Back on Friday, July 23, 2010 in an e-mail George McCanless informed us of the criteria used by The Telegraph when deciding on what to report on Democratic politicians and their problems with ethics, honest and integrity, etc.
The problem at that time was the crimes of the common criminal Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY). The House ethics committee went on to convict Rangel on 11/16/10 as noted here.
McCanless informed us that there had been no coverage because “He [Rangel] hasn’t been convicted of anything ---yet.”
If we look back at the gun running operation that was run out of the Justice Department by Eric Holder we have to wonder what The Telegraph’s criteria for covering this might be. The House is holding hearings. It is evident Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano have been less than honest.
The House Committee on Judiciary held a hearing at which Janet Napolitano was called to testify on Oct 26, 2011. The hearing became quite argumentative at times. Napolitano was condescending, contentious and just plan snooty at times. While feigning concern about the dead federal agents which were killed as a result of the gun running known as “Fast and Furious” her body language indicated a different story. The hearing was aired on c-span and you can see it here and make up your own mind.
The point in this is to show the penchant of The Telegraph to cover for Obama and the Democrats. Their bigotry and deceit become clearer each day. They can not bill their self as “Middle Georgia’s Newspaper” and fail to carry news that is vitally important to every citizen in middle Georgia. They act like they are on the payroll of Obama and the National Democratic Party.
They have proved during the last three years that they are not concerned with the welfare of middle Georgia and this Great Nation.
Let us look at the coverage The Telegraph has provided on Attorney General Eric Holder, “Fast and Furious”, the gun running and death of the federal agents, etc. They have completely ignored the hundred of deaths in Mexico. There has been no coverage of the hundreds and hundreds of guns the Justice Department has provided the drug cartels. The article located at this link is the only article The Telegraph has run on this subject.
The Telegraph’s lack of coverage of the criminal activities of Eric Holder and incompetence of HomeLand Security Secretary Janet Napolitano can be nothing but bigotry and their determination to cover for the Obama administration and the Democrats.
If this is what The Telegraph wants to do with McClatchy’s newspaper, why not, it is their paper. If they would just be honest about it, tell the people and drop the farce that they are “Middle Georgia’s Newspaper”. As far as we can determine they are not providing a community service.
It was late 2006 when George Bush let some U.S. Attorneys go and the so-called news media went viral. They lashed out at Bush’s Justice Department and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for months. The Telegraph was a part of it, lock, stock and barrel. This went on for months.
During the month of August and the beginning of September, The Telegraph ran over seven different pieces on this one subject. They completely ignored the fact that the Clinton administration did the same thing. Some history here.
Now Eric Holder is in serious trouble with the Obama administration’s gun running activities which is linked to the death of two Federal Agents and the death of hundreds of Mexicans, The Telegraph is ignoring the story.
They have run one article on “Fast and Furious” which glossed over the situation. Other than a couple of letters on the subject and two columns by Erick Erickson who lives locally there has been nothing.
The House hearings have been ignored along with the calls for Holder to resign. This all points to The Telegraphs’ bigotry and their penchant for deceit by omission. This is something honest newspapers do not do.
While we realize President and Publisher, George McCanless did not come on the scene until Feb 1, 2008. It appears to us that he has done nothing, absolutely nothing, to insure The Telegraph provides a community service to people of middle Georgia by providing them with accurate and honest information.
As we have said before we do not know if they are covering for Attorney General Eric Holder because of Obama, or because he was part of the criminal enterprise during the Clinton administration.
If this is what President and Publisher, George McCanless, Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall and Executive Page Editor, Charles E. Richardson who we sometimes refer to as Low-Grade, call community service then; maybe we should refer to all of them as Low-Grade. We know they are all involved in the process of putting the paper together. Perhaps McCanless should carry the largest portion of the weight, He is suppose to be in charge. Unless of course it is a case of as they said in their endorsement of Clinton for his second term as President where we are told:
“Sometimes it seemed the inmates had taken over the asylum. In taking responsibility for his own household, Clinton often has been put in the untenable position of admitting either incompetence or skullduggery.”
They now have the Visiting Member, Kenny Burgamy. The ex-banker who as we have said appears to serve as an enabler and offers a token validation of the slanted views The Telegraph provides.
Or maybe they are concerned for future “historians” as they indicated in their endorsement of Obama.
This presidential endorsement was more like something, which was concocted by a badly educated grade school student. You can see it here.
This is the way we see it. Let us know your opinion, we can be reached
Contacts at The [Macon] Telegraph
President and Publisher - George McCanless
Phone744-4290 - e-mail -
Executive Editor - Sherrie Marshall
Phone - 744-4340 - e-mail -
Editorial Page Editor - Charles E. Richardson
Phone - 744-4342 - e-mail -
Visiting Member - Kenny Burgamy (ex-banker)
e-mail -
Have a nice day.
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