Back during the last administration The Telegraph used some
pretty vile language to describe what they called “the lawmakers”, The
following is the paragraph and the language they used in its entirety.
Reasonable people may conclude this is an apt description of The Telegraph.
“However, it sort of makes the lawmakers who changed their votes look a little slimy, because everyone knows why they did it. They were like two-bit whores who bellied up to the taxpayers’ bar and declared, ‘I need to bring home the bacon. My no vote will turn into a yes vote once my palms get greasy with pork fat.’”
It has been about nine days now since the media decided
they need to get rid of Herman Cain. Politico launched the attack and word
on the street is they have run some 90 stories about the subject in the last
nine or ten days.
Of course this is right up the alley of President and Publisher George McCanless and the staff of The Macon Telegraph. The Telegraph has come a long way since they were running defence for the pervert and common criminal Bill Clinton.
The Telegraph has been at it since Washington gave the cue for the games to begin. The bigots at The Telegraph charged forward and nothing and we mean nothing would deter them from their task. After all when we look back, who can argue with their success in carrying the banner for the Clinton administration and the denigration of the last administration? Forget honor, honesty and integrity, when it comes to serving the masters in Washington none of this matters, just keep your eye on the goal, in this case the “hi-tech" lynching.
The Telegraph launched with an article titled “Cain’s momentum still going; South could be pivotal”. This is used to draw attention to how “…he’s survived several high-profile campaign blunders and an onslaught of attacks on his signature 9-9-9 tax overhaul plan." They then point out he is not doing like he is told. They tell us “…he’s doing things his own way.”
Then after more rhetoric they get to their point with the question; “But is the Cain bubble going to burst?” This is what the reader must bear in mind.
Then on Oct. 31st with another article titled “Top Cain aide in commercial has checkered past”. Here is an absolute must to point out the “Top Cain aide…” is an individual “…with the mustache who takes a rebellious drag on a cigarette in the Herman Cain…” ad. The cigarette gets top billing, is it because of a connection to Cain? Obama’s smoking has been ignored. If the cigarette is important in one instance why is it ignored in the other. Maybe bigots don’t think that way.
According to The Telegraph’s story “…Block, a Republican strategist and tea party leader who’s left a trail of questionable campaign work behind him.” There are two points here, one insignificant, the other maybe an indication of bigotry. The first, have you noticed how the occupiers like in Occupy Wall Street are started with a capital letter and how the Tea Party is always written with lower case letters? Then who is the judge in their “questionable campaign work”.
The article then runs the gauntlet with Block’s problems:
Block “…was banned from running Wisconsin political campaigns for three years to settle accusations…” The reason he supposedly “…coordinated a judge’s re-election campaign with a special interest group.”
He faced “…foreclosure on his home, a tax warrant by Internal Revenue Service…” There was “…lawsuit for an unpaid bill.” And “…was arrested twice for drunken driving.” Former staffers “…say Block broke promises."
Of course the bigots in the media have to work in his connection with the supposedly notorious Koch brothers.
The article churns out a total of 992 words, anything they can make derogatory is packed in especially if they can connect it to Cain.
Of course when they were carrying the banner for Clinton none of this happened. It is like the God faring life of Can's accusers.
Let’s note that The Telegraph has run an additional 13 articles after the one above. All of them but one had Cain’s name in the article heading. The one, which did not, was run in the Brief section of the paper.
Today November 10th The Telegraph in the briefs section devotes 126 words to Karen Kraushaar who; “…settled her sexual harassment complaint against Herman Cain and quit the trade association…”
The 126-word piece in The Telegraph sort of skimmed over her want list, which she filed at the immigration service. According to The Telegraph their information came from the AP. Well maybe we should look at the way AP put it.
“To settle the complaint at the immigration service, Kraushaar initially demanded thousands of dollars in payment, a reinstatement of leave she used after the accident earlier in 2002, promotion on the federal pay scale and a one-year fellowship to Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, according to a former supervisor familiar with the complaint. The promotion itself would have increased her annual salary between $12,000 and $16,000, according to salary tables in 2002 from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.”All this over a “relatively minor” complaint by Kraushaar! We are told! To read the complete article you can see it here.
It appears to us that this is a part of The Telegraph’s strategy. However, you notice they have not addressed Sharon Bialek’s problems. This individual is a work of art. When her past is laid out she comes across as a gold-digger. Any details about her would under mind this “hi-tech” lynching The Telegraph seems to hope to accomplish. You can see what we said about that here.
What makes the action of The Telegraph in today’s (November 10, 2011) paper so interesting is the fact they picked the accuser that appears to have the least amount of problems to use in the Brief section. You can see it here.
The Telegraph then leaves it to Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post to do the heavy lifting.
The Telegraph takes her column titled “Herman Cain’s ever evolving woman problem” and spreads it across the top of the page from edge to edge. They do not want anyone to miss this. Before we go on let us review some of the past articles in this sleazy episode.
In the articles and columns in The Telegraph since the beginning of this sordid affair, the words used have been “allegations”, “accused” “allegedly”, etc.
Now all of a sudden in an apparent attempt to escalate the charges and establish some validity to them, The Telegraph uses Kathleen Parker’s “Herman Cain’s evolving woman problem”. After it is placed in the most obvious location on the page we find in the first paragraph that there has been “a past sexual transgression involving the former pizza executive.” Is this meant to be a statement of fact?
No proof other than rumors i.e. “hi-tech” lynching.
We are assured that there is “Corroborating testimony via written statements from two other individuals…” We have to trust these people have a perfect recollection of all the facts after 14 years. No proof of the “Testimony” is provided, and as we understand it no one read these written statements. Apparently both individuals are alive and healthy so where are they. This could be like the “…folded newspaper [that] was tossed into the hopper to serve as a bill…” during the Roosevelt administration. (Page 11 center of the page – The Roosevelt Myth by John Flynn). See it here.
The bigots at The Telegraph through Kathleen Parker go on to tell us that “…Herman Cain is a predator…” again there is no proof just innuendos rumors and bigots, disgusting bigots! How can Parker and The Telegraph make a statement like this without proof?
You can see Parker’s summary of rumors and innuendos which she with the help of The Telegraph tried to sell as the truth under the title of “Herman Cain’s ever evolving woman problem”
No honor, integrity, or honesty has been exhibited anywhere. The journalist and so-called journalism in this case has deteriorated to the point that it is disgusting.
Is this another incident that seems to prove we are not going to get the truth from The Telegraph. We have to believe they think that their bigotry will prevail.
That is our opinion, we would like to hear yours. You can reach us at
Have a nice day.
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