Today we find another scam in The Telegraph; Fed
launches new stimulus this is a specially selected article from the
Tribune Washington Bureau. The
average person has nothing to gain by this so called QE3. The people are being
scammed by The Telegraph again, To do this they needed to abandon AP again as
they put out a few things which may be helpful to the average person.
If you look at QE3:
Fed announces stimulus an AP article, you will see a long list of
things the Feds have tried going back to Nov. 25, 2008. Nothing has worked. It
is evident they are stumbling around in the dark; they have no idea what they
are doing.
This is QE3, which means there was a one and a two. It is a
fact that they did not work. So why would anyone thank another one would work?
We are
told in another article; Fed
Pulls Trigger, to Buy Mortgages in Effort to Lower Rates that;
“Enacting the third leg of quantitative easing, or QE3, will take the Fed's money creation past the $3 trillion level since it began the process in 2008.”
does not include the trillion dollars a year the Obama administration has
borrowed and pumped into the economy.
We are told that “bond yields” surged – “Gold and other
metals gained at least 1 percent across the board”. However “…the dollar slid….”
This means you get less for your dollar each time you purchase something.
There is some speculation that this is to help Obama – that really
does not matter if they manage to collapse the dollar.
This is nothing more than a gamble, The Telegraph tells us:
“Bernanke and his colleagues are betting that they can further push down already historically low mortgage rates, in a bid to stimulate more home sales and refinancing.”
We are also told that: “…the central bank left open the overall
amount it would purchase…”
If we look in another AP article we are told that:
“The Federal Reserve does not have a specific economic target for its new stimulus program, Ben Bernanke said Thursday. He said the Fed will keep buying bonds until it sees more jobs, lower unemployment and stronger growth.”
What The Telegraph did not want you to know is the Feds are planning
on printing “$40 billion a month” and dumping it into the economy. This is nothing short of insanity.
Printing money will neither “lower unemployment” nor cause “stronger growth.” You can see this at: Bernanke: No specific target for bond purchases
What The Telegraph conceals is the fact that:
“…the growing money supply will lead to inflation, which has reared its head in food and energy prices but has remained tame through the broader economy.”
It also drives the price of gas up as seen at: QE3:
Fed Primes Pump, Americans To Pay Even More At Gas Pump.
Have a nice day.
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