Friday, September 7, 2012

Why The Telegraph did not use AP!

Well the week of the flim-flam is over and the blazing and blinding light of The Telegraph’s participation and cover-up will be around for a long time. They have ignored the problems at the Democrat National Convention.

The lies told and the flim-flam of the Democrat Party has been covered-up to the best of The Telegraph’s ability.

The Telegraph chose to ignore things like how: “A Godless party expels the creator”. Of course this “Godless party” is the Democrat party. Then there was the problem of Jerusalem and tax-payer-funded abortion. But then we have to remember you cannot scam the people by telling them the truth.

We assume that The Telegraph was using the new policy which Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall told us about in her: “The Telegraph newsroom: What changes and what doesn’t”.

If you recall she wrote about using a method “Based on what we hear…” apparently they are abandoning all pretense of news article based on facts. It seems as if this is what The Telegraph and AP used - “…what we hear…” - in their hatchet job and character assassination of Republican Presidential Candidate Herman Cain. You can verify that at: The Telegraph's "hi-tech" lynching of Herman Cain! The only thing they used were unproven accusation – “what we hear” – to destroy his candidacy. The Telegraph omitted any and all references to the troubled past of the individuals making the accusations. But then we have to remember you cannot perform a hatchet job and character assassination with the truth.

If you remember using their new policy they caught everything at the Republican National Convention and after things were debunked they threw in a few baseless accusations anyway.
Remember the: “And while Ryan’s well-delivered speech drew raves from many party activists, it contained several factual inaccuracies that threatened to contradict the Wisconsin congressman’s image as a self-professed truth teller.”

The Telegraph did not have any facts so they just threw in a few baseless accusations for good measure. The Telegraph is a joke; they are not even a serious joke. They have proven over the years they cannot be trusted by people who want honest and factual news.

If you are wondering why the President and Publisher George McCanless of The Telegraph and the Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall are not in bed with their cohorts at AP for this round of scams all we can do is offer an opinion.

As you will notice The Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall chose to go with The Telegraph’s parent company McClatchy Newspapers and their scam titled Obama asks America to choose his ‘harder’ path.

There were several different stories by AP writers, as you know the scam artist at AP write something for everyone. Apparently The Telegraph could not find anything from AP which would fit into their scam.

For instance the AP article by Raum and Woodward titled FACT CHECK: Obama and the phantom peace dividend is probably way to close to the truth to suit The Telegraph Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall. There seems to be absolutely no tolerance for honesty and the truth at The Telegraph. 

As you can see the first paragraph addresses Obama’s:
"I'll use the money we're no longer spending on war to pay down our debt and put more people back to work - rebuilding roads and bridges, schools and runways. After two wars that have cost us thousands of lives and over a trillion dollars, it's time to do some nation-building right here at home."
The article did not mention this but do you remember the first time around when the “rebuilding roads and bridges, schools and runways” were “shovel ready projects”. Then after spending untold billions of your tax dollars and watching nothing happen except the money disappear how funny it was to Obama and his people?

 The Article tells us: “…Obama laid claim to a peace dividend that doesn’t exist…” and informs us that: “The wars were largely financed by borrowing, so there is no ready pile of cash to be diverted to anything else.”  As usual Obama has based his estimates “…on inflated war spending estimates for future years.”

The next thing the article address is the Obama scam on “…reducing the cost of health care….” The article goes on to tell us that “…proposals the Obama administration has floated… would ask Medicare beneficiaries to pay more.” They tell us that this would consist of: “revamping co-payments and deductibles in ways that could raise costs for retirees and increasing premiums for certain beneficiaries.”

On Obama’s: “… we can create a million new manufacturing jobs in the next four years.” As for Obama’s claim that there have been: “…an increase of 500,000 manufacture jobs over the past 29 months.” We are told “…this is cherry picking by the president. From the beginning of Obama’s term 3 ½ years ago, manufacturing jobs have declined by more than 500,000….” They have attributed this information to the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Obama Claims Romney will: “give more tax breaks to corporations that ship jobs overseas….” Then Biden tells us that: “Gov. Romney believes that in the global economy, it doesn’t matter where American companies put their money or where they create jobs. As a matter of fact, he has a new tax proposal – the territorial tax – that experts say will create 800,000 jobs, all of them overseas.”

Then the article tells us that the facts are: “Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s proposal is actually aimed at encouraging investment in the U.S., not overseas.” Then for the next three paragraphs they layout the reason for this.

The next thing they address is the shameless age old: “After the worst job loss since the Great Depression, we’ve created 4.5 million private sector jobs in the past 29 months.”  

The article points out the deception in this figure. Obama starts counting when “…the recession reached its trough and employment began to grow again. It excludes jobs lost earlier in Obama’s term, and makes the fact that joblessness overall has risen over Obama’s term so far.”

They close the article out with: “Never since World War II has the economy been so slow to recover all the jobs lost in a downturn.”

We can only conclude this is exactly the reason why the scam artist at The Telegraph went to the article by McClatchy and dropped AP for this scam. This is nothing new for them they are nothing more than fair weather friends.

We have to remember these are the people Mercer University President William D. Underwood has invited in to help teach future journalism students at Mercer the art of the scam. It is funny what a few dollars in grant money will do to honor, honesty and integrity.

The power of the pen is a powerful thing; used honorably it can be a wonderful instrument as it was over 200 years ago when it helped create one of the greatest nations on earth. Or as history teaches  when in the hand of a man like Joseph Paul Goebbels of Germany in the first part of the last century it can contribute to some of the most horrendous acts mankind has ever known.

As to the purpose which Mercer University President William D. Underwood and The Telegraph will use this power is for you to decide.

Have a nice day. 

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