Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Is it that The Telegraph will not tolerate opposition?

Whatever, now that it is over The Telegraph Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson gets a good laugh as you will see when Elaine calls.

It is beginning to clear up and we can say “I can see clearly now”.
There has been a huge controversy in the Macon Georgia area about the Bibb County School Board of Education and the School Superintendent they imported with a dubious past.  Rochester, Minn. Pays $320,000 to Dallemand Whistleblower

His Name is Romain Dallemand. There seems to be a tremendous love affair between The Telegraph and Dr. Dallemand. Nothing makes this more evident than the Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson’s constant and sometimes heated defense of Dr. Dallemand, his travel and other precarious conduct involving the taxpayers’ money.  The Telegraph, Bibb County Board of Education and Dr. Dallemand may have fooled some of the people but they have not fooled all the people. 

While this has been touched on by The Telegraph it appears to be the type of coverage that has an odor that indicates the intentions of The Telegraph. They touch it, put it out there then ignore it so it will go away. 

Over the years The Telegraph has accumulated untold years of experience at this.  However, this time it – the school board, Dr. Dallemand, résumés, etc. – kept popping up thanks to Bill Knowles and and this is where The Telegraph’s Visiting Member Kenny Burgamy comes in.

As most of the people of middle Georgia know The Telegraph has teamed up with the Fox TV channel WGXA 24 owned by Frontier Broadcast Holdings and 940 WMAC AM radio in order to increase the coverage of the propaganda they disseminate. This came about prior to The Telegraph’s President and Publisher George McCanless doing his “down and dirty” on the outlying counties in middle Georgia. See his Home delivery to stop outside of core counties. The morning program they air is called “News Talk Central” which for more reason than one has turned out to be a misnomer. Something more appropriate would be “Cover-up Central”.

The Telegraph’s Visiting Member Kenny Burgamy, we suppose for the purpose of informing the people of middle Georgia of what was going on kept referring to these articles by Bill Knowles and others which kept appearing on the web site. This put The Telegraph’s Editorial Page Editor in the position of defending the School Board, Dallemand and his elite travel style along with his preference for expensive restaurants, etc.

This sometimes heated defense was beginning to become obvious and the fiction was apparent. It soon reached the point where in the course of a conversation Richardson makes a remark to Burgamy reminding him he does “not have a contract.” At the time it seemed like an irrelevant statement, in hindsight it could have been a warning. 
Then on March 4, 2012 The Telegraph President and Publisher George McCanless comes out in defense of his Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson with his “In the pocket? This struck us as an attempt to get out in front of the situation and put a stop to any speculation about the “lousy lunch”.

Then on April 29, 2012 in What The Bibb BOE Isn't Telling You we find what could be a reason for The Telegraph’s Editorial Page Editor’s sometimes heated defense of Dr. Dallemand! We are told: “Please keep this in mind whenever Charles comments about what a great idea ‘The Macon Miracle’ is and what a grand fellow Dr. Dalllemand is.  He has over 70,000 reasons to think so,”

The Editorial Page Editor’s wife has recently gone to work for Dr. Dallemand and the Bibb County Board of Education. Is this a conflict of interest or what? To date as-far-we know The Telegraph’s President and Publisher George McCanless has kept this quite.

Then on June 20, 2012 we find that: Kenny B. leaving WGXA for WMAZ. For us this article adds additional light on the subject.
Burgamy is gone and an individual named: “Brad Majors, who has been host of a rival morning news and talk program, will replace Burgamy and will team with Telegraph columnist Charles Richardson as cohost on News Talk Central, beginning Wednesday. ‘That’s on an interim basis,’ said WGXA General Manager Becky Swan. Swan would not say if Burgamy’s move was expected.”
Well after what could have been a warning by The Telegraph’s Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richards this smells like a dismissal.

We also find out that General Manager Becky Swan “…is keeping its options open for the morning news/talk show.” We interpret this to mean to mean Becky Swan and Frontier Broadcast Holdings which owns WGXA TV is looking for someone who is willing to step-in, genuflect to the powers at The Telegraph and keep their mouth shut.

Now from all appearance the pressure has been lifted from the shoulders of the Editorial Page Editor Charles Richardson. He takes charge, all smiles and appears to have not a care in the world the pressure appears to be a thing of the past. We are not the only ones to notice this.

As we can see The Telegraph Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson gets a good laugh and all the pressure is gone!

We wonder if The Telegraph's President and Publisher George McCanless was enjoying a hearty laugh also. 

Surely WGXA TV 24 General Manager Becky Swan and Frontier Broadcast Holdings must share in the credit for The Telegraph’s Editorial Page Editors work with the culture of violence and child rearing as can be seen at: Does The Telegraph Contribute to a Culture of Violence?

There is just as much evidence for this hypothesis as there was for the hatchet job and character assassination The Telegraph so eagerly participated in when it came to the “alleged charges and accusations” against Republican Presidential Candidate Herman Cain.  The disingenuousness and deceit exhibited by The Telegraph during this endeavor is unsurpassed since the Clinton Administration. The difference being they helped with the circle the media formed around Clinton in order to protect him. 

The hatchet job on Republican Presidential Candidate Herman Cain could be considered one of The Telegraph's master pieces. Surly President and Publisher George McCanless, Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall and the Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson will use the hatchet job on Cain as a teaching aid when they move in and began with Classes at Mercer University. 

After looking at all this we can not say: "I can see clearly now"

Have a good day. 

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