Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Telegraph The Talks and The Joke

When reading the following there are a few things we should remember about the Associated Press and the McClatchy owned paper, The Telegraph.

As the Ku Klux Klan “…was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party…” the AP and McClatchy Newspapers to include The Telegraph have become the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. Apparently they have abandoned all pretense of journalistic integrity.

One of the more disgusting things about this is Mercer University President William D. Underwood has acquired the help of The Telegraph in order to help teach this type of journalism to future journalism students at Mercer. This is disgusting.

One of the latest cons orchestrated by The Telegraph was their cover-up of the fast and furious gun running by the Justice Department and the Obama Administration. This disgrace cost the life of three Federal Agents, hundreds of Mexican Nationals and resulted in a “Contempt of Congress” for Attorney General Eric Holder. This in turn resulted in a declaration of “Executive Privilege” by Obama to protect Holder.

 In spite of all of this the following video clips show how The Telegraph handled everything. They declared it all politics and declared they would devote no time to it.

Of course the real reason is more likely to be as The Telegraph Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall says to omit “…things that might give voters pause.” This is probably why the following article was chosen for today’s attack on the Republicans.

You can rest assured anything you find in The Telegraph about the financial talks will have a heading that blames and/or denigrates the Republicans. The Bigotry of The Telegraph will be like a blinding light.

What The Telegraph used on this occasion is “Cliff’ talks: White House waiting on GOP move”.  Of course the heading of the article and the article is carefully crafted to blame the GOP. You will find nothing about Treasure Secretary Tim Geithner being a tax cheat. Of course reasonable people may reason that this makes Obama’s treasure Secretary a liar and a thief also. This is a common problem with a Democrat and that may be why they do not mind raising taxes, they do not pay them.

The article starts off criticizing the Republicans for what Geithner calls “political math” whatever that is. It seems the problem is that the GOP will not “…say how much they are willing to raise tax rates on the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans and then specify the spending cuts they want….”

Of course the scam-artist at AP and The Telegraph find nothing wrong with the fact that the Obama Administration has not passed a budget since he has been in office contrary to Federal Law. The Telegraph did not report this as they decided not to report Obama’s “Contempt of Court” and other things which show contempt for the laws of this Great Nation. 

The press forward with this scam by telling us “…that when pressed on 'Fox News Sunday' for precise details, the Ohio Republican declined to say.” AP and the con-artist at The Telegraph ignore the fact that the Obama Administration and his lying tax cheating Secretary of the Treasury do not have any more “precise details” than Boehner, but this they must cover-up.

As you can see The Telegraph and the media stay well away from bringing up the fact that Obama is a complete failure when it comes to providing leadership. There can be a reasonable argument made that this is the result of one of two things. Number one, Obama has no leadership ability and cannot provide leadership. Number two is the fact that Obama wants to take the economy over the so-called “Fiscal Cliff”.  

In fact AP is reporting that very thing. They tell us that: 
“It may be just a bluff or a bargaining ploy, but the White House is signaling that President Barack Obama is willing to let the country go over the "fiscal cliff," a hard-line negotiating strategy aimed at winning concessions from Republicans on taxes.”
It has become clear that Obama does not care what happens to the country as long as he enjoys the perks of the office and they are expensive perks. This is covered by Alex Pappas at the Daily Caller. The title of the story is “Taxpayers spent $1.4 billion on Obama family last year, perks questioned in new book."

The people of middle Georgia will no more get the truth about the negotiations from The Telegraph than they were told the truth about the allegations against Herman Cain. You can see the scam performed by The Telegraph on Mr. Cain at: The Telegraph's "hi-tech" lynching of Herman Cain!

Then there was also The Telegraph’s cover up of the Criminal Action of Attorney General Eric Holder and Obama’s Justice Department. That can be seen at: The Telegraph's con on "Fast and Furious"

We feel comfortable when we say The Telegraph’s coverage of the talks will be just another scam by The Telegraph, McClatchy and AP.

Have a nice day. 

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