Obama’s stimulus has been a failure as we can see from the amount of money spent per job.
Now according to him he wants to add 1.9 million more jobs at the cost of about $235.263 per job. This can be seen in an article by Fred Lucas at cnsnews.
In trying to sell this so-called Jobs bill to the taxpayer brings to mind Roosevelt’s attempt to sell his court-packing scheme to the people.
In his book “Yankee from the West”, page 325, Senator Burton K. Wheeler a Democrat from Montana tells us:
“When it became obvious that the bill would have to be ‘sold’ to the country, FDR himself opened up on the airwaves. On March 14, he plugged his Court scheme in an address to the Democratic Party’s $100-a-plate ‘Victory Dinner’ at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington. His words were carried over the radio to 1100 other such dinners all over the United States. Five days later he pleaded for his bill again in a ‘Fireside chat.’”
“In his dinner speech the President made a direct appeal…” and this is where the words: "‘Here is one third of a nation ill nourished, ill clad, ill housed – now!…if we keep faith with those who had faith in us, if we would make democracy succeed, I say we must act – now!’ Etc.”
Wheeler tells us that “I had heard a good many demagogic speeches, and had undoubtedly made some myself that were looked on as such, but I thought this was the most demagogic I had ever heard, and it was coming from the President of the United States!”
Wheeler then informs the reader that “Replying to the speech, I warned in a radio address: 'Create now a political Court to echo the ideas of the executive and you have created a weapon; a weapon which in the hands of another President could well be the instrument of destruction; a weapon that can cut down those guarantees of liberty written into your great doctrine by the blood of your forefathers and that can extinguish your right of liberty of speech, or thought, or action, or of religion; a weapon whose use is only dictated by the conscience of the wielder.”
Senator Wheeler on Page 331 goes on to tell us that “If the President could make both branches of government subservient, I feared totalitarianism could happen here as well as anywhere else.”
Roosevelt’s attempt to pack the courts and force all Senators out of office, which did not agree with him, has largely been over looked. Burton W. Folsom, Jr in his book “New Deal or Raw Deal” covers this in chapter thirteen.
This in turn brings to mind the warning by John T. Flynn in his book “The Roosevelt Myth”. On page 292 he tells us that: “And if these techniques are permitted to continue the Constitution will be destroyed and our system of government changed utterly without a vote of the people or any amendment to the Constitution. Roosevelt by his various hit or miss experiments all designed to get power into his hands, prepared a perfect blueprint for some future dictator of the modern school to usurp without very much difficulty all the powers he needs to operate a first-class despotism in America.”
It seems to be evident to most people what the Obama administration is doing to our Nation with the help of the United States Congress. People seem to realize that if Obama was deliberately trying to crash the economy of this Great Nation, there is not much different he could do.
We do not know where it came from, we found it on Neal Boortz’s web site
He credits Ron a listener from Dunwoody who cites the source as a Czech newspaper article which ran it in April 2010. It is all telling and we repeat it here:
“The danger in America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgement to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”
As we look back we should remember it was a Democratic controlled Congress that gave Obama almost a trillion dollars for spending in his Stimulus Bill. The responsibility for the manner in which it was spent was his and his alone. Obama spent the money, it failed to create jobs and he laughed about it. We do not find it funny. The title of the law is “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009” In Section 2, subparagraph (b) It defines exactly who is responsible for spending the money. It is Barack Obama.
Section 2 subparagraph (b) titled “GENERAL PRINCIPLES CONCERNING USE OF FUNDS.” Tells us that:
“ The President and the heads of Federal departments and agencies shall manage and expend the funds made available in this Act so as to achieve the purposes specified in subsection (a), including commencing expenditures and activities as quickly as possible consistent with prudent management.”
This makes Obama and Obama alone responsible for the Solyndra debacle. His incompetence or what ever you want to call it cost the taxpayers one-half trillion dollars. We wonder if Obama thinks this is funny? He thought the Shovel Ready Jobs were funny. Will you laugh with him?
Your can contact us in the comments section or e-mail us at wetrack@windstream.net.
Have a nice day.
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