It is now an indisputable fact that Obama and his
administration sat in the Capital of this Great Nation and watched the terrifying
death of our Ambassador, two former Navy Seals and a computer tech at the
Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
They then attempted to cover this entire fiasco up.
Watergate did not cause the death of anyone and the Media lived off of that for years.
Obama comes along and puts his
reelection ahead of the safety of our Foreign Service Personnel and the Nations
National Security and The Telegraph chooses to ignore it while telling the people of middle
Georgia that they are “middle Georgia’s newspaper”
The Telegraph lived off of Watergate and George Bush for
years. And now their attempt to cover up the incompetence and crimes of this
administration is disgusting.
They have
lost all right to any claim they might have had to honesty, integrity and
morality. Reasonable people can see what The Telegraph is doing is nothing more
than a scam.
The Telegraph’s claims that: "It’s Who We Are" – "It is our DNA" – "a lifetime of information" – "a blueprint" a recipe" - and they are “Honestly
reflecting life inside Middle Georgia is our goal."
The over whelming majority of the people in middle Georgia are
honest hard working people and for The Telegraph to insinuate that this is “Who
We Are” is just another con.
Reasonable people may come to the conclusion that
The Telegraph makes their living by deception. Long ago we came to the conclusion;
either “right or wrong” that The Telegraph is somewhat like a “thief in the
The people of middle Georgia work hard for their money and
when they spend it for something promoted as “middle Georgia’s newspaper” they
have a right to expect honest news and something they can depend on. Not the
product of a group of bigots.
The scams, the lies and the cover-up by this administration
is astounding and apparently The Telegraph has declared it “all politics” and have
decided not to cover it.
Let us look back at some of the items which might shed some
light on The Telegraph and the reason we have formed this opinion.
When the news of the gunrunning program and fast and furious which was run by Attorney
General Eric Holder and the United States Justice Department began to break The
Telegraph ignored it. The Justice Department’s gunrunning program and fast and furious which resulted in the death of three Federal
Agents and hundreds of Mexican Nationals was criminal.
So when the first Black attorney General, Eric Holder, was
cited for “Contempt of Congress” and the first Black President Barack Hussein
Obama declared “Executive Privledge” The Telegraph decided that it was all politics
and decided they would not cover it. This was a historical event and The
Telegraph brushed it under the rug.
When the White House was leaking information which could
endanger the lives of our military and others serving overseas, as well as our
allies, The Telegraph ignored it. Even CNN covered this. FBI
looks into possible White House leaks

There was the Homeland Security scandals ICE
chief of staff on leave after new allegations of lewd conduct surface.
They complete ignored the Solyndra loan guarantee set up for
Obama’s bundlers. The Chicago tribune had
this to say about it.
The scandals of this administration has been covered up by the
over whelming majority of the media. The following is just one example.
If this is what The Telegraph wants to do it is their prerogative
however the people we talk to think they have a moral obligation to be honest
about what they are doing.
The Telegraph has not been honest about the Obama
Administration since he took office.
This is somewhat mystifying as The Telegraph claims to be “middle
Georgia’s newspaper". The President and Publisher George McCanless has in the
past touted the newspaper as providing community service, etc.
This is demonstrated as The Telegraph Editorial Page Editor
explains why people should not question the actions of the Bibb County Board of
Education School Superintendent, Dr. Dallemand. We have to remember if 80
percent of the black population want it The Telegraph seems to feel they should have it.
Of course there is a history behind this. The Editorial Page
Editor Charles E. Richardson has in the past enjoyed dining on the taxpayer’s
dime, courtesy of Dr. Dallemand.
When this was exposed The Telegraph President and Publisher
George McCanless wrote a Column “In the pocket” in what most people considered an effort to excuse Richardson for
his willful violation of Corporate Ethics Policy.
As for as we can tell the only thing McCanless was right
about was his:
“To think you could ever have Charles in your pocket, much less for the price of a lousy lunch, is ludicrous to those who truly know him.”
Well it turned out that some of the people in the community
knew Richardson much better than McCanless did.
Richardson was known for his comment
that they “cannot live in my head rent free”, apparently McCanless chose to
ignore this.
Bill Knowles of
exposed this in his “over 70,000 reasons”.
It turns out that McCanless was right; it took over $70,000
dollars for Dallemand to “…have Charles in your pocket….” This pedaling influence
turned out to be very profitable for The Telegraph Editorial Page Editor
Charles E. Richardson.
Let us look back at some of the things The Telegraph told us
back in October of 2008. In a column about “…the proposed $700 Billion bailout…”
The Telegraph tells us:
“After being called slanted and biased for decades, the news media is no longer the trusted source of information.” – “President George Bush has no influence for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the Iraq war, Katrina and various other scandals that have plagued his administration. He can’t pull the nation together as he tried to do – and failed – with his address from the White House last week.”
A few days later talking about the same bill The Telegraph
tells us:
“However, it sort of makes the lawmakers who changed their votes look a little slimy, because everyone knows why they did it. They were like two-bit whores who bellied up to the taxpayers’ bar and declared, ‘I need to bring home the bacon. My no vote will turn into a yes vote once my palms get greasy with pork fat.’”
To this date The Telegraph has not printed a word about the
deceit and dishonesty of this administration, not one. Their goal is to cover
everything up.
It does no good to complain. If you do you can see what to expect in this video.
It does no good to complain. If you do you can see what to expect in this video.
Have a nice day
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