays big money for its muck.” Here we can see how The Telegraph has decided to attack the publication which broke the story. If we look back to Jan. 25th the publication which turned out to be the messenger was just “Star”. The Telegraph has now downgraded the messenger to “a Sleazy supermarket tabloid that pays big money for its muck”.
As for Clinton. We were warned that; “With Clinton, we have a man whose survival as presidential candidacy hangs on accusations….”
From that day forth the Clintons never committed an act or crime The Telegraph did not defend. Any lie the Clintons told The Telegraph would swear by it, just as they do for Obama.
When Clinton ran for his second term The Telegraph passed off the criminal acts of the Clinton administration and endorsed him again. They continue to cover for him to this day.
With Herman Cain it was a different story. Let us look at some facts Clinton is White, Cain is Black. With The Telegraph covering for Clinton and their attacks on Cain it is obvious this is not a matter of race therefore it must be bigotry.
The staff of The Telegraph has never as far as we can determine looked at things with an open mind.
Politico broke the Cain story on October 30, 2011 and the “hi-tech lynching” of Herman Cain began.
The Telegraph has continued their character assassination to this day. It has all been based on accusations and innuendos. The Telegraph and AP have not provided any definitive proof of their charges that we have seen to this date.
Burgamy and Richardson out did their selves this morning on The Telegraph’s News Talk Central.
Of course Richardson showed his tendency to misrepresent the facts in a manner which The Telegraph would label as lie. This was in the area of health care and Solyndra.
Today was only the start of the scams we are going to see coming from The Telegraph leading up to the 2012 election.
Have a nice day.
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