As we look back we find their actions amazing. We have been over the difference in the way The Telegraph treated presidential candidate Bill Clinton and presidential candidate Herman Cain.
We know when the news broke about Clinton’s 12-year affair with Gennifer Flowers, five days later The Telegraph rushed to join the rest of the so-called media. They surround Bill Clinton and provide him with any and all defense the media could muster.
The Telegraph in an editorial titled “Can one sleazy story destroy Clinton candidacy?” issued their instruction to the people of middle Georgia. The instructions were “Let’s be very careful and very specific in judging Gov. Bill Clinton, a leading Democratic presidential candidate in trouble with his past.”
As the Telegraph continued, they wanted us to know that “His problem stems from allegations in a sleazy supermarket tabloid that pays big money for its muck.”
From the tone of the letter we can picture the staff of The Telegraph with tears running down their face as they tell us that Clinton’s “…candidacy can be blown out of the water by one allegation, priorities are askew.”
From all appearances The Telegraph and the so-called media put their facilities at the disposal of the Clinton campaign. They repeatedly run what he wanted them to pass along to the public.
After doing everything they could to defend him from all these “sleazy stories” they went on to endorse him. In their endorsement on Sunday, Oct 25, 1992, they overlooked all these “sleazy stories” as if nothing had ever happened.
Reverting to the practice they used when assuring us that; “His problem stems from allegations in a sleazy supermarket tabloid…” They assure us he has “credentials”
The Telegraph then indulges in what reasonable people could consider deceit, something they seem to have acquired a knack for. They tell us how he was “…under constant attack both by opponents and the media…” and how “…he has major qualities a president needs.” They were right if you want to consider pointing out facts as “an attack”. As for the media they were still in the defence mode and this is where we feel the deceit comes in.
According to The Telegraph during this time frame there was a “crisis” however they fail to point out what it is.
However they were all for; “Clinton’s plan for stimulating the economy with ‘infrastructure’ public works and tax incentives targeted to new business that creates jobs will increase the government’s roll in the economic system….” They go on to assure us this is O.K. under these “circumstances”.
They even site a poll that shows “…the public is ready for a more active role by government in the present crisis.”
No doubt we will see this again when they endorse Obama for a second term.
They also assured us Clinton had “…strong credentials in education issues…” and told us what he would do for the schools. Evidently this did not happen as the staff of The Telegraph is constantly grumbling about the school system in Bibb County. They do not seem to be concerned with the surrounding counties.
Clinton was also going to take care of the environment, crime, foreign policy & defence.
Clinton also knew “…how to work with legislators and communicate with taxpayers. We can only assume that is whey the government was shut down on his watch.
As for getting along with taxpayers that seemed to be limited to interns while he deployed troops in harms way.
The one thing, which shows the ignorance of their endorsement, is them telling us that “His electoral strength has saved him from having to become a hostage to various special interest groups.”
They assure the people of middle Georgia that “This is tremendous potential looking for fulfillment. It far outweighs the legitimate (and illegitimate) questions about his veracity under pressure concerning draft avoidance and martial fidelity.”
Their endorsement is an outstanding demonstration of the power of the pen when the writer’s integrity, honor and ethics do not inhibit it. This may cause reasonable people to conclude these people have no integrity, honor and ethics.
Have a nice day.
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