Thursday, December 1, 2011

The [Macon] Telegraph is beginning to show their trend!

As we approach the 2012 elections we notice more and more the direction which The Telegraph intends to take. For the last few years as for as we can tell they have shown a complete disregard for any ethical and honest conduct.

President and publisher George McCanless and the staff of The Telegraph have completely ignored any information the people will need to make an accurate assessment of this administration.
The staff as listed on the masthead is Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall, Executive Page Editor Charles E. Richardson and Visiting Member Kenny Burgamy. They are all involved in this charade.
The paper belongs to McClatchy Newspapers and they have to share in the responsibility for the blatant scams of President and Publisher George McCanless and his staff.

One of the largest examples of this is the Justice Department under the direction of Attorney General Eric Holder. As most people know Holder served in the Justice Department for the criminal organization of the Clinton Administration. He has an established record of questionable conduct when the Obama administration appointed him as Attorney General.

Of course this did not deter either U.S. Senator from the state of Georgia from voting for his confirmation it appears as if they felt they should do anything they could to help Obama.

The Obama administration and the Justice Department have fell flat on their face with this “Gun Running Operation”. It is disgusting and a disgrace to this great country.

Up until now Georgia’s two Senators have been conspicuously quiet about this fiasco. This has been a serious mistake on both Senator Chambliss and Isakson’s part. It is one a lot of people in Georgia will not forget.

It would appear that it is beginning to get to Holder. Matthew Boyle has a story on the Daily Caller about how Attorney General Eric Holder is lashing out at the press.

This along with a paragraph about the death of one of the U.S. Border Patrol agents and how the “…Obama administration is hiding information about his death from the public.” You can see the story here.

Boyle also notes that there are: “Currently 52 members of Congress, three presidential candidates and two sitting Governors have called for Holder’s immediate resignation.”

The list of Congress members can be found here.

The Telegraph has made a conscious choice to ignore this information. However they made a conscious decision to join AP (Associated Press) in the character assassination of Presidential Candidate Herman Cain.

Unlike their attack on Herman Cain they aggressively defended Presidential Candidate Clinton when accusations were made against him.  In an editorial they instructed the people of middle Georgia to “…be very careful and very specific in judging Gov. Bill Clinton, a leading Democratic presidential candidate in trouble with his past.” They then went on to point out that “His problem stems from allegations in a sleazy supermarket tabloid that pays big money for its muck.”

We cannot see much difference “…in a sleazy supermarket tabloid that pays big money for its muck.” and a so-called newspaper which scams the public for “big money”. We just do not see the difference!

The Telegraph promotes their self as “middle Georgia’s newspaper”. Back during the last administration when some people at the justice department was legally fired, The Telegraph repeatedly hammered on this for months.

They have run one story on “Fast and Furious”. They have not mentioned the death of the Federal Agents and the hundreds possibly thousands of deaths in Mexico because of this.

Now the Obama administration has sealed all the records and not a peep out of the scam artists at The Telegraph.

The power of the pen is an awesome thing when it is not inhibited by honor, honesty and ethics.

Have a nice day. 

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