The people listed on the masthead consist of Executive Editor, Sherrie Marshall and we would think she and the people working for her are the ones who hand pick all the so-called news articles. Reasonable people could conclude these articles are the backbone of the material used to deceive the people of middle Georgia.
Then there is the Executive Page Editor, Charles E. Richardson whom we some times refer to as “Low-Grade”. We would think he is in charge of controlling the material, which appears on the opinion and editorial pages. If he is, he would have to insure that all material appearing there supports the agenda the hand picked news articles portray.
This would include keeping a careful check on all “letters to the editor” and insure there are no serious letters that might cause doubt of the agenda of The Telegraph.
Next is the Visiting Member, Kenny Burgamy – it is unclear exactly what his function is. The function of the ex-banker appears to be to lend credibility to the agenda The Telegraph is pushing. For instance back on May the 12, 2011 when The Telegraph ran what we call their “60 percent” scam on the people of middle Georgia Burgamy advised The Telegraph “only prints it.” Of course we all know that is not true. You can see the “60 percent” scam right here.
Of course last but not least is President and Publisher, George McCanless. Unless this situation is like the one The Telegraph used to endorse Clinton for his second term in the Oval Office. They told us that “Sometimes it seemed the inmates had taken over the asylum. In taking responsibility for his own household, Clinton often has been put in the untenable position of admitting either incompetence or skullduggery.”
They ignored the fact that Clinton never took responsibility for anything which might discredit him. But the point we are getting to is the possibility that George McCanless may not have control of his “own household” Other wise we would think it is his job to put a stamp of approval on everything that goes on at The Telegraph.
The Telegraph’s latest venture into the absurd was the November 13, 2011 editorial over the name of Charles E. Richardson titled “Want to learn about a candidate? Watch a debate” You can see that masterpiece right here.
They left their selves wide open for the following letter to the editor. Of course if Richardson does his job it will never see the light of day.
This is the letter and they can deny it, they can lie about it and they can deny it but they can not change it!
We had to laugh at the editorial board’s latest jest at the people of middle Georgia. Their “Want to learn zero about a candidate? Watch a debate”.
Their comment that “…these debates tell voters almost nothing….” is something akin to Al Capone calling Machine Gun Kelly a killer!
If you do not “Want to learn zero about…”: the dishonesty of Eric Holder: the lies he has told the congressional committees: the investigation of “Fast and Furious” and the “gun running” scheme as implemented by this administration. The “gun running” which led to the death of Federal Agents and provided thousand of guns for the Mexican drug cartels read The Telegraph.
If you do not “Want to learn zero about…”: the dishonesty and deceit of this administration read The Telegraph.
If you do not “Want to learn zero about…”: the scams this administration is running with the so-called Green Energy project including Solyndra and others plus the connections to the people who bundle funds for the Obama administration read The Telegraph. There is also the fact of how the Obama administration set up the taxpayers in favors of a bundler named Kasier. Read the Telegraph.
If you do not “Want to learn zero about…” the rising coast of health care, the health cares waivers and how this administration has used them read The Telegraph.
If you do not “Want to learn zero about…” the 15 trillion-dollar national debt and how this administration is committed to adding more read The Telegraph.
If you do not “Want to learn zero about…” the Obama administration read The Telegraph.
Have a nice day.
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