The Telegraph tells us that: “There is an ugly, seedy side
of politics that has brought us to this Red State/Blue State impasse.” Or as
The Telegraph put it back in 2008 when the “lawmakers” did not do as The
Telegraph thought they should, The Telegraph tells us:
“However, it sort of makes the lawmakers who changed their votes look a little slimy, because everyone knows why they did it. They were like two-bit whores who bellied up to the taxpayers’ bar and declared, ‘I need to bring home the bacon. My no vote will turn into a yes vote once my palms get greasy with pork fat.’”
The Telegraph points out that:
“This is a bipartisan tactic. While Republicans are to blame this go-round, Democrats did the same thing when they were in power. The party in power controls the district lines for local, state and federal offices.”
However it is only when the “Republicans” do this that The
Telegraph resorts to descriptions such as the “ugly, seedy side of politics” –
and how they “look a little slimy”. But the best of all is when The Telegraph
compares “lawmakers” to “two-bit whores” While this might be so The Telegraph
fails to point out a Democrat is much worse than a Republican.
Reasonable people may conclude that the above description could
also apply to The Telegraph.
We hear no such descriptions from The Telegraph when the
Democrats are doing this. We might also note that when Democrats are having problems
with ethics and integrity it is a standing rule according to President and
Publisher George McCanless in an e-mail to us back in July of 2010 that this
does not rate coverage because they have not “…been convicted of anything yet….”
And to be sure we got the point The Telegraph President and Publisher tells us
that: “…I trust you get the message.”
This is the standard they have used during the Obama
Administration, just look back and see what you find on the gunrunning linked
to the death of at least three Federal Agents – the death of hundreds of Mexican
Nationals – Attorney General Eric Holder’s “Contempt of Congress”. When Obama declared “Executive Privledge” to
cover up the crimes of Holder that was ignored also. As can be seen in the video
clips, it was “all politics”
Then there was the Death of the U.S. Ambassador and three
other Americans serving their country in Libya. These people died because of
the Obama Administration’s incompetence.
Once the Obama Administration set out to cover it up The
Telegraph abandoned all pretence of journalistic integrity and joined whole heartily.
Now there is the fact that Iran is firing on our aircraft
which was on a “routine mission” and the Obama Administration declared this act
of war classified and withheld the information from the people of this Great
Nation. Now that it has come out The Telegraph will not cover it. Even CNN reported
this at: Iranian
jets fire on U.S. drone
The Telegraph will not even give the Bush Administration credit
for setting the stage for the Obama Administration’s head long lunge to destroy
the economy of this Great Nation. This might be because the actual ground work
was laid by the democrats, i.e. Senator Dodd and Rep. Barney Franks with their NINJA loans. (No
Income No job no assets).
Of course The Telegraph ignored the fact that Rep. Barney
Frank’s boyfriend Herb Moses was enriching his self at the taxpayers’ expense. None
other than Michael Barone reported on this at his: “Democrats
Were Wrong on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac”.
Of course Senator Dodd was up to his ears in sweetheart
loans as can be seen at Dodd's
Peek-A-Boo Disclosure.
This might be because Bill Clinton was also involved in this
fiasco. The article by Bloomberg Businessweek touches on how both Clinton and
Bush were involved. It seems as if:
“President Bush continued the practices because they dovetailed with his Ownership Society goals, and of course Congress was strongly behind the push. But Clinton and his administration must shoulder some of the blame.”
The Telegraph has
been scamming the people for years but when President and Publisher George
McCanless came to town and Obama went into office The Telegraph gave up all
pretense of any integrity.
The description of a
caller pertaining to the Bibb County Board of Education Superintendent, Dr. Dallemand,
seems to be apt and we think it can be applied to the con-artist at The
Reasonable people when dealing with The Telegraph may conclude that that The Telegraph has learned the lesson well that you can not con the people by telling the truth. They may also note how The Telegraph like their co-harts in the media do their best when they operate like "a thief in the night."
Have a nice day.
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