They can lie about it, they can deny it, or they can ignore
it, however the one thing they cannot do is change it. It is documented
The Telegraph is owned by McClatchy Newspapers and the
individuals responsible for this conduct are:
President and Publisher George McCanless Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall Editorial Page Editor Charles E. Richardson
It would be irresponsible to let their conduct slip into the
past unnoticed much as the disgusting conduct of the Clintons
It should be available on line for the future
"historians" when they are looking for those "history making
moments" and how the media scammed the people.
We do not have an honest main stream media any more. As we
have said they are for the most part like a “thief in the night”. They
have completely turned their back on the roll the “Founding Fathers” envisioned
for them.
When we look back we find that on Friday May 15, 2009 in
response to a letter from Bill Paschal The Telegraph expressed their contempt
for the “First Amendment”.
The editors of The Telegraph tell the reader that:
“The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution states that 'Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.’ The constitution does not address, directly or by implication, how to ‘report the news,’ with or with without bias. – Editors” The Telegraph use to run the “First Amendment” on their mast head, then for some reason they dropped it. In a “here today gone tomorrow” with no explanation it disappeared.
Therefore it should come as no surprise when they try to
drag former Governor Mitt Romney down to Barack Hussein Obama’s level. If The
Telegraph had been honest for the last four years in their coverage of Obama
the contrast would have been blinding, but because of this their readers have
no way to compare the two individuals.
Two of the most glaring things that exposes The Telegraph
for what they really are become indisputable when they are examined.
In The Telegraph’s “Presidential
endorsement” on October 26, 2008 their first paragraph tells us
“When historians explore the 2008 presidential election at some future time after the glow of the moment has worn dim, they will find several history-making moments.”
They are absolutely right and one of the first things they
will find is how disingenuous and dishonest the news media has been to include
The Telegraph.
As we all know Barack Hussein Obama was elected to the
Office of President of the United States.
Obama then appointed Eric Holder as Attorney General of the
United States. Holder was the first Black American to hold the position of
Attorney General of the U.S. this was a historical event, one of those “…history-making
moments.” The Telegraph referred to in their endorsement.
Due to Holders dishonesty and incompetence involving “gunrunning”,
“fast and furious” and other things which resulted in some of the weapons
being connected to the death of two federal agents and hundreds of
Mexican Nationals, Attorney General Eric Holder was cited for “Contempt
of Congress”, another one of those “…history-making moments.”
To protect the first Black Attorney General the first Black
President of the United States declared “Executive Privledge”. This was
another one of those “…history-making moments.”
The Telegraph reported none of this. In fact they declared
it “all politics” and used that as the reason for not reporting
these “…history-making moments.”
Then 56 days prior to the upcoming presidential election
there was the beginning of another one of these “…history-making moments” which
The Telegraph has not reported.
We are talking about the act of war on September 11 against
the United States and the death of an Ambassador, two former Navy Seals and a
Foreign Service Tech. Everyone who has followed this knows it did not interfere
with Obama’s reelection campaign. The next day he was off to a fund raiser.
This is serious and in the Armed Forces would have great consequences.
There has been nothing but deceit and lies by the Obama
Administration in an effort to cover up the dereliction of duty by this
administration. The Telegraph has ignored it.
The Obama Administration made an attempt to link this to what they called a spontaneous act of a mob as a result of some film which no one had ever heard of.
It did not work. It was evident to the entire world when the news got out that it was an organized terrorist attack. This was after Obama telling the world that Al-Qaeda is on its heels.
The Obama Administration made an attempt to link this to what they called a spontaneous act of a mob as a result of some film which no one had ever heard of.
It did not work. It was evident to the entire world when the news got out that it was an organized terrorist attack. This was after Obama telling the world that Al-Qaeda is on its heels.
In response to a letter
from Charlie McCutchen (Cover up?)of Macon, Georgia questioning their cover
up the editors responded that:
“Since the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya on Sept. 11, The Telegraph has published more than 25 stories regarding the issue either in print or on our website.”
As for The Telegraph’s assertion by the editors that
they “…published more than 25 stories regarding the issue either in
print…” or on their website. - we can say this.
We do not know about the website but we can speak to the
print. The stories were long on cover up and short on useful information.
Sept. 11th to October 26th there were 22
stories in print, of these 7 were in the “In Brief” section and
contained a total of 1074 words which amounts to about one story. There were
some 50 reference to the film, the video or the move and each one of these were
linked to the death of the U.S. Ambassador and the three Americans.
Reasonable people can say The Telegraph’s “stories” were more cover up than news.
Reasonable people can say The Telegraph’s “stories” were more cover up than news.
The Telegraph did not address “the issue”. The issue is
Obama’s attempt to cover up an act of war against the United States and the murder
of a U.S. Ambassador, two former Navy Seals and a Foreign Service Tech.
What The Telegraph did is repeat the cover up Obama was peddling much as they did when rendering aid to Bill Clinton. There is a link to everything The Telegraph published at The Telegraph’s cover up of Benghazi.
The Telegraph's aid to the Clintons can be see at; The sordid saga of The Telegraph and Bill Clinton!
What The Telegraph did is repeat the cover up Obama was peddling much as they did when rendering aid to Bill Clinton. There is a link to everything The Telegraph published at The Telegraph’s cover up of Benghazi.
The Telegraph's aid to the Clintons can be see at; The sordid saga of The Telegraph and Bill Clinton!
With The Telegraph’s history of dining off of the taxpayer’s
dime and pedaling influence
for employment this should not come as a surprise to no one.
Reasonable people can conclude that this is the most
appalling and serious breach of trust by a President of the United States in
the History of this Great Nation. If we look back to Richard Nixon and
Watergate we have to remember no one was murdered. That was only a break in and
a cover up.
Obama made an attempt to cover up an act of war and murder
while The Telegraph has done their best to help. We find this disgusting.
We are not implying anything here but it does remind us of
what The Telegraph says about “lawmakers” who do this sort of
The Telegraph tells us that;
“However, it sort of makes the lawmakers who changed their votes look a little slimy, because everyone knows why they did it. They were like two-bit whores who bellied up to the taxpayers’ bar and declared, ‘I need to bring home the bacon. My no vote will turn into a yes vote once my palms get greasy with pork fat.’”
We might also note The Telegraph had no trouble with and did
not report any of the lies and back door deals which cost the taxpayers’
hundreds of millions of dollars to pass Obamacare.
Links to the numerous stories about this can be found at: Obama’s Promises On Transparency And Ethics Leave Much To Be Desired
And of course there is the description of the Bibb County
School Superintendent Dr. Dallemand by a very astute lady who called in and
talked to The Telegraph’s “News Talk Central”.
Perhaps she did not go far enough and maybe this description applies to The Telegraph also.
Have a nice day.
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