Both together contain about
1,300 words.
The two articles are more notable for what they do not tell
you than for what they do. It looks as if the primary purpose is to push the "Obama’s Class warfare". The first 593 word article refers to this in one form or
another some ten times.
“99 percent”: “High-income… biggest tax increases…”: “...99 percent of all households…”: “High-income… pay higher taxes this year…” etc.
AP’s Ohlemacher closes out the article with “If you’re rich,
you’re almost certain to get a big tax increase….”
AP, Ohlemacher and The Telegraph have to get in another one
of Obama’s “big lie(s)” here.
They tell us:
“Obama said the deal “protects 98 percent of Americans and 97 percent of small business owners from a middle-class tax hike.” This is after telling us in the first paragraph of the article that: “…most of them [Americans] will still end up paying more federal taxes in 2013.” and in the third paragraph “…77 percent of American households will face higher federal taxes in 2013.”
But then such is to be expected from these people as in
their “hi-tech” lynching of Herman Cain they seem to think the people are just too
dumb to notice what they are doing.
We should remember Ohlemacher was one of the AP reporters
that were instrumental in dishing up some of the garbage used in The
Telegraph's "hi-tech" lynching of Herman Cain!
In the second article by AP’s Connie Cass we find more of
the same.
Such as:
“…income tax rates steady for 99 percent of Americans…”: “The tip 1 percent are getting socked with higher income tax rates.”: “The wealthiest American will pay higher taxes on their investments.”: “…keep the wealthy from using loopholes to avoid taxes…”: etc.
In at least one
instance Cass, the AP and The Telegraph resort to an out and out lie as far as
we can determine. They tell us that:
“…the government borrows about 31 cents of every dollar it spend.”
According to honest sources such as “Mercatus Senior
Research Fellow Veronique de Rugy” of Mercatus Center at George Mason
University who sites her source as the “Office of Management and Budget – FY 2012
budget” the actual figure is “…43 cents of every dollar spent….”
We would not look for a correction as this is probably
considered a part of the “big lie” being pushed by the Obama Administration.
We are told that “…the treasury Department is using special
accounting measures to avoid default for now.”
In other words Obama and his tax
cheat, Secretary of the Treasury Geithner, are cooking the books, things honest
people would go to jail for.
The article is more notable for the things AP and The
Telegraph do not tell you about the “fiscal deal”.
Such as:
“The "fiscal cliff" legislation passed this week included $76 billion in special-interest tax credits for the likes of General Electric, Hollywood and even Captain Morgan. But these subsidies weren't the fruit of eleventh-hour lobbying conducted on the cliff's edge -- they were crafted back in August in a Senate committee, and they sat dormant until the White House reportedly insisted on them this week.” (Bold type added)
“Former Sens. John Breaux, D-La., and Trent Lott, R-Miss., a pair of rainmaker lobbyists, pleaded for extensions on behalf of a powerful lineup of clients.”
We find that there were “…50 tax credit extensions…” in the
Bill and “…the White House wanted permanent extensions of a whole slew of
corporate tax credits.”
“When Senate Republicans said no, ‘the White House insisted that the exact language’ of the Baucus bill be included in the fiscal cliff deal. ‘They were absolutely insistent,’ another aide tells me. (The White House did not return requests for comment.)”
Then we are told that:
“When Senate Republicans said no, ‘the White House insisted that the exact language’ of the Baucus bill be included in the fiscal cliff deal. ‘They were absolutely insistent,’ another aide tells me. (The White House did not return requests for comment.)”
This information comes from an article by Timothy P. Carney
of the titled Tim
Carney: How corporate tax credits got in the 'cliff' deal. The entire
article is a must read.
Three more stories worth reading are: Senate
Dems Caught Expanding 'Sandy Bill' to Provide Kickbacks to Republican
Senators and Christie
Craving Pork-Filled Sandy Bill by
Daniel Halper of the
The other is Crony
Capitalist Blowout, an editorial from the
The people of this
once Great Nation have been scammed. AP and The Telegraph in Macon, Georgia have
been instrumental in this disgrace.
We have to remember you can not scam the people by being honest with them.
Have a nice day.
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