Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Telegraph and their Ethics!

The first thing we need to do is congratulate The Telegraph which is owned by McClatchy Newspapers. We have done this before but we need to be sure the people in power get the credit they deserve. The powers to be which run the daily con on the people of middle Georgia are listed on the masthead of the paper. 

They are: President and Publisher George McCanless, Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall and Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson. Richardson probably has the most exposure and contact with the people of middle Georgia because of his daily appearance on WGXA TV channel 24.

As far as we can determine Becky Swan is the General Manager and the station is owned by Piedmont Television. They appear to be in bed with The Telegraph and must share any credit for the endeavors of The Telegraph which they offer help and aid and comfort.

Yesterday, June 28, 2012, we asked a few questions which pertains to all this.

Today we would like to update that somewhat. The follow clips for both videos are taken from The Telegraph’s News Talk Central program which is aired weekdays on WGXA TV 24 and we should thank both Becky Swan and the owners Frontier broadcast Holdings, otherwise we would not know what is going on. 

The following video is from the program aired on March 15th and it was all about ethics and in the coming weeks we will try to shine more and more light on this subject as it pertains to Becky Swan, Piedmont TV and The Telegraph.

The subject of ethics comes up after a story about Wall Street. The Telegraph’s Editorial Page Editor chose the following question as the question of the day.

To demonstrate the ethics of the two individuals leading the discussion on the subject of ethics we must point out the following: In an Editorial titled “In the pocket” on March 4, 2012, we find the President and Publisher of The Telegraph defending the Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson. He was defending him for the act of disregarding the: “…Code of Business Conduct and Business Ethics that all employees have to sign.”

From this we know Richardson was aware that the “lousy lunch” he had on the taxpayers’ dime, courtesy of the Bibb County School Supt. Dr. Dallemand whom he has consistently defended was a flagrant violation of McClatchy Newspapers code of ethics.

In this discussion on ethics on March 15, he further demonstrates the fact that he is vividly aware of what he is supposed to do and not do when it comes to McClatchy Newspapers code of ethics although he may have trouble understanding ethics. It’s your call.

We can reasonably assume that both knew about the ethical violation or violations by The Telegraph’s Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson and while criticizing a multitude of other people, neither mentions this fact.

We have to ask is this ethical? Are the two being hypocritical? Is this honest and the honorable thing to do? Do they even care about: honesty, honor, morality and ethics?

Now we get to the beginning of the story on March 15 which may be an indicator why Kenny Burgamy is no longer carried on the Masthead of The Telegraph and why President and Publisher declared: “…that Burgamy will no longer serve on the editorial board or write columns.”

This is completely different from all previous changes and known relationship between The Telegraph and Kenny Burgamy and that is why this smells to “high heaven” and may indicate some back stabbing to cover-up other things.  You can see the following clippings and make up your own mind.

As can be seen this video seems to depict hostility while the following definitely shows the relief and joy as displayed by the laughter. Would you trust these people? 

Have a nice day.  

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