Monday, July 16, 2012

Would you trust The Telegraph knowing all this?

The scam artist at The Telegraph and AP are at it again. Anyone who followed the hatchet job they did on the Republican Presidential Candidate Herman Cain will notice the similarities.

Today, July 16, 2012, The Telegraph runs an AP article by scam artist Michele Salcedo. However the article was not perfect so The Telegraph’s Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall and her crew trimmed and tailored it to fit and here is what we got. “Obama: No apology to Romney”.  

In the first paragraph they want you to think that Romney has committed some sort of a felony. The charge was made by one of Obama’s aides and we are told: “President Barack Obama says he will not apologize….” This makes sense as he is probably in all liklihood apologized out, after all he has apologized to every enemy this great country has ever had. Even now he is willing to endanger our troops as he releases classified information in order to help win this election.  

This is no big thing, he knows The Telegraph and others in the media will help cover for him. As for the troops who do not get killed he has a big surprise for them when they return.

The troops with rattled brains, missing limbs, etc. mean nothing to the Obama administration.  However if you are their friends then: “The Obama administration’s proposed defense budget calls for military families and retirees to pay sharply more for their healthcare, while leaving unionized civilian defense workers’ benefits untouched.”

Obama has plans to: “…for increases between 30 percent to 78 percent in Tricare annual premiums for the first year. After that, the plan will impose five-year increases ranging from 94 percent to 345 percent—more than 3 times current levels.” See Bill Gertz’s TRASHING TRICARE What a great President!

What is so hilarious is Obama’s statement: “Mr. Romney claims he’s Mr. Fix-it for the economy because of his business experience, so I think voters entirely legitimately want to know what is exactly his business experience.”

The only thing wrong with the above is if this is true Romney is acting like Obama. If you recall he was going to fix everything, even cut the deficit in half. Well it does not look like that is going to happen because: “Obama won't come close on pledge to halve deficit, CBO says” Then there is all the other lies he has told and it is a fact The Telegraph has sworn by each and every one. When Obama's lies are so ridiculous the scam artist can not scam the people, they just ignore them like they do not know what is  happening.

One thing for sure, if Romney has committed a felony, Obama’s Attorney General has a sworn duty to prosecute him for the crime. That would be a first because Obama’s Attorney General is a known felon along with his Secretary of the Treasury. The Attorney General, for lying to Congress and the Secretary of the Treasury for cheating on his income tax.  

Of course Obama seems to have a yearning for felons, terrorist, communist, etc. he even used a felon to help obtain a house in Chicago.

AP’s Michele Salcedo being a great scam artist works around to the “…ties to Bain and U.S. jobs lost overseas…”Speaking of overseas, jobs, etc. back last year when we find that:

Obama Picks Jeffrey Immelt, GE CEO, To Run New Jobs-Focused Panel As GE Sends Jobs Overseas, Pays Little In TaxesGE Healthcare cutting 81 jobs   GE ‘all in’ on aviation deal with ChinaGE, China Huadian partner on gas turbinesGE moving X-ray business to China. What message is sent to U.S.?
We did not hear one peep out of Obama about jobs going overseas or for that matter GE paying their fair share when it comes to taxes. As for the scam artist at The Telegraph and AP they could not get their head deep enough in the sand. These people are not journalists; they specialize in propaganda and the scam.  

Would you trust these people?

Have a nice day. 

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