Saturday, September 8, 2012

The anguish at The Telegraph!

The anguish at The Telegraph must be reaching the point where it is unbearable. They have carried the water for this administration for years now. In order to do this they have turned their back on the people of middle Georgia and the Nation.

It must have been an all-night affair for The Telegraph Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall in the relentless search for something acceptable to The Telegraph about the Weak jobs report delivers blow to Obama campaign.

We can only conclude that this so-called “analysis” was selected because The Telegraph has frantically been trying to cover up for the incompetence and dishonesty of the people at the Democrat National Convention. Here The Telegraph Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall finds AP’s Tom Raum minimizing the disastrous jobs report by describing it as “lackluster”. He then tells the reader that the: “report could wipe out or diminish any traditional bounce in the polls he might have gotten from the festive, well-choreographed three-day Democratic National Convention.”

The glaring blinding dishonesty here is the “well-choreographed three-day Democratic National Convention.” Both the AP’s Raum and Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall know of the Godless Democrat party’s fowl-up over taking “God” and "Jerusalem” out of the platform and then forcing it back in over the boos and objections of the people is anything but a “well-choreographed” convention.

The deceit here had to be deliberate.

We think reasonable people can conclude that the only purpose this serves is to demonstrate their penchant for deceit and dishonest which conforms to their bigotry.

There is no doubt that the deceit and dishonesty of the speakers was "well-choreographed”.  You can see some of this in the Why The Telegraph did not use AP! In this case the odor was so bad the AP could not ignore it.  

However The Telegraph took the people’s hard earned money promoted it as news and ignored it. We may be wrong but in the real world this is known as a flim-flam.

While locally the President and Publisher George McCanless fell flat of his face in his cover-up of the “lousy lunch” and the “70,000reasons”, as noted above there was some success on the National scene.

The Telegraph's "hi-tech" lynching of Herman Cain! Will have to serve as a lesson plan at Mercer University where Mercer President William D. Underwood has brought The Telegraph in to help with future journalism students. We do not know but it appears that a little grant money means more in this case than honor and integrity.

McCanless to our knowledge still has not responded to the fact that The Telegraph was willing to pedal influence for family employment to the tune of “over 70,000 reasons”. This is where The Telegraph employees pedal influence for members of the Bibb County Board of Education. Then their spouse winds up on the Bibb County Board of Education’s payroll for a tidy sum. Bill Knowles of deserves the credit for exposing this.

From all appearances The Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall had a hand in the cover-up at the Bibb Board of Education also. At the web site in the comment section (17th comment) of The 70,000 Reasons Certain Members Of The Media Are Biased  we find where E. Denise Caldon contacts The Telegraph and informs them:
“I have compiled two copies of some of the more pertinent documents for both you and Ms. Marshall.” Of course none of this comes out until it was discovered the Bibb County Board of Education had hired The Telegraph Executive Editor Charles E. Richardson’s wife to the tune of “over 70,000 reasons”.  
The people of middle Georgia are not going to get the truth from these people and for them to promote what they do as “middle Georgia’s newspaper” appears somewhat dishonest.  

Have a nice day. 

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