The people of middle Georgia have to wonder what is going on
at McClatchy Newspaper’s The Telegraph. The driving forces at The Telegraph are
as listed
on the masthead and they are: President and Publisher George
McCanless: Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall: Editorial Page Editor Charles E.
Richardson. For good or evil these are the people that are responsible for the
propaganda they put out.
After years of following The Telegraph dating back to
the early 1990’s we have reached the conclusion that the integrity of these
people, to us, is questionable if it even exist. As with David Duke, Al
Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Dan Rather and others there seems to be a deficit in
morals and integrity, We think this is shared by the entire group. We have
endeavored to document and cite the reasons for our conclusions and you will
find them posted on this blog.
If anyone can show us anything we have posted which is factual wrong we will
gladly correct it and apologize to all concerned.
The bigotry of The Telegraph is well known and dates back to
at least January of 2001 when it was documented by the late Ron Woodgeard who
at that time was the Editorial Page Editor of The Telegraph. We can say with
confidence it did not start with the now President and Publisher George
Anyone who is from the middle Georgia area or has followed
this blog knows there was another individual on the masthead of The Telegraph.
He was listed as “Visiting
Member Kenny Burgamy.”
Some time back the people of Bibb County which is located in
middle Georgia began to open their eyes and realize that perhaps they were
being taken for a ride by none other than the Bibb County Board of Education
and their new school superintendent and questions began to pop up. To
a large degree Bill Knowles of has
been one of the driving forces behind the quest for answers to everything.
It became evident that The Telegraph’s Editorial Page Editor
Charles Richardson was in bed with the Bibb County School Superintendent. When
this was exposed The Telegraph’s so-called President and Publisher George
McCanless rushed to print with an editorial excusing Richardson’s actions. The
editorial “In
the pocket” appeared in The Telegraph on March 4, 2012. It was full
of pretentious outrageous indignation.
McCanless talks about integrity at The Telegraph and that is
like talking about integrity at the White House, in our opinion it does not
exist in either place. He goes on to tell us that: “There have been
insinuations that Dallemand has Charles ‘in his back pocket.’”
It just so happens Richardson defense, sometimes heated
defense, of Dallemand and his “Macon Miracle” is the perfect picture of a paid advocate.
It might be noted that there are videos out there of Richardson in action. If
McCanless would like a copy we can probably put our hands on one and would be
glad to provide it to him.
President and Publisher George McCanless continues with: “To
think you could ever have Charles in your pocket, much less for the price of a
lousy lunch, is ludicrous….” McCanless is exactly right about this and on
04/21/2012 Bill Knowles of clearly
demonstrates this. Knowles in his “What
The Bibb BOE Isn’t Telling You” proves the point! In the next to
the last paragraph from the bottom of the article we are told about the: “…over
70,000 reasons to think so….”
McCanless has told us in his: “In the pocket” that “We have
a code of Business Conduct and Business Ethics that all of our employees have
to sign.” He then goes on with “As I always counsel anyone who asks, when you
have a situation that could be a news story, the worst thing you can do is try
to avoid it.”
This is comical! In spite of his advice in his
editorial “In the pocket” in the case of the “over 70,000 reasons” we get
a blatant silence. Oh well, so much for his “code of Business Conduct and
Business Ethics” and his advice about “…the worst thing you can do is try to
avoid it.”
We have to ask why this applied to the “lousy lunch” and
does not apply to the “over 70,000 reasons”. Perhaps it is because in this part
of the country the “over 70,000 reasons” is enough for a little “spread around
money” to keep quite!
Please, we do not want anyone to jump to conclusions, we are
not implying anything. However we must note that there is as much evidence for
this as there was for the hatchet job and character assassination The Telegraph
and the rest of the media did on the Republican Presidential Candidate Herman
Oh well back to the driving forces behind The
Telegraph and Bibb County Georgia. As pointed out above after a relationship
which lasted for years all of a sudden it evaporates. Boom, it is gone with a one-sided
explanation from The Telegraph and “WGXA General Manager Becky
Swan.” Of course this is nothing new, but the separation without as much as a
good-by kiss gives the appearance of a bad divorce.
If we go back and look we can see where The Telegraph’s
Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson reminds Visiting Member Kenny
Burgamy that he does not have a contract. We have to ask, is this a warning,
was it a prelude to what was coming?
As Bill Knowles and came on the scene and
things began to heat up. Burgamy would read from the post on the web site about
Dallemand and the Bibb County Board of Education which forced The Telegraph
Editorial Page Editor to defend Dallemand. However when Burgamy had the
audacity to point out and read on the air Knowles’ “What
The Bibb BOE Isn’t Telling You” we took this as an ominous sign.
Here we can see the comment Burgamy made to Richardson on
the air about the “over 70,000 reasons” and we have to ask. Was that the
beginning of the end?
Have a nice day.
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