Our good friends at The Telegraph owned by McClatchy newspapers have done it again. We have to ask is this deliberate deception, if not what is it? We know they have not run any news articles about the problems the Obama administration is having.
This is nothing new, reasonable people can see where The Telegraph owned by McClatchy newspapers mislead their subscribers leading up to the election in 2008. Anything, which did not meet their approval, was omitted. We know how they denigrated the last administration with stories about the war, Gitmo (Guantanamo), Patriot Act, about spending, Halliburton, etc. The problems are still there. The Telegraph does not cover them, out of print out of mind, seems to be their motto.
Editorial Page Editor, Charles E Richardson who we sometimes refer to as Low-Grade is a firm believer in how short the memory of the subscriber is and he may have something.
We know Obama is basically following the policies George W. Bush and his administration established. This was pointed out by Tony Karon in a story titled “Why Obama Defaulted to Bush Foreign Policy Positions”, dated January 04, 2010. You can see it here.
The minute the administrations changed, The Telegraph cut back on coverage of the war, Gitmo, etc. Just think there is no longer any concern about Gitmo being a recruiting tool for al-Qaeda. If it was not such a large issue, they would probably portray the “spending issue” as under control. Why not, they have provided no coverage of “Fast and Furious”. This is the “Gun running operation” the House is holding hearings on. You can see that here.
They have provided absolutely no coverage about the health care wavers.
This brings us to the “Solyndra scandal”. On the 15 of September Visiting Member, Kenny Burgamy, ex-banker and enabler for The Telegraph brought up Solyndra on The Telegraph’s talk show, News Talk Central, carried by Fox 24 WGXA in Macon, Georgia.
Burgamy portrayed this as the “first scandal of the Obama administration”. The next day The Telegraph, owned by McClatchy newspapers, for the first time in print ran an article on the scandal. We wrote about that and you can see it here.
Is this to be another "Fast and Furious" for The [Macon]
Telegraph? Today on (September 17, 2011) they ran another article on Solyndra in The Telegraph and they posted the same article on their web site macon.com. There was a difference in the two articles.
We do not understand why the story posted on the web site is so different from the one run in the paper edition. The article posted on the web site used Obama in the title. The story in the paper drops Obama from the title. The posted article had approximately 1,100 words, the article in the paper has approximately 900 words. A part of the 200 words are about Energy Secretary Chu and the Bankruptcy of Solyndra.
The entire section about presidential candidate Michele Bachmann and her comments were omitted, as were the comments about an e-mail which points out “…the administration made a bad investment, not just once… but twice….” All of which seem pertinent to the story.
They are both identical articles with the exception of the omissions. Both are AP articles written by Matthew Daly and Jack Gillum with contributions by AP writer Gillian Flacus.
We can only feel that this was deliberately done, the question is why?
The cuts are in the fourth column. They start in the middle of the second complete paragraph from the top. The paragraph begins with Jonathan Silver.
You can see the posted article here.
The article printed in the paper can be seen here.
The Telegraph, owned by McClatchy newspapers, has yet to provide any information in the paper on the two elections held on September 13, 2011. The elections were in New York and Nevada. The N.Y. election was for the seat held by Weiner of “Twitter sex scandal fame”. This was the former seat of Hillary Rodham Clinton and Chuck Schumer. Democrats had held it since 1928. Here is what the Washington Post had to say.
The results of he Nevada election can be seen here.
This was two Republican wins and that is most likely why no information appeared in print in The Telegraph, which is owned by McClatchy newspapers.
This reminds us of the Special Election held in Massachusetts for the seat of former Senator Ted Kennedy. There was no coverage there until people began screaming about it. They then broke down.
To date there has been no coverage of the Lightsquare scandal involving General Shelton. Here is one version of that story.
The Telegraph can not be trusted to provide the people of middle Georgia with the information they need to make informed decisions.
You can contact us at wetrack@windstream.net or in the comment section at http://www.we-track.com/
Your contacts at The [Macon] Telegraph
President and Publisher - George McCanless
Phone744-4290 - e-mail - gmccanless@macon.com
Executive Editor - Sherrie Marshall
Phone - 744-4340 - e-mail - smarshall@macon.com
Editorial Page Editor - Charles E. Richardson
Phone - 744-4342 - e-mail - crichardson@macon.com
Visiting Member - Kenny Burgamy (ex-banker)
e-mail - kenny@macon.com
Have a nice day.
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