Friday, July 27, 2012

The T-Splost and The Telegraph

Let us lay the ground rules again. They are the same as stated in The T-Splost – Macon – Bibb County Consolidation Vote &The Telegraph  Now let us look at what we are talking about. We want to assure everyone we are not insinuating that anyone has done anything wrong or improper. Our only intent is to put the facts before you. As for the integrity and morality of everything that is your decision. If anyone finds anything factually wrong and will let us know we will correct it and apologize to everyone involved. 

You may ask what this has to do with the T-Splost, please bear with us and we will try and tie it all together.  Keep in mind we are only rank amateurs.

All this may give the appearance that we are concentrating on The Telegraph’s Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson, we are not. Look at it this way he is like Jay Carney, he is the press secretary for The Telegraph and therefor more visible.

The penny for the T-Splost is the penny added to the other seven pennies which is added on to every dollar you spend. It is not just a Penny as inferred. All of this is supposed to total up to 750 million dollars. It is also one percent of the middle Georgia economy.

"Lousy Lunch"
This appears to be an unmitigated defense of an act the Editorial Page Editor of The Telegraph Charles E. Richardson had to know was wrong. According to McCanless "...all of our employees have to sign..." a "Business Ethics" code.

It also brings to mind The Telegraph's editorial in their battle to save Clinton. The editorial "Can one sleazy story destroy Clinton candidacy?" In this editorial they absolve Clinton of all blame and place it where they want you to think it belongs. They tell the people of middle Georgia that: "His problem stems from allegations in a sleazy supermarket tabloid that pays big money for its muck." This is typical "Telegraph."

Now maybe we should look at some known facts: Let us go back to March 4, 2012, in The Telegraph you will find a column by The President and Publisher of the Telegraph George McCanless titled “In the pocket” we are told about  a “…receipt for a lunch paid for by Dallemand….” of course with the taxpayers' money. And “…Charles clearly made a mistake.”

McCanless tells us about “…a Business Conduct and Business Ethics that all of our employees have to sign.” So it is not like Richardson was unaware of this. 

McCanless goes on to inform us that: “As I always counsel anyone who asks, when you have a situation that could be a news story, the worst thing you can do is try to avoid it. I have heard Charles give that same advice.” And “There have been insinuations that Dallemand has Charles 'in his back pocket.' Some have said Charles will back him and his ‘Macon Miracle’ regardless.”

We are cautioned that: “To think you could ever have Charles in your pocket, much less for the price of a lousy lunch, is ludicrous to those who truly know him.”

Reasonable people may conclude McCanless was absolutely right about this. On 04/29/12 Bill Knowles of informs us in his What The Bibb BOE Isn't Telling You about Dallemand' employing Charles Richardson's wife.  See the second paragraph from the bottom. 

Apparently McCanless was right and it did take a lot more than a “lousy lunch” for Dallemand to put Charles “…in his back pocket”.  We have already noted Bill Knowles’ The 70,000 Reasons Certain Members Of The Media Are Biased

We have looked at the free lunch and the employment. We are not implying anything but there is one other thing we would like to point out. Back when Kenny Burgamy was still a "Visiting Member" at The Telegraph and a co-host on "News Talk Central". The subject of Richardson’s Porsche came up and something about him looking for another one. The thing that caught our attention was the fact that Burgamy invited anyone with a Porsche for sale to call in. 

We think reasonable people may conclude the "rent free" thing has been proven. Note the demeanor! 

Again we are not implying anything simply making an observation but 750 million dollars will buy a lot of lunches, provide a lot of employment and buy a "car lot" full of Porsches.  We would never infer the honorable pillars of the communities in middle Georgia would be involved in anything like this and it is just a thought.

Well let’s look at one case where The Telegraph did stories on these pillars of the community in this case both are running for county commissioner. The location just happens to be in Twiggs County. There are two individuals who had legal problems while in office. The problems of both were reported by The Telegraph at the time they occurred. Now we find this is not the case in the run up to the election. 

They reported the legal conviction of one and omitted the legal conviction of the other. The problems in both cases according to reports involved money. In the last part of the video clip it seems as if this might have something to do with how serious the offence is. But then we can never know, there is no immediate indication of a "lousy lunch" future "employment" and the price of a Porsche would be far to obvious in Twiggs County. Here we will let you decide.

Once may have been an over sight, twice and what could be a vague threat, maybe we were wrong about the "lousy lunch" and the future employment!

Now let’s look at another incidence which clearly indicates how The Telegraph decides what news you will get which may influence another election, in this case it is a National Election. This is something any honest newspaper would cover. 

My, my, this is rather confusing to us as we look back. Everything Attorney General Alberto Gonzales of the last administration did was all news, but this piece of history is all politics. 
Now we have the first black Attorney General in the History of this Great Nation to be cited for “Contempt of Congress” and the first black President to declare “Executive Privledge” to protect him and we find that it is not news. Any honest newspaper would report this! 
This is like the two votes for the city of Macon and one vote for the county on the Macon – Bibb Consolidation issue; somebody needs to explain all this to us. See (See the fifth video down)

We have to ask because we do not know, is it hard core bigotry?
Surly it is not the "lousy lunch", or "employment" thing. 

The fact that Charles E. Richardson has defended and continues to defend both Bibb County Commissioner Chairman Sam Hart whose family sups at the taxpayers table and Bibb County School Supt. Dr. Dallemand is history. Some times this defense was what reasonable people could conclude was a heated defense. Here is a clip about the story in The Telegraph. Notice Richardson's demeanor. 

We need to look at how The Telegraph handled another story: Hart faces conflict of interest claim We think the phone calls made by Tom Wagoner and Bill Knowles are pertinent to this story.  The things that struck us here was The Telegraph’s Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson’s reactions and demeanor. 

Richardson seems to think something is ridiculous. You watch the clip and make your own decision on who is being ridiculous. There was the admission that The Telegraph got something wrong, however if a correction was ever run we missed it. Typical "Telegraph".

There is one more thing which we feel might give some insight into The Telegraph’s mentality. As we write this we are looking at a reply to an e-mail from George McCanless to an inquiry we made about the lack of coverage The Telegraph was providing on the ethical problems of Maxine Waters (D-Cal) and Charlie Rangel (D-NY) back in 2010. McCanless ignored Waters but informed us that Rangel and we quote: “He hasn't been convicted of anything ---yet.” And to emphasis this he tells us: "...but I trust you get the message."   

We have looked at how The Telegraph handles things. How they decide which news you will read and how reasonable people might think they are in bed with certain politicians with access to taxpayers money. We have seen examples of how these relationships are treated. These are just examples; there are volumes of this kind of information out there going back to the Clinton era. 

From all appearances The Telegraph has shut down all phone calls to "New Talk Central" about any controversial subjects they do not want to discuss. It is a fact that Charles E. Richardson guards what goes on the editorial pages of The Telegraph with an iron hand. There will be nothing with truth and logic that contracts The Telegraph!

We have witnessed the demeanor of The Telegraph's Editor Page Editor in the settings which we are going to refer to as before. In the following video we are going to refer to the demeanor as after!

Others have called in and commented on the change in Richardson's demeanor and the way it has changed. The change is obvious. The largest change we see, there is no one there anymore pointing out the Post placed on by Bill Knowles showing Richardson's connection to politicians who have access to taxpayer funds. 

Do you recall McCanless told us: "As I always counsel anyone who asks, when you have a situation that could be a news story, the worst thing you can do is try to avoid it. I have heard Charles give that same advice.” This was in the column titled "In the pocket" dated March 4, 2012. Since that time Richardson as far as we can determine has never mentioned the "lousy lunch" and has only mentioned his wife works for the Bibb County Board of Education one time in a casual manner and this was weeks after it occurred. 

To our knowledge McCanless is still hiding under his desk and has never acknowledged what reasonable people may consider influence peddling by his Editorial Page Editor which lead to the employment. 

Judging from this I think it is safe to say in the future anything McCanless writes you can take with a grain of salt. This is not going away and needs to be cleared up for the people of middle Georgia.

Now we have to ask would you trust these people with your money or anything else for that matter?  How can anyone trust them for the information they need to make important decisions? We might venture to offer the opinion that if you do it is at your own peril.

The people of middle Georgia need a newspaper, they need an honest newspaper, one that will provide them with honest and factual information they can use to make the important decisions in their life. In our opinion The Telegraph falls far short of this. You have to draw your own conclusions. There will be more on why we think people should look at the material in The Telegraph and the so-called information they put out very carefully before relying on it. 

Have a nice day.  

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