Friday, December 9, 2011

This is a disgrace to honest journalism: The Telegraph had to know it.

It is clear The telegraph is well into their campaign mode. They clearly demonstrated this in today’s paper. But first let us look at a bit of history on how The Telegraph has done things in the past.

They first hand pick articles that adhere to their bigoted point of view. They then take letters, which appear to agree with their point and publish them. We might also note that in the past they have changed letters meant to either disagree or set the record straight. When they manage this with someone that is know for writing letters which disagree or wishes to set the record straight, that is a coup for them. They sure as hell will not print a second letter pointing out what they did to the first and all a telephone call gets is loud verbal abuse. 

The late Phil Dodson was a master at this. It has been said he “…never saw a letter he could not change to The Telegraph’s liking with a stroke of the keyboard.”

In the past they have resorted to slander. This was used against honorable and decorated military personnel. This is no big deal with The Telegraph. 

It should also be noted that the Executive Page Editor, Charles E. Richardson tells different stories about why he does not have any military service. The first story we heard him tell was about how he “was not going” and how he watched his lottery number “like a hawk.” This was back during the “blue dress” era of Clinton, Now that military service has become somewhat accepted again, Richardson tells a different story.  Now his story is that he tried to join when he was seventeen and his mother would not sign for him!

In the history of the world there is no known instance where a man forgot why he did or did not have military service. There is nothing wrong with a person who makes the choice not to serve, however the problem begins when they, as The Telegraph would put it, start lying about it. 

We have reached the conclusion that anyone which will misrepresent facts about their military service or as The Telegraph puts it lie about them, they will not hesitate to do this where other matters are concerned. 

We might note that Visiting Member Kenny Bergamy the ex-banker was setting across from him and heard both stories with out saying a word. We can conclude from this that it is all right for the two of them to label people liars. But seem to use selective memory when it is one of them that is doing what people might conclude is “the lying”

This brings us to what they call a “Special to The Telegraph”. We have no idea what this is supposed to mean.  Except most of the time it turns out to be an extended version of some distortion which they relish for what appears to be reasons of bigotry.   

To day’s example turned out to be a syndicated column by Mark Shields of “Creators Syndicate” and “PBS” (Public Broadcasting Service) fame. It was run as a “Special to The Telegraph”.

The sole purpose of the column was to bash Newt Gingrich. The title of the column was “A plea to Republicans: Please back away from the cliff.” Bashing Gingrich is their prerogative. However when they use dishonesty and deceit that is another story.  

Shields in the third paragraph tells us what we want, he does not say how he determines this. But he tells us that; “We want to know of a presidential candidate not simply the voting record or the position papers, but instead what kind of a person, parent, spouse friend, colleague, ally or adversary the nominee really is.”

In keeping with the deceit and dishonesty used by the so-called media in their effort to elect Barack Hussein Obama; Shields completely ignores the very things he advocates above. This is known as deceit by omission. 

Gingrich’s faults are well known thinks to the media. However, Barack Hussein Obama’s “voting record” and “position papers” as well as the “kind of a person, parent, spouse friend, colleague, ally or adversary the nominee really is.” has been ignored. The so-called main stream media and bigots ignored all of this just like Mark Shields did.

Any mention of Ayers who became a leader of the Weather Underground faction or Obama's pastor the Rev. Jeremiah Wright of the “God damn America” fame in connection with Obama caused severe heart palpitations for the members of the so-called media. 

To demonstrate what a bigot Shields is he goes on to tell us that “The Presidential election of 2012 demands a serious public debate….” 

We have to ask Shields what is the difference in this election and the election of 2008? We are talking about the election process itself not the shape of the United States as a nation. 

Shield’s column is proof there will be no difference as far as the so-called main stream media is concerned.

He assured everyone if Gingrich is nominated as the candidate for the Republicans; There would be no urgently needed debate about what went right and what went wrong in Barack Obama’s first term….” He does not explain this phenomena. 

However we can assure everyone including Shields that no matter who the Republican candidate is people like Shields and the so-called main stream media are going to suppress any meaningful debate. 

In order to mislead the reader Shields tells us that “…Gingrich is the only House speaker in U.S. history to be disciplined by his House colleagues….” 

He omits the mention of the House speakers, which resigned to avoid being “…disciplined by his House colleagues…” e.g. Jim Wright. 

However Shields manages to single out Gingrich by telling the reader “…that Gingrich is the only House speaker in U.S. history to be disciplined by his House colleagues in both parties for violating tax rules and to be fined $300,000.”

We can only conclude Shields is being dishonest here.  We can’t believe he conveniently forgets to mention that if Gingrich’s House colleagues disciplined him “for violating tax rules” they disciplined him for something he was not guilty of. 

What Shields is talking about is a tax-exempt organization called the Progress and Freedom Foundation. You can see the Shields article as published in The Telegraph here. 

On Thursday, February 4, 1999 in an article by AP (Associated Press) published in the Washington Post titled “IRS Clears Foundation that Aided Gingrich Course” we find Shields is not being honest.

The article tells us in the second paragraph of the article that; “The IRS, concluding a three-year investigation, ruled that the Progress and Freedom Foundation’s donations to Gingrich were “consistent with its stated exempt purposes,” and Gingrich’s course and course book “were educational in content.” You can see that article right here. 

Of course a little or a great deal of dishonesty does not seem to matter to the President and Publisher of The [Macon] Telegraph and his staff. His staff according to the masthead consists of Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall, Executive Page Editor Charles E. Richardson and Visiting Member Kenny Burgamy who is an ex-banker. 

Have a nice day. 

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