Roosevelt used his $3,300,000,000 in such a way that it gave the appearance of improving the economy. In 1933 the percentage of unemployed was 24.75 and it was gradually reduced to 14.18 percent in 1937. In 1938 it bounced back to 18.91 percent. (These figures are from the U.S. Bureau of the Census) You can see them here.
Roosevelt was given this taxpayer money "…to be spent for relief and recovery at his own discretion.” (Page 289 John T. Flynn and his “The Roosevelt Myth”)
Obama was given the $787 billion to spend as he saw fit. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 states that “The President and the heads of Federal departments and agencies shall manage and expend the funds made available in this Act…”
On July 11, 2011 Greg Hunter of usawatchdog tells us that “…as far as the ‘official’ unemployment number of 9.2%–forget it because it is a big fat statistical lie. The number for the real unemployment rate for 2011 right now jumped to 22.7%! (if unemployment was done the way BLS did it before 1994.) Williams goes on to report the new number of people out of work is, “the highest level seen in the current, protracted economic downturn.” You can see his story right here in the third paragraph.
There is probably nothing that demonstrates the incompetence of the Obama administration in the area of the economy more than the so-called stimulus act, the Solyndra debacle and the other bankruptcy in the so-called green energy field.
There are other companies, which face the same fate as Solyndra. And as we have seen Obama’s primary concern is the protection of his bundlers and contributors, they must be protected at all cost after all it is only the taxpayers money.
Burton W. Folsom, Jr. in his book “New Deal or Raw Deal?” page 191 compares the Roosevelt administration with the Cleveland administration. He then speculates that “Perhaps FDR minus money in patronage would have equaled FDR a one-term president." Perhaps we could be so lucky with Obama.
Looking at this we must ask why if Roosevelt was the sycophant that history indicates he was, then why is he always rated in the top three to five presidents?
We think that Folsom goes a long way towards answering this in his book “New Deal or Raw Deal”. We are specifically talking about chapters one and seventeen.
Also Jim Powell in his book “FDR’s Folly” in the “Introduction” tells us how;
“Most historians have focused on chronicling Franklin D. Roosevelt’s charismatic personality, his brilliance as a strategist and communicator, the dramatic One Hundred days, the First New Deal, Second New Deal, the ‘Court-packing’ plan and other political aspects of the story.”
He then explains that from a historical perspective; “Comparatively little attention has been paid to the effects of the New Deal.”
Powell goes on to tell us that books;
“Published during the last four decades, these findings have been virtually ignored by pro-New Deal political historians like James MacGregor Burns, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., Frank Freidel, William Leuctenburg, and Kenneth S. Davis. In his auto biography, Schlesinger acknowledged that he ‘was not much interested in economics.’”
He goes on to comment on the fact that;
“It is remarkable how such respected historians, writing about the most important economic event of twentieth-century American history, could disregard the growing economics literature which challenges their views.”
Powell notes that;
“It would be tragic if, in a future recession or depression, policymakers repeated the same mistakes of the New Deal because they knew only the political histories of the time.”
This is precisely what we are seeing with Obama. The so-called main stream news media and The [Macon] Telegraph is laying the groundwork for the future garbage the people will read as history.
This is precisely what The Telegraph, which is owned by McClatchy newspapers, is doing here in the middle Georgia area. They have dropped from thirty one to seven counties where they provide home delivery because of their policies, politics and bigotry.
The people of middle Georgia will support an area newspaper. However they will not support one which is clearly bigoted and put their political agenda before honest news. The people pay hard-earned money for the paper and honest news is what they expect.
An example of what we are talking about is Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall’s “To endorse candidates or not”. She tells us in the forth paragraph that;
“Historically, newspapers vetting political candidates have been able to do what many voters could not or, practically, would not. Editorial page staffs can research candidates’ voting records, read archived stories about them, even tell readers whether candidates have been fiscally responsible by, say, avoiding bankruptcy or paying their taxes on time.”
She then puts in a plug for the “Editorial page editors…” and their “…incredible access….” This may sound good, however when you look at their endorsement of Barack Obama you get a clear picture of what they are doing. You can see her “To endorse candidates or not” right here.
Now let us look at The Telegraph’s endorsement of Obama. We have to remember McClatchy newspapers own The Telegraph. George McCanless is President and Publisher. His staff consist of Executive Editor, Sherrie Marshall, Executive Page Editor, Charles E. Richardson who we some times refer to as Low-Grade and Visiting Member, Kenny Burgamy, ex-banker and someone that we sometimes refer to as the enabler.
Now that we know what they want us to think they can do, let us look at what they did. Surely this endorsement is good for some type of award, maybe journalistic excellence. Here is that one and only endorsement.
You can e-mail us at or in the comment section of this blog at
Your contacts at The [Macon] Telegraph
President and Publisher - George McCanless
Phone744-4290 - e-mail -
Executive Editor - Sherrie Marshall
Phone - 744-4340 - e-mail -
Editorial Page Editor - Charles E. Richardson
Phone - 744-4342 - e-mail -
Visiting Member - Kenny Burgamy (ex-banker)
e-mail -
McClatchy Newspapers, Washington Bureau, 700 12th Street NW, Suite 1000, Washington, D.C. 20005. Switchboard (202) 383-6000. News desk (202) 383-6001.
Have a nice day.
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