In today’s Telegraph we find a McClatchy article by William Douglas and Lesley Clark which was handpicked for your consumption by the con artist at the Telegraph to facilitate the Obama Administration’s cover up of their incompetence and deceit.
We have to remember the name of the game here is to draw attention away from the fact that Obama and his administration repeatedly lied about the cause of the act of war in Benghazi.
The attacks occurred on the 11th of Sept and The Telegraph ignored it until the direction was clear. Then on the 13th they started their cover-up. From the 13th of Sept. to the 1st of Oct. The Telegraph run some 12 articles which linked the film, video, trailer, etc. to the four deaths. The Telegraph repeated the White House talking points dozens of times.
The Telegraph went along with this until their cover-up was becoming obvious it was like a blinding light.
Talking about Rice in today’s article, Nov. 28, 2012, which tells us that the: “White House says focus on her TV comments is more about politics than Benghazi deaths”.
Everyone knows such things as the murder of a U.S. Ambassador and three other Americans in an act of war committed by a terrorist affiliated group is only a “bump in the road”. We know this because as Jamie Foxx described Barack Obama “our Lord and Savior” told us so.
You can tell the reporters Douglas and Clark have been at this awhile. In the first paragraph they set up what they want you to believe with their opinions.
Injecting their opinion they tell us that:
“Republican opposition to the potential nomination of United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice as secretary of state appeared to harden Tuesday after she met behind closed doors with three key Republican senators.”
Their “…appeared to harden…” by definition is opinion. What they want, they want you to fall for their opinion.
They go on to tell you that this "…was supposed to be a session to clear the air and lower tensions…” and “…seemed to have had the opposite effect….” Again by definition all of this is opinion and is what they want you to believe.
McClatchy reporters then call on “Baghdad Bob” Carney who services as White House, press secretary. Although the article points to the “…five Sunday morning talks shows five days after the attack.” "Baghdad Bob” Carney tries to tone it down to “focus on a Sunday show appearance….”
He desperately dodges the truth and points to the “…political dynamics in Washington.”
In the article:
“Rice and Morell told the three Republican senators Tuesday that the talking points the intelligence community provided and the initial assessment on which they were based were incorrect.”
In other words they were lies meant for public consumption and were to be distributed by the media.
After the dishonesty and deceit Rice pedaled on the Five Talk shows five days after the attacks she goes on to tell another lie.
Rice tells us that:
“We stressed that neither I nor anyone else in the administration intended to mislead the American people at any stage in this process, and the administration updated Congress and the American people as our assessments evolved.”
As pointed out above The Telegraph was repeating the deception about the movie and linking it to the murders until the latter part of September. So was the Obama Administration.
These people cannot even make up their mind which lie they want to tell about who changed the talking points.
Rice on the talk shows was assuring everyone that Al-Qaeda was decimated and although it is not reported by The Telegraph because of their mission to cover-up Obama’s incompetence and failures. One report from USA Today can be seen at Al-Qaeda making comeback in Iraq.
The article uses a “U.S. intelligence official” for some favorite quotes to help defend Rice. This is a ploy to defend Rice and is sometimes used legitimately by honest reporters. More often than not it is used to interject the reporter’s opinion into the article to advance the agenda they are trying to push.
McClatchy, the AP and The Telegraph are known for using articles with this kind of con.
To provide an example what kind of journalism McClatchy and the McClatchy owned newspaper, The Telegraph, practice we point out the following. We are told by the Washington Bureau Chief for McClatchy Newspapers that:
“On July 15, The New York Times reported that journalists in this town were allowing government sources to alter quotes in exchange for interviews. As Washington Bureau Chief for McClatchy, I banned the practice for our reporters on July 20. National Journal and Bloomberg followed suit. But we’re waiting on The Washington Post and The Times.”
“Sadly, letting the government sanitize quotes is just one of many dirty secrets of Washington journalism.”
Of course this probably explains why McClatchy Corporate Headquarters was not interested in The Telegraph’s “free lunches” and access to the taxpayer’s money through “influence pedaling”. The people of middle Georgia know that type of practice has not been banned by The Telegraph.
Yes like a thief in the night which makes a living by stealing: A reasonable case can be made that McClatchy, AP and The Telegraph along with some of the others in the media make their living by deceit. That has been clearly documented.
Have a nice day.
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