Friday, November 16, 2012

The remarkable scams of The Telegraph.

The Telegraph’s con of the people of middle Georgia is nothing short of dishonest. It is remarkable, after doing everything they could to denigrate the last administration only to find out that the Obama Administration is the worst thing that has happened to this country since the Nixon Administration. Now they resort to a cop-out such as “…even with local news as its primary focus….”

The Telegraph’s Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall in her latest con job makes all this clear. In a recent column Marshall tells the reader that: “This newspaper, even with local news as its primary focus, has an obligation to explain to readers what is happening in our country and to our county.”   

This is more than a joke it is dishonest and misleading. There may be a self-imposed-obligation “to explain to readers”, however most people we talk to think a newspaper has an obligation to be honest and present the news as it is and in an honest and truthful manner, they also think this is a moral obligation.

Marshall tells us that now she is for "...a little more civility." of course this did not apply when Obama and his crowd was scouring the Nation for 97 year old women willing to used the motherf**ker word in Obama ads. 

It did not apply during the last administration when The Telegraph proudly told us:
“However, it sort of makes the lawmakers who changed their votes look a little slimy, because everyone knows why they did it. They were like two-bit whores who bellied up to the taxpayers’ bar and declared, ‘I need to bring home the bacon. My no vote will turn into a yes vote once my palms get greasy with pork fat.’”
Based on this one would assume that it would be acceptable to describe The Telegraph as "slimy" and label them as "two-bit whores". We will not do that, we will leave it up to you. 

For The Telegraph to represent the paper as “middle Georgia’s newspaper” and then omit and deceive the people about historical stories and information which are vital to the welfare and health of this Great Nation is nothing short of a con-job.

The most recent con perpetrated on the people of middle Georgia by The Telegraph is the absolute disaster in North Africa and the act of war committed at Benghazi. This resulted in the murder of our ambassador, two former Navy Seals and a Foreign Service Tech. This act of war and the four deaths which Obama passed off as “a bump in the road” was covered up by The Telegraph which made their conduct disgusting.

Marshall’s biggest joke here is her:
“Big news conglomerates, especially, didn't report critically about what President Obama knew about the attack in Libya; if the New York Times (whose stories The telegraph carries) won’t report a critical story, no other major news operation will either; Fox News is the only national news network that presents both sides of an issue; or Fox news will only report one side of an issue.”
It looks as if the above is deliberately written in such a way as to confuse. What is Marshall trying to say?

She tells us that “Big news conglomerates” will not “report a critical story” if the New York Times does not report it. That is absolutely disingenuous and dishonest and we have a feeling The Telegraph’s Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall knows it.

In an ambiguous way it looks as if Marshall attempts to put Fox News down, her ambiguity drives a nail in the heart of what she is attempting to do.

Miss flim-flam tells us that Fox News – does – and then she tells us that they do not. Which is it? We challenge Miss Flim-Flam to cite a story which “Fox News will only report one side of an issue.” 

This is not the first time The Telegraph has used this con.
In any event it cannot hold a light to the scam job The Telegraph’s Executive Editor Sherrie Marshall conjured up with The Telegraph's "hi-tech" lynching of Herman Cain!

This link lays out what The Telegraph did and it could have been nothing but deliberate. Although the troubled back ground and the names of the individuals making the allegations was on the street and available to The Telegraph they did not use it. We have to remember you cannot scam people by telling them the truth.

What The Telegraph did strains creditability and had to be deliberate?  On the other hand years ago The Telegraph joined the others in the media, formed a protective ring around the sexual predator, liar, perjurer and thief Bill Clinton that last till this day.

A prime example of this happened when on Jan. 23rd 1992 – The Star broke the Gennifer Flowers story. The Telegraph and AP began to prepare their attack mode to be used on the messenger. Then on Jan. 27th Flowers made the tapes available and something had to be done.

Jan. 28th – Here comes the clincher, only five days after Gennifer Flowers, The Telegraph in an editorial titled “Can one sleazy story destroy Clinton candidacy?” began to issue instructions.

The Telegraph tells the people of middle Georgia how they are to handle what they have characterized as “one sleazy story.” Their instructions were “Let’s be very careful and very specific in judging Gov. Bill Clinton, a leading Democratic presidential candidate in trouble with his past.”

The Telegraph assures us that “Clinton’s problem is not so much that his marital background includes infidelities; he’s admitted rough spots in his marriage.” But Clinton, the poor thing: “His problem stems from allegations in a sleazy supermarket tabloid that pays big money for its muck.”

According to The Telegraph Clinton’s problem is not that he is dishonest, willingly tells lies and indicates he is more than willing to tamper with witnesses both now and in the future. All of Clinton’s problems are caused by those “…allegations in a sleazy supermarket tabloid that pays big money for its muck.”

As late as August of 2003 The Telegraph was telling the reader that all Clinton did was he “…lied about having an illicit sexual affair with a woman…” they do not even mention the fact that it was an intern at the White House.

The entire time line can be seen at The sordid saga of The Telegraph and Bill Clinton!

Yes, The Telegraph has a lot of explaining to do but as Marshall proves here they have no intention of doing so or either they do not know how.

The history of The Telegraph’s dishonest and deceit goes back a long way. For people who knew then and know now what is going on The Telegraph has destroyed any creditability they may have had. 

With the arrival of President and Publisher George McCanless all semblance of journalistic integrity went out the window.

These people are disgusting.  Marshall rolled out this scam job on Sunday the eleventh of November. To see if she was sincere, just go back and check The Telegraph for what has happened in Washington since then. Look to see just how much The Telegraph explained about “…what is happening in our country….”

Remember Marshall tells us that “This newspaper… has an obligation to explain to readers what is happening in our country…”
Then the biggest scam of all is Marshall’s: “When we fall short, we expect you to call us on it.”

That is hard to do when they ignore any material which conflicts with the bigotry they put forth. For example the following video depicts what happened to one caller.

But then maybe this is not unusual for a paper which provides employment for editors which claim to have “God given rights to kill their children” as can be seen in the video clips.

The Telegraph also stands by while at least one of their editors goes into the public school system and threatens to kill the students. Yes these people are amazing!

We have to remember that Mercer University President Underwood has set these people up at Mercer to teach future journalism students. See moving in at Mercer University.

It is awful easy to reach the conclusion that The Telegraph like a vast majority of the media is quite comfortable operating like a thief in the night. They are comfortable making a living by dishonesty and deception.  

Have a nice day. 

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