Friday, November 4, 2011

Is this is what you pay good money for!

If there has been anything which could convince reasonable people that The Telegraph is a disgrace to honest journalism all they have to do is look at the garbage churned out daily.

Of late it has been “Herman Cain”.  We think this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the staff of The Telegraph are not racist, just bigots, just disgusting, disgraceful bigots. 

Nothing personal, just facts as we see them. We have noted that since this hit job by the so-called main stream media began The Telegraph has stepped up to the plate.   

For Burgamy’s benefit we are not like the guy named Rick who called News Talk Central about “fluffing” the news. We believe what The Telegraph is doing is down right disgraceful and dishonest, and as it appears they just don’t care.

This kind of so-called journalism is a slap in the face to everyone who died in the World War called World War II: D Day: the Battle of the Bulge: the North Atlantic Convoys: the Eighth Air Force: Iwo Jima: Guadalcanal: etc. There are others, to many to list. 

This garbage is a disgrace to “middle Georgia” the state and the country.

It appears as if The Telegraph is more than willing to participate in the hit job on Herman Cain, while covering for Obama.

For instance the disgusting scam conjured up by Politico for the use of AP and others which hand pick it from all of the information available is disgusting. The Telegraph hand picks what they print and then print it as honest journalism.

The “Cain struggles with controversy” November 4, 2011, a 326 word hit piece by Kasie Hunt of AP is long on innuendo, insinuations and garbage, it contains only six quotes. None pertains to the “controversy”. The quotes are limited to Cain and Hannity. You can see it here.

On November 3, 2011, The Telegraph hand picked article “Third worker says Cain harassed her”, it contained two quotes, one from Cain and the other from an individual named Sullivan. The ole boy Sullivan was from Perry’s campaign! Clever, very clever? You can see it here. 

In the “Cain struggles to contain fallout from allegations”, November 2, 2011 by Hunt of AP again, we are amazed, she splurged with 610 words, 4 quotes from Cain. But then amazingly she managed one quote from a “John Brabender a strategist for Rick Santorum’s campaign…”
That is located here.

However on November 1, 2011 in the “Cain says he was ‘falsely accused’” article used to kick off this scam by Hunt, AP and The Telegraph, with 157 words there were two quotes. Both were from Cain denying something that had been cooked up, never substantiated and with no quotes at all from the so-called accusers.  Of course when we say “used to kick off this scam” we are talking about middle Georgia and The Telegraph. That is available here.  

We ask, is this professional journalism? Is this what the staff and The Telegraph stand for? Was this what Burgamy was brought on board to lend token deniability for?

What ever, the entire thing is a disgrace and with out some facts to substantiate all the innuendoes, the slander and deceit to prove what The Telegraph is trying to sell the people of middle Georgia, the staff of The Telegraph will become a shining exhibit of what they represent. 

We have to ask, when you read what The Telegraph has provide as honest news to help you make a choice in 2012, what have you learned? They have provided no proof of what they are trying to sell. They advertise The Telegraph as “middle Georgia’s newspaper” for which you pay good money and then get garbage like this. That is known as a scam.

If we are wrong please show us how. You can contact us at 

You can contact The Telegraph as listed below.

President and Publisher - George McCanless
Phone744-4290 - e-mail -
Executive Editor - Sherrie Marshall
Phone - 744-4340 - e-mail -
Editorial Page Editor - Charles E. Richardson
Phone - 744-4342 - e-mail -
Visiting Member - Kenny Burgamy (ex-banker)
e-mail -

Have a nice day.

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