President and Publisher George McCanless of The Telegraph and his staff have demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that their goal going into the November election is to insure Obama and his organization are returned to office.
The staff as listed on the masthead of the paper consist of; Sherrie Marshall – Executive Editor, Charles E. Richardson – Editorial Page Editor and Kenny Burgamy – Visiting Member.
Let there be no doubt, Burgamy, the Visiting Member has clearly demonstrated that he is willing to do his share to promote the deceit The Telegraph is pedaling!
Things they cannot twist to their advantage they ignored. We are talking about such things as the criminal organization being run out of the United States Justice Department by United States Attorney General Eric Holder.
Holders actions such as the numerous law suits he has brought against the various states in order to enforce the whims of this administration. It is apparent the rule of law is to be ignored anytime it gets in the way of this administration.
This was clearly demonstrated in the case of Chrysler and General Motors where the bankruptcy laws were completely ignored in order for this administration to redistribute wealth of the stock holders to the Unions.
They have completely ignored the killing of Federal Agents, Fast and Furious and the congressional hearings.
President and publisher George McCanless and the staff have also ignored the slush funds connected to the so called Green Energy such as Solyndra, health care, etc.
The article today about the slush fund and health care, the entire 8 billion dollars’ worth being used to con seniors about their health care will be completely ignored.
Other things which they are sure to ignore is the fact that while turning their back on the economy at home they are opening over 600 dealer ships in China to help improve that economy. See the 600 dealer ships here.
This administration is also scheduled to start building Cadillacs in that country next year. The article on the Cadillac plant is located here.
There is no mention of how many jobs this will provide for the communist nation!
This paper belongs to McClatchy and clearly they are allowed to do what they wish. However when they promote The Telegraph as “middle Georgia’s newspaper” and then only serve up their bigotry and dispense the talking points and deceit of the administration, there is something badly wrong.
Reasonable people can easily reach the conclusion that The Telegraph is clearly demonstrating their lack of honesty and integrity. If The Telegraph was honest about what they are doing you would not be reading this!
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