Surely, Harold Goodridge, Business Page Editor received a “lousy
lunch” for the article titled “Oil
Stats belie GOP claims” in the paper today. (May 31, 2012)
We know the AP has a slobbering love affair with the Obama
administration. The AP CEO Dean Singleton demonstrates that fact
in this video.
This is one hell of a jewel; the press has been trying all
these years to convince people that former President George Bush and Vice
President Dick Cheney were in bed with the oil companies.
Now that the press thinks it is beneficial to Obama it seems
as if The Telegraph and the AP are out to change things. The Telegraph in an AP
article tells us that “…an Associated Press analysis of enforcement data over
the past decade finds that’s not the case. In fact, the EPA went after
producers more often in the years of Republican President George W. Bush, a
former Texas oilman, than under Obama.”
The article notes that “…a regional administrator resigned
after a two-year-old video surfaced in which he compared enforcement of oil and
gas regulations with how the Romans used to conquer villages, by finding “the
first five guys they saw and they’d crucify them.” From the article you have to
thank the press, The Telegraph and the AP sees nothing what-so-ever wrong with
this approach.
They then go back to the scam about what Obama is doing for
energy. We are told: Actually, the U.S. produced more oil in 2010 than it has
since 2003, and all forms of energy production have increased under Obama, but
he can’t take credit for all of it.
For instance have you noticed how The Telegraph and the AP
have ignored the promise Obama made in January of 2008 to bankrupt the
coal industry and drive up the price of energy?
The reader is informed that: “…enforcement actions against
oil and gas producers dropped by 61 percent over the past decade, from 224 in
2002 to 87 last year.”
We do not know just how factual the above is we do know both
The Telegraph and the AP have a history of film-flam when they are trying to
convince people of things as they want them seen.
It was just a little over a year ago that the AP tried to
help Obama by dumbing up what we call the 60 percent scam. Off course The
Telegraph ran it on the front page of the paper and then pitched the next day
on the morning talk show they air in middle Georgia.
It was such a scam it did more harm than good and it did not
last; the poll was heavily weighted with Democrats. In fact former Clinton
pollster Dick Morris described it saying; “This AP poll – with its 2:1
Democratic edge – is utter hog wash.
We strongly suspect
that if we check, that is what we are going to find with this so called “…Associated
Press analysis of enforcement data…” We cannot depend on The Telegraph because
after all someone there may need more than a “lousy lunch”.
Someone at The Telegraph
may have family that needs employment to the tune of “70,000
reasons”. See the second paragraph from the bottom! We can thank the
people at wearepolitics for
this information.
As can be seen in the following video The Telegraph seems to cover it up. After reading over the entire article the part about the “70,000 reasons” is glossed over.
As can be seen in the following video The Telegraph seems to cover it up. After reading over the entire article the part about the “70,000 reasons” is glossed over.
We can now say that: “I can see clearly now.”
Have a nice day.
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