Thursday, October 18, 2012

Is this the best The Telegraph could do?

The Telegraph President and Publisher George McCanless, Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall and the Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson continue to carry the water for the Obama administration. They must cringe every time they hear or see the word Benghazi. They have spent so much time and effort deceiving the people of middle Georgia and now they see it all going down the drain. They must be desperate.

In spite of the fact that the women's vote is shifting at a rapid pace The Telegraph is  still trying to pedal Obama’s accusation about the so-called “war on women” and ignore Obama’s attempted cover up of “Benghazi”. Apparently this has been labeled "all politics" by The Telegraph and is unworthy of coverage, we have seen this before.

This is a vast turnaround from the protection which The Telegraph offered the sexual predator Bill Clinton and his “war on women”. The Telegraph’s protection and the time line of that performance can be seen in The sordid saga of The Telegraph and Bill Clinton!

All honest news sources have covered the swing in the woman vote. You can see what USA Today had to say at: Swing States poll: Women push Romney into lead.

This is reinforced with: 
“A new Pew Research Center survey depicted a remarkable swing in the numbers, with Romney pulling even among women in polling late last week. In September, the same polling outfit showed Obama leading by 18 points among women.” 
“Among all likely voters surveyed, Romney climbed from an 8-point deficit last month to a 4-point lead.”

Yet all The Telegraph can come up with is a flim-flam by their parent company McClatchy Newspapers. They attempt to ridicule Romney about the binders he mentioned in his search for woman to help while he was Governor of Mass. 

This has been confirmed and the Boston Globe’s version can be seen at How Mitt Romney had ‘whole binders of women’ for staff positions as governor. Of course we have to remember how the Boston Globe twisted things with the traitor John Kerry’s service records.

You can see The Telegraph’s choice in a story by David Lightman and Lesley Clark titled Obama, Romney rev up swing state audiences. The story was 473 words long and they managed to work in some variations of the “binder” some five times.

Of course there was no mention of Obama’s record and how women at the White House are paid less than men. We can see this at Obama touts fair pay for women, despite records showing women paid less in his own White House. Nor did they mention how Obama’s White House is a Hostile Workplace.

Honest journalism does not seem to be the point here as we have seen so often at The Telegraph.

 We have not figured out what they meant with their “…each candidate’s approach to women’s issues appeared to be responsible for some of the louder echoes” perhaps this is the way it is supposed to be – just confuse everyone.

They have destroyed what little reputation they had and it is for sure when Obama leaves the White House they will not get their due. This is so unlike the “lousy lunches” and the “influence pedaling for the Bibb County Board of Education where the employment was in a timely manner.  

Have a nice day. 

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