Saturday, September 15, 2012

Is this another cover-up by The Telegraph?

The Telegraph, like a thief in the night takes the people’s money while promoting the paper as “middle Georgia’s newspaper”. Most people when they buy a newspaper expect honest news with facts they can use. They expect the paper to cover the things an honest newspaper with integrity would cover. This is not the case with The Telegraph and they have a documented history that verifies this.

Do not look for it in The Telegraph but the CINC (Commander in Chief) of the United States Armed Forces does not even know who our Allies are! 

In response to a question Obama replies; "‘I don't think that we would consider them an ally, but we don't consider them an enemy,’ Obama said. This was in reference to Egypt.

To date, (September 13, 2012) The Telegraph has devoted a total of 313 words to all the troubles and problems in North Africa and the Middle East. The 313 words they used tried to paint the death of the State Department personnel at the “American Consulate in Benghazi” as “…a mob attack that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans.”

They have completely ignored the attacks on the United States Embassy in Cairo. Could it be because the White House has not released their talking points and granted permission for coverage of this event? We are not implying anything, just asking a question.

This is somewhat like The Telegraph's "hi-tech" lynching of Herman Cain! As can be seen in the link the names of the people making the “unsubstantiated accusations” was known from day one, however The Telegraph would not use the names until someone granted permission. They never divulged the troubled background of the individuals making the “unsubstantiated accusations”.

It is also odd that The Telegraph has ignored the controversy over Obama refusing to meet with Netanyahu as can be seen in: White House declines Netanyahu request to meet with Obama. Another version of this can be seen at: Obama Avoids Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Meeting.

The historical fact that Obama refused to meet with our allies from Israel and solicited a meeting with a known terrorist organization the “Muslim Brotherhood” is abhorrent and the fact that the flim-flam artist at The Telegraph thinks it is “all politics” is even worse.

It is reasonable to reach the conclusion The Telegraph is covering for the inept foreign policy of the Obama Administration.

There are reports that Obama does not attend “intelligence briefings”. Here we find out that: In July, a GAI analysis  of President Obama’s calendar found that the president has spent just 412 hours in economic meetings of any kind throughout his presidency versus the over 600 hours he’s spent golfing.

Obama has been too busy sweating the coming election to attend to the National Security of the United States. For the last week Obama has not had time and cannot be bothered with “Intel Briefings”.
We can only surmise The Telegraph is scamming the people of middle Georgia like this because what we are seeing confirms the incompetence of Obama’s foreign policy.

The conduct of the Obama administration during the last few days is nothing short of a disgrace.

The first thing the Obama administration did was apologize to the Muslims, they then attacked Romney, after this they got around to the deaths of the Embassy personnel.  

This is the approach the scam artist at The Telegraph took on the criminal action of U.S. District Attorney Eric Holder and the Justice Department. They have failed to report on the “Executive Privledge” invoked by Obama to protect the criminal acts of the “Gun running fiasco” and “Fast and Furious”.

They would not report on the death of the Federal Agents and now they are giving North Africa and the Middle East a wide berth. This has been mishandled and shows the Obama Administration up for what they are. The incompetence is a disgrace to this Great Nation.

The Telegraph has deteriorated to nothing more than a group of scam artists who are flim-flaming the people of middle Georgia. The people primarily responsible for this are President and Publisher George McCanless, The Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall and the king of the flim-flam Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson.  But everyone participates or they are gone. We know this from what happened to Kenny Burgamy.

It has become apparent to most people Burgamy was fired because he came awful close to exposing the cover-up of how The Telegraph was pedaling influence for employment. The Telegraph Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson has since commented that when people leave like this they have been fired. The influence pedaling was exposed by Bill Knowles of and can be seen at: The 70,000 Reasons Certain Members Of The Media Are Biased.

The Telegraph Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson was always out for a free lunch or lunches. The fact that it was against a code of conduct which he had signed as a condition of employment did not matter to him.

Reasonable people could conclude that The Telegraph is getting more than a “free lunch” and "future employment" for this.

What is really fascinating about this is Mercer University President William D. Underwood has welcomed these people aboard to teach future journalists. This would appear to show a complete disregard for morality and integrity but then that may be the price one pays for a little grant money.

Have a nice day. 

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